
Chapter 68: I Could Go For A Beer

Everyone's favorite heartthrob, KT Parker, has something he's been hiding. A source close to the family says the band member of Innominate has a past that would shock anyone. It seems that KT grew up as Kruse Anderson. His mother spent years as a prostitute and a drug addict. To escape home life, KT turned to stripping. No wonder he's got the moves on stage.

KT looked around the apartment not knowing what to think. All the time he'd been with the guys, no one had put two and two together with his past. He hadn't exactly kept it a secret, but he wasn't talking about it either. Now the whole world knew. The press had gotten ahold of the information, and they had run with it. No one had called to check on the facts, and no one had given him a heads up. Swell.

"They keep saying 'a source,'" Austin said. "You think it's Holly?"

"The thought crossed my mind."

"Want me to call the lawyer?" Nate asked.

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