
Forming the Squad

With Sam joining the fray, it was now four on one again. The fight continued for another hour,

"It seems like this guy has unlimited stamina," Christian said as he tried to hit Johnathan from behind.

"I can't keep this up any longer," Sam added while he tried to regulate his breathing. Wilson tried to grab Johnathan's back, but it was useless due to Johnathan grabbing one of Wilson's wrists with both hands. Johnathan brought it over his shoulder and flipped Wilson. The fight was reduced to close combat with only their fist and feet, due to the lack of ammunition and broken weapons courtesy of Johnathan. The sun was slowly setting, which indicated that the group's deadline was coming to an end. The trio was left lying down on their backs gasping for air, while Alice was sitting on a rock next to them with her rifle next to her. She was currently cleaning it, while Johnathan sat next to her smoking a cigarette.

"So, what kind of jobs do you pick up?" Alice asked while she began to assemble the rifle back together.

"Odd jobs here and there. Although I may have you do something else. While the other three, you fit for a couple of roles I want to produce." Johnathan replied.

"Now that I think about it. You look very familiar." Christian said while taking deep breaths. Johnathan smiled at him, while everyone else began to connect the dots.

"No way! You can't be him!" Alive shouted and began to scrounge in her bag for something. Sam and Wilson just looked at her in disbelief. Soon she pulled out a magazine with Johnathan posing on the cover that read "Best Actor/Director Award!"

"You're THE Johnathan Takahashi! Director, Actor, Author!" Alice shouted with lights in her eyes.

"What in the hell are you doing this kind of stuff for?" Christian asked with a puzzled expression.

"Calm down, Christian. Everyone has their Skeletons and Mr. Takahashi is simply doing what he wants." Wilson stated while eyeing Johnathan.

"Please just call me Johnathan. Mr. Takahashi is too formal since we are all partners now." Johnathan added.

"Well, Johnathan. Are you going to tell us the reason or are you going to keep us in suspense?" Sam sarcastically replied.

"Sure, I would be glad to. Although this is not the place to discuss important things." Johnathan stated. Everyone began to look around and noticed that it was already dark. The wild animals began to roam the area for food.

" I agree. This place is not very pleasing for me." Alice started while dusting her clothes and tying up her hair into a ponytail.

" We've been in worse environments and you didn't complain?" Wilson asked while smirking. Alice glared at him, while Sam and Christian began to chuckle. She turned towards the duo with a death glare and they both turned away. The group began to make their way to the destination set by Johnathan. After an hour of driving, the group made it to an open area with nothing in sight.

" I don't mean to be rude, but can you tell me again why are we going out this far for?" Sam questioned.

"I with Sam on this one. Honestly, this is making me question your leadership and job offer." Christian added. Johnathan just laughed at the two complaints. He finally pulled over to the side and got out of the vehicle. He began to walk a little further in a random direction. Everyone began to sigh and follow him. Johnathan pulled out a remote switch and pressed one of the many buttons. It activated a hidden door that began to rise, making the sand fly everywhere. The group began to cough due to the sand storm, except for Johnathan and Alice who covered herself with a scarf. The group was in awe at how large the door was. Johnathan. clicked another button and lights began to flicker on revealing a stairway.

"Watch your steps," Johnathan said as he began to make his way down.

"This is a great place for a hideout." Christian eagerly said as he hopped after Johnathan. Alice just chuckled at Christian's childish behavior.

"Looks like his closet is bigger than we thought," Sam added. After a few minutes, the group finally made it to the underground base. The room size was about a football field, it was filled with generators, top-of-the-line computers that were wired to giant signalers. There sat a giant table in the middle of the room, along with a giant monitor in front of it with a holographic keyboard. On another side was full of training equipment, a caged octagon, and a Boxing ring. There was also a Shooting range that was next to the kitchen area. Christian let out a whistle as the group made their way to the table.

"Welcome to our headquarters. This place will be our main area for everything and anything." Johnathan started.

"Looks like you have everything we need here," Sam said as he looked around.

"Nice shooting range," Alice added

" How long were you planing all this stuff?" Wilson asked.

"Ever since I encountered strange things in this world," Johnathan replied.

"So what's the next step?" Christian asked.

