
Chapter 79: One Condition

Teen Scream asked the guys of Innominate if they ever got tired of spending so much time together. Austin told us, "We're like brothers. We might get on each other's nerves now and then, but at the end of the day, we're all family."

Dani stood outside Nate's door, wondering if she should check on him or just leave him be. He was so quiet in the car, and she was wondering if he wanted her to check in. She had offered to take him to the hospital, but he refused. He was already moody enough about leaving his car at her mom's place and having to go get it again.

When the doorbell rang, she left her watch outside Nate's door and went to answer it.


"Figured I'd bring Nate's car by so he won't have to grab it tomorrow," he said as he held out the keys for her.

"He'll appreciate that."

"I did it for you, not him."

"What happened tonight?"


His short answer didn't sit well with her. Sticking a hand on her hip and giving him her best mom look she huffed, "Austin?"

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