
A Spar With Bang

Bang: "You're back I see"

Camden: "Yep, now where were we?" I said as I made my way in front of Bang

Bang: "Could you drop your weapon. Just for safety measures" He said as I pulled my sword out from my left waistline and laid it down to the sides. I forgot I had that equipped as I went back to face Bang

Camden: "Can we start now?" I asked him. Bang readied his stance and immediately charged at me without warning 'This old guy really thinks he could do that to me?' I thought as Bang launched his right hand towards my face. I managed to read his attack as I parried it away and launched my hand that was formed in a spear shape towards his stomach. I don't want to hurt the guy too much, even though he is a tough old dude. He's still old. Bang seeing this uses his knee to try and knock my attack away. With the help from the Rinnegan, I saw that knee from a mile away as I stop his knee using my other hand. Bang clearly shocked by what just happened didn't notice my attack on him on time, and that led to him getting hand speared right on his stomach by my arm. Making him stagger back with his hand aiding his stomach

Camden: "Can you still keep up old man?"

Bang: "With that outcome already. Probably not, but I still have some in me" He said as he rushed at me again, appearing in front of me instantly

Bang: "Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock" He said as both of his hands were covered in a blue aura. His eyes became filled with concentration as he unloaded a heavy fury of strikes towards me 'I don't even need the Rinnegan for this. Though let's leave it on since I already have it on' I thought as I launched my own combos against his. Our attacks clashed like a typical Dragon ball fight 'Damn it. He's got more stamina than I had anticipated for. I was looking to end this quick but no luck so far' Bang thought, slowly getting more and more overwhelmed by my fury of attacks

Camden: "It's over" I said to him as I dodged one of his attacks and launched a punch towards him. Bang realizes that it was too late to try and block or parry my attack away 'Is he taking this a little too far?!' He thought with fear, feeling the strength emitting from my fist as he was too overwhelmed to do much else

As the punch slowly flew to his face more and more. Bang closed his eyes as he waited for the punch to hit him, but of course, I stopped it just a few inches away from his wrinkling face. A shockwave was released as Bang flew back and was greeted by the wall

Bang: "*Cough* *Cough," He coughed hard, spit came out from his mouth as I scratched my forehead. Thinking I might have been a tiny little bit serious there but at least he didn't suffer any severe injuries

Camden: "Oops. Sorry old man, I was taking it a little too seriously there" I said as I let out a nervous chuckle. Bang looked at me with a dumb face as he was holding his breath

Bang: "You think? You could've killed me then"

Camden: "But I didn't so it's okay" I said as Bang just sighed 'Maybe I'll let him in on a promise' Bang thought, though he doesn't know that I was reading his thoughts 'What promise?'

Bang: "I guess you won then. Even I cannot compete with you"

Camden: "That was nothing to be completely honest with you"

Bang: "Is that so?"

Camden: "Yep, pretty much"

Bang: "Well, in that case. Why not listen to another of my unreasonable proposition"

Camden: "What is it?"

Bang: "Well I was thinking. Since you, hiding your 'True' powers from the whole world is your own secret and you said to me that I cannot share it with anyone. How about you also do the same to me"

Camden: "Um... Okay, I guess"

Bang: "I'm glad you have agreed"

Camden: "What is it all about anyway?"

Bang: "It's about my-"

*Knock* *Knock*

Genos: "Silverfang. Are you here?" The voice of Genos interrupted our talking. Though I really wanted to know what promise Bang was going to say. Unfortunately, he wasn't thinking about it so I did get to know

Bang: "I guess I'll tell you later then" He said as I nodded and went in front of the doors and heaved the thing open. Genos seeing me here out of the places I could have been, was surprised, to say the least

Genos: "Sensei? What are you doing here?"

Camden: "Ahh nothing. Just visited the old man Bang. You?"

Genos: "I was tasked to call Bang to the Hero Association so that the S-class meeting can commence"

Camden: "Oh, well can I come?"

Genos: "Hai! If the Hero Association calls all of the S-class, then it must be dangerous. We need your help as well Sensei" He said as I nodded

Bang: "Did I miss something boys?" Bang said as I turned around to see Bang behind me ready to go like nothing happened to him a few moments ago

Camden: "The Hero Association is holding an S-class meet-up. That's why Genos came here to find you. Right Genos?"

Genos: "Hai Sensei!"

Bang: "Well then let's go, If it needs all of the S-class then we might not want to waste time" Both me and Genos nodded as I was about to leave Bang's Dojo but he grabbed my shoulder

Bang: "You forgot this" He said as he pulled out my Katana. I grabbed it from him and placed it back on my left waist area. And now we were making haste towards the Headquarters of the Hero Association.


Lily: "Fubuki-sama. Where are you going?" She said to her as Fubuki glanced at her from behind

Fubuki: "I'll meet up with my sister at the Hero Association Headquarters. I might be gone for a while so inform the others about my disappearance" She said as Lily nodded her head and left. After a while, Fubuki waited for Lily to be out of sight anymore as she continued her way towards the Headquarters. Hoping to see not only her sister but someone that has been bugging her for some time now.

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