"We train your bodies so that you all can handle this new tech," Johnathan answered as he walked towards a wall. Johnathan pressed on a hidden switch within the wall. The wall began to rotate, revealing giants signs of a dark blue stag beetle, a purple scorpion, a yellow wasp, and a light blue dragonfly. Under these signs sat mechanized versions of them. Johnathan then summoned KZ and turned his belt into the rider belt. Kz attached itself to the belt.

"Henshin!" KZ shouted and soon Johnathan was enveloped by red and silver armor.

"You're... Kabuto!" Christian exclaimed,

"Damn, what did I get myself into this time?" Sam asked himself while grabbing his head in exhaustion.

"Looks like our lives are going to be even more hectic," Wilson replied.

"I don't know, but it seems like it may be even more fun. Knowing we are working with an anti-hero." Alice stated.

"It's not that different from what we do anyway," Wilson stated while Alice and Sam nodded. But the only one who was out of the loop was crouched in the corner mumbling to himself.

"Do you think he will be alright?" Alice asked while hiding her smile.

"I'm sure he just needs some time," Johnathan stated.

"Now onto the next thing," Johnathan added while walking towards the Zecters.

"I wonder who gets what?" Johnathan said while everyone else was puzzled by his question. He pressed another button to activate the Alters. The zecters were shocked to life and began to slowly move around.

"What the hell are they made of?" Sam asked as the Scorpion Zecter began to make its way to him. The Dragonfly Zecter flew near Alice and began to hover around her.

"These things seem like they have a mind of their own," Wilson said as the dark blue staff beetle climbed upon him. Everyone was intrigued with them, but soon they heard a scream from the corner.

"What the hell is this thing! Get it away from me!" Christian shouted while he ran away from the Wasp Zecter. The Zecter seemed to enjoy chasing him, so it sped up even faster. Everyone began to laugh at the scene. Pretty soon the four Zecters sat on or next to their respected people. Alice had the Dragonfly, Sam with the Scorpion, Wilson along with the Stag beetle, and Christian with the Wasp.

"So we are supposed to combine with these things?" Christian asked as he warily carried the Zecter. Johnathan then grabbed a rider belt and handed it to Wilson. He then grabbed a purple katana with mechanized material and gave it to Sam. He handed Christian a Rider wrist guard, lastly he handed Alice a mechanized handle with a trigger.

"What are these for?" Sam asked as he swung the katana around,

"This thing is heavier than it looks," he added. Soon the Zecters began to resonate with the Rider accessories.

"They'll show you soon enough," Johnathan said. Just then the dark blue beetle attached itself to Wilson's rider belt. Soon he was enveloped by a dark blue and silver armor with twin blasters attached to his shoulders. The purple Scorpion attached itself to the hilt of Sam's katana. Sam was enveloped in purple and orange armor with oxygen tubes connecting from the chest to the mask with a Scorpion tail emerging at the top. The Wasp attached itself to the Christian's rider wrist guard and he was enveloped with yellow and silver armor. The face mask was in the shape of a honeycomb. The dragonfly slowly descended onto the handle, and soon Alice was enveloped by a light blue armor with one oxygen tube from the helmet connecting to her chest armor.

"Woah, this is pretty wicked. I feel full of energy!" Christian shouted as he began to shadowbox.

"Wow, I can see the target as if it was just a foot in front of me," Alice said as she aimed the Dragonfly gun at it. She pulled the trigger and a light blue bullet shot out and hit the center of the target.

"What's this feeling of toxication?" Sam asked as he swung around the katana. He pressed on the button attached to the hilt and black ooze began to drip off the tip. It began to melt holes on the floor.

"Epic!" Sam said, Wilson walked over to the weights and grabbed one of the giant 600lbs balls. He lifted it with ease and began to toss it around in the air. But soon all four of them felt extreme pain and all of them fell to the ground.

"What the hell is this pain!" Christian shouted.

"Hmm, you guys lasted longer than I thought. 10 minutes is pretty good." Johnathan said.

"Make it stop!" Alice shouted,

"All you have to do is say is deactivate. The Zecters already bonded with you guys." Johnathan replied.

"Deactivate!" all four of them shouted and the armor dematerialized. All four of them were sweating profusely,

"Now that you guys have got a taste of power and pain. We will be able to train more easily." Johnathan said while smiling. All four of them had one word in their head,


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