
A Date




It was currently 8 in the morning. Shin would be normally up and training but today was an important day. He had a date with Momo. He had to wake up at a reasonable time so he could have the most energy for the day, Soon he would have to get ready so he can pick her up by 10

He then got out of the bed and walked towards Goku's room. He also had an important thing to do today. "Goku, Goku! Wake up!" After a minute of shaking him, he still wouldn't wake up. "Ahhhhh. Oh hey, Mina!"


As soon Shin said that Goku suddenly woke up "Oh wow, You're completely love-struck aren't ya?"

Goku just rubbed his eyes as Shin took away his precious sleep " You can't say crap about me. You feel the same way about Momo. So if I'm love struck, then your love-struck"

Shin just sighed as he couldn't talk back. Goku was right, he did fall for Momo. before Goku could say anything else, he quickly changed the subject " What time do you to pick up Mina?" Goku then got out of the bed and made his way to the kitchen "I have to pick her up at 11 so I'll go make breakfast while you take a shower and get ready"

Shin just said "Ok" and made his way to the bathroom where he took a 20-minute shower. After that, he made his way downstairs to eat breakfast before he got dressed. He took this chance to find out that Goku was planning on taking Mina on a dinner date. After a while of talking, Shin finally went to get dressed since it was currently 9. He came out of his room wearing a black leather jacket with a simple white shirt and some dark jeans and shoes. He looked and felt confident about his style and did some other necessitates like brushing his hair before he was ready and went downstairs

He turned to Goku was currently eating breakfast while watching TV "If you make it back home before me, make sure that you wash the clothes and clean the dishes. I'll see you later" He then walked out of the front door and made his way to Momo's address. She had given it to him yesterday when he told her he would pick her up personally

After a few minutes of flying, He finally made it to the Yaoyorozu residence. It was a beautiful mansion with fresh-cut grass and clean air. Shin made his way to the front door and before he could knock, the door opened up to a well-dressed man in a suit who looked like Momo's father. He did not look happy " So you're the bastard that's trying to take my daughter away from me"

Shin nodded "Yes sir I'm Son Shin! Nice to meet you

"What are you planning to do with Momo?"

"Take her to have a nice relaxing afternoon"

"How did you get without transportation?"

"I have my ways"

Before he could question any further, He heard Momo's voice from upstairs "Dad is Shin here?"

"He Is!"

"Ok! tell him to wait a minute!"

He then turned to Shin. He did not like him one bit "I want her back before 9. Don't you dare to be a minute late. if you do..." He leaned right into his face "I WILL FIND YOU"

Shin just chuckled " Don't worry sir, you don't have to worry about a thing. You don't have to be so cold. besides, if I wanted to... YOU WOULDN'T STAND A CHANCE" Shin usually didn't get pissed but the way her dad was talking to him and his annoying face that made Shin want to punch him, really set him off

"YOU!" before they fought a battle that would lead to the death, They heard Momo running down the stairs so they both quickly cut it off and pretend to have a civil conversation. you could still the veins on their heads though

When Momo came down, she was wearing a white formal shirt that went down to her elbows and was all buttoned up beside the first one with a red spring skirt that was all finished up with her hair in a ponytail and a small purse. It was a breathtaking sight as it made her more beautiful than she already was

Shin was just awestruck as he saw her. it was truly a breathtaking sight until it was rudely interrupted by her bastard father " Ahem, stop gawking at my daughter!" Momo blushed while shin glared and was about to fire a ki blast until he calmed himself in time and apologized

"As I said before, I want her back before 9. If you don't I won't allow you to bring her out again. Both of you stay safe and try not to cause any problems" He then walked to the door and before he closed it, he turned to Shin " Don't try any funny business" He then proceed to slam the door

Shin proceeded to curse him out internally and before he actually did it, He turned to Momo "You look amazing. Are you ready" Momo just smiled "Thank you, you look amazing as well. wait.." she looked at the front gate " How did you get here?"

" I have something way better than any car" he started to chuckle

"What do you mea...." She then realized what he meant "Shin NO!"

