
Numbers Eveil Part 1

"GOOOOOOD EVENING! Residents of Heartland City!" A flamboyant man shouted at the top of his lungs as he spun and danced, ending his short performance as he spread both hands wide, showing the pristine clothing that he wore, the cane he held glinting under the shining lamp above him.

"I am Mr. Heartland! Mayor of Heartland City, and the event manager of the current World Duel Carnival!" The man expunged as he twirled the cane in his hand. "And I am here, to give you, the citizens of Heartland City, along with duelists from all over the globe who came to attend this grand tournament, to make an announcement."

Saying so the man tapped his cane onto the ground below him. "And that announcement, is none other than the World Duel Carnival… will begin soon!" He declared boisterously as he spread his hands wide once more.

He took a moment to pause, intentionally giving time for his announcement to settle in, before he raised his hands in front of him in a stopping gesture. "Now, I know what many of you out there are thinking. 'But Mr. Heartland! The World Duel Carnival is supposed to begin in three more days! Not in a few hours!'" He said, intonation and voice going into a higher pitch and morose as he imitated someone who had just heard the announcement he had made.

"And to that, I say yes!" And regained his bravado as he threw and catched the cane in his right hand, leaning forward and showing the wide grin that he sported. "I am a firm believer of the saying 'The early duelists gets the pack!' and this case is, in truth, not so different!"

The man leaned back and stood tall, both hands on his cane as he placed it right in front of him. "After all, even now, there are countless accomplished duelists from all across the world who came here for the World Duel Carnival in this city! What kind of man would I be if I let them wait even longer!"

Mr. Heartland expert twirled the cane in his hand, pointing its end forward as the twin orbs shone thanks to the light. "And now, with the announcement over, it's best to explain how the World Duel Carnival would undergo would it not?"

He raised his left hand, as he strolled to the left, and a wide screen appeared next to him that revealed three blank rectangles.

"And of course, what better way to start than with a grand beginning! And what else could be grander than with a Battle Royal! A free for all!" He shouted as he raised both hands again, as the two leftmost rectangles spun and revealed the word Battle Royal Day 1 and 2 respectively.

"Until the end of tomorrow, the preliminary round of the World Duel Carnival will commence as a grand Battle Royal! Where any participants can duel against one another in order to gain points!"

A twirl of his decorated cane allowed him to stay as the focus as he continued. "The area will be none other than the entire city! And those who would go out of the bounds during the duration, however, would sadly be counted as disqualified."

A twirl saw him spread his hands wide once more with flourish. "And what better way to determine points than by a duelist's own records! The points that you carry to begin with will be based on your win and loss ratio according to your duel disk!"

The flamboyant man's arms waved as he continued. "This means that accomplished duelists who have accrued many victories  would become great bounties that anyone could possibly defeat to gain a mass of points!" He shouted aloud.

"But of course, this isn't merely a scavenger challenge to defeat strong duelists, no, this is a Battle Royal!" He exclaimed. The screen beside him flickering and changing to the image of multiple figures facing against one another.

"Should you see a duel begin between two participants, then anyone, and by that I mean anyone, can enter and join in the duel! With a measly cost of half their starting Life Points!" He shouted, revealing the gimmick of the Battle Royal which was the beginning of the World Duel Carnival.

"The points however? Well, they would only go towards the duelist who deals the final damage and defeats their opponents." Mr. Heartland said with a mischievous grin. "So you all better watch out for that!"

He chuckled as he twirled the cane in his hand, tapping it onto the floor as he leaned onto it and continued. "But of course, that doesn't mean that anyone could simply interfere in the middle of a duel and simply grasp another's victory from their clutches then forfeit, all duels have to be finished! And a forfeit means forfeiting your points to your opponents!"

"He languidly flexed his arm up into the air, only to thrust his hand out at the camera with three fingers raised.  "Each duelist has three chances! Three losses during this preliminary stage of the World Duel Carnival means that they. Are. Out! And eliminated from the tournament!"

And with a smile, he raised a finger as he continued. "For fairness due to the battle royal rules however, duelists cannot duel against the same opponents. To prevent someone from forcing a duelist out straight from the battle royal of course."

Then his face went hard, the mirth that he had shown disappearing as he went serious. "Any and all violations of the rules, basic or not, will be punished by the cane and monitoring judges." His attitude returning to happiness is to go lucky once more.

Mr. Heartland took a moment to stop as he placed a finger on his chin, tapping it as he took on a questioning look. "But how would you get points quickly? Wouldn't that mean that you have to defeat as many duelists as possible in the mere span of two days?" He asked.

"Well worry not!" He answered himself as he spun in place, twirling his cane in hand. "For there is a simple way for you to get a large amount of points with merely a single duel!" He shouted, slamming his hand on the screen beside him as it shone, images swirling before it revealed a single word.

"Bounty!" The green haired man shouted, his words similarly mirrored by the screen beside him. "A bounty system will be implemented during the duration of the World Duel Carnival! The location of the duelists with the highest points around you will be shown on your duel disk!" 

 The screen beside him turned into an image depicting several white figures surrounding a person, depicted in red. A large golden sign written 'bounty' shining and flashing above their head.

"Work together! Work against one another! Do whatever you need!" The man tapped the screen once more, and the image that it showed switched into a circular shaped radar, showing several white dots and a singular blinking red dot. "Challenge them! Win! And your points will skyrocket by a large margin!"

And he gave a short laugh. "But if you lose? Well, your points would go to that very duelist of course! Making their bounty rise, higher and higher! Making them an even bigger target for others!" Mr. Heartland shouted with arms spread wide, his bright white teeth shining through his grin.

He twirled once again, flapping the coattails of his suit as he tapped his cane once again. "And the best will be the eight duelists who score the highest points in the coming days! Eight finalists who would enter a classic style tournament, determining who. Is. The. Best!" He shouted with flourish, waving his arms and spreading them wide.

"We are looking for the best of the best ladies and gentlemen! The strongest! Greatest! Smartest duelist to be crowned the champion of the World Duel Carnival!" The man shouted, Throwing the cane up in the air, only for it to be caught with an elegant twirl and tapped against the stage.

And then, leaned forward, showing a bright smile. "And that, could be you."

He snapped the fingers of his free hand as he continued. "The location of bounties and the points that you possessed can be found in the official site of the World Duel Carnival. Along with the more in depth explanation of the rules as well. Make sure to read them, because I sure know that some of you won't!" The man said with a cackle.

With all of that said, he once more tapped his cane as his eyes bored straight forward. "Go forth! Duelists! The path towards the future begins as soon as the clock strikes three! Don't forget to register the decklist that you will enter with! The first day of the World Duel Carnival will last for seven hours!"

Then he gave a grin straight towards the camera. "