
Hosu City

"You know it's rude to attack somebody especially since you invited them to come all the way out here"

"Now why would you attack me right in the middle of nowhere..."

" Rabbit Hero: Mirko?"


Both of them stood in complete silence as Shin waited for a response. Nature filled the air as the birds were chipping and the windes breezed through the air

Unbeknownst to Shin, Mirko didn't know what to say as she was completely shocked by what just happen. for what she heard from All Might himself, She knew that Shin was extremely strong. So strong that even pro heroes would have to be wary

But to her, that didn't matter. She wanted to experience it herself how strong he really was. She didn't believe in the hype that everyone was on about and believed that he was above average and was nothing special

But everything changed in an instant. Even with the element of surprise, he was still able to doge everything she sent at him. He was so fast that she attacked an afterimage of himself which resulted in her defeat

Just in one short fight. she was able to perceive the strength difference between them

Who can give birth to such a monster?

He truly deserves the title of king

Before she went on the main topic, she asked him a question "Just how much you were holding back?"

Shin chuckled and removed the scythe from her neck "Don't misunderstand Mirko. You are strong and many won't be able to beat you. But comparing you to me is like comparing a doe to a Great Ape. there's just somethings that you can't overcome"

"Now tell me, why did you make me come all the way out here?" Shin said as he placed the scythe on his shoulder. He didn't want to say here any longer than he wanted to

She just sighed and began to talk business "Theres' two reasons why I wanted to you come here. One was because I wanted to fight you. I wanted to see what was all hype about you. The second reason Is to personally tell you we're going to Hosu city"

Shin then remembered the arc from the anime and decided to play along "Hosu city? Why there of all places"

Bunny girl senpai started explaining "Besides being a perfect place for you to do patrol and deal with small trash villains. There's supposed to be a killer on the loose near the city. I presume that you know of the Hero Killer Stain?"

Shin nodded his head. " The man is known notorious for killing many Pro Heroes that go against his ideology. Who wouldn't know of him"

" I got a tip-off that he might be walking around in the city. More importantly, he might be in contact with the league of villains. It's our job to locate his whereabouts and bring him in for questioning"

She continues talking "Just to let you know, I don't usually work with other people as they usually let me down. I'm only giving you an exception due to how strong you are. So don't disappoint me or consider this partnership terminated

Shin once again nodded his head as he knew how Rumi works and how she is a "Strong independent Hero that need no teammates". She gave a meetup time and as Shin was about to leave, he quickly dodged one of Rumi's kicks. She demanded he fights her one more time before he left. He checked the time and saw that he an hour before the new episode of space Australia aired and decided to give her the quickie before he left


"You know Master Roshi? When you told us that we would spend a few days here in Hosu city being on the lookout for villains, I thought it would be pretty fun"


It's been a few days since the Turtle School came here to Hosu city. Master Roshi told them that a dangerous villain was hiding within the city and it was their job to capture. The first few nights were nothing special and it was only after a few more days did Krillin realize that all of their search spots were oddly located near bathhouses

Master roshi placed his hand on Krillin's shoulder "My young student, there is still much for you to learn. You see, villains can appear anywhere and anytime so it's our job to keep all the citizens safe and happy. You see that girl over there?" Master Roshi said as he pointed out to a beautiful young looking woman walking towards the bathhouse

She was wearing a blue collar with a ribbon, a blue dress, black tights, blue legging. She also had a feline appearance as she had cat ears and a tail

"Even though she might look innocent enough. she might be concealing a weapon and might be going inside the female washroom to harm them. so it's my job as a TRUE HERO to prevent that. Now watch and learn my students"

He then started to walk towards her. The main reason why he came all the way here was to see all the beautiful and hot ladies. Why would anybody attack Hasu city? that would be extremely stupid

As he got closer and was about to use his irresistible charms to win her over that always worked, his heart stopped from what he saw

Instead of going into the women's washroom

She entered the Men's Washroom!

Master Roshi was completely shocked by what he saw and rubbed his eyes. Maybe he was just seeing things and everything would be fin when he opened up. sadly it was real as he read the sign that said, men

Master Roshi looked down at his hands in despair and began to question himself "Am I gay? nooooooo! All I did was look at an attractive person with no impure thoughts whats soever. I don't like men. Right?"

He then turned around and saw his students looking at him with sympathy in their eyes

Then both Goku and Tien placed their hand on his shoulders and Tien spoke up "well Master Roshi. You know what they say in Space Australia"

"If there's a hole, there's a way"


"This Ramen shop is not so bad"

Inside a lonely ramen shop, You could see someone sitting on the counter eating 30 bowls of ramen

This, Someone, was Shin

It had been a few days since he departed to Hosu City to deal with the Hero Killer Stain. He had just finished his patrol all around the city was eating some delicious ramen

He was alone since Rumi wanted to go for a little more before she stopped for the night. Over the past few days and nights, both of them started to understand one another, and they started to form a friendship. He wouldn't say they're friends just yet but they're close

As he finished his last bowl of ramen, he suddenly heard an explosion from the outside. As he got up to look outside, He saw lots of people running away and saw multiple Nomus causing mayhem but that didn't shock him but was shocked he saw multiple androids 19's flying around. blowing up cars and causing damages everywhere

"What the hell? why are there multiple android 19's flying around? I need to to the bottom of this"

He then turned around and placed the yen on the counter and bowed "Thank you for the food Mr. lee"

Mr.Lee looked up from his comic book "Don't worry about it kid. Just go be a hero and do what you need to do"

Shin shook his head and started running outside. towards all the mayhem

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