"Shin YES!" he said as he picked her up princesses style and started to fly to their destination


After a few minutes of flying, they finally landed on a place somewhere near their location then he placed Momo down

"I told you no flying! You know how much I hate flying!" Momo yelled as she started hammering on his chest

Shin chuckled "You don't hate flying I saw how you looked over the city with stars in your eyes. You just had a bad experience"


"And you sounded very cute when it happened. I also did apologize so you can't be mad"

She couldn't help but sigh "How did I come to like an idiot like you?"

Shin just grabbed her hand as a response " You came to like a knucklehead that's all you need to know. Now let's get going before we miss the movie" Both of them started making their way hand in hand

And so went the entire day. Both of them went to multiple places starting from the movies then to a restaurant to an arcade and finally to a park which they currently strolling through. Both of them were mostly just enjoying each others company then the places they traveled

"What do you mean it's better than Megamind? Megamind will forever be the best movie ever made. It has character development. great characters, and an important theme."

"Despicable Me has that too. It also had higher views than Megamind and it didn't do as well a Despicable Me. It not always about the reviews but it also has a better story than Megamind so I'm going to have to disagree with you"

After a few minutes of arguing, they found a bench that had a good view of the sundown. it was 7 PM so it was almost time to go back. They sat down and continued talking

"You know? I always wanted to feel your tail. Can I touch it? Momo said as he looked at shin's tail wrapped around his waist

"My tail? I usually never let anyone touch my tail. it caused me to lose my strength entirely and unpleasant sensation. It took most of our lives to remove this weakness but even still, it's a little bit uncomfortable Why now all of the sudden?"

"It looks so soft and fluffy! It also looks like you keep it clean all the time. Please! only for a few seconds that's all I ask. I'll make sure to grab it gently"

Shin took a minute to think about it. and on the first hand, he really didn't like anyone touching his tail, even Goku and Gohan as it was uncomfortable. On the other hand, he didn't see why not. It didn't do anything besides mild discomfort and the way she was looking at him with those puppy eyes made it really hard to refuse. After a while of thinking, he begrudgingly allowed her to touch it for a few minutes and unwrapped his tail from his waist

"It's so Soft" she said as she gently grabbed his tail. She began to gently stroke it for a few minutes

"Alright, I think that's enou..." It's only been for a few minutes but shin was already feeling the effects and decided to end it. He thought that would be the end of it all until out of nowhere she put his tail on her face

"OH MY KAMI I NEVER FELT ANYTHING LIKE THIS! IT'S SO WARM, SOFT, FLUFFY! IT FEELS SO GOOD!" Momo was having a field day. never in her life has she felt something so warm and soft before. it was like heaven as she stroke and rubbed his tail at the same time

"MOMO PLEASE THAT'S E-HUGGGG!" While momo was having the time of her life, Shin was certainly not. It took him years of training and dedication to get rid of his weakness but none of it could prepare him for this. He could watch and feel as Momo continued to stroke him. Eventually, he started to feel really weird

unbeknownst to them, there were other people in the park and all of them were currently watching. since they were sitting on a bench, they couldn't clearly see what Momo was truly doing and yet they came to the same conclusion

Some people were looking in horror, Some started to walk away and pretend this never happened, and some looked over in envy

"Mom, what are they doing?


"Kids these days are freaky!"


After a good few minutes for Momo and the onlookers, she realized that she went too far and quickly blushed in embarrassment "I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to go so far. It just felt really good that I couldn't contain myself"

Shin was just panting really hard and after a few seconds, he spoke "I-I-its alright, I know it's just an accident and you didn't mean to go that far. Let's just get you home before your dad gets worried" He really didn't want to talk about it anymore as it was too embarrassing for the both of them so he decided to take about it anymore and just picked her up and flew her home. he didn't want to admit it but, something woke inside of him


[LOV Base]

currently, Shigarakiwas sitting on the counter having a drink. It looked like he was waiting for someone

After a while, a black portal appeared out of nowhere. Shigaraki looked to see kurogiri stepping out of the portal. Even though he didn't have a face, he looked like he saw something he would never forget

Shigaraki just smirked. It seems kurogiri's spying worked out

"It seems everything went according to plan. so tell me, what did you learn?"

"I don't want to talk about it"



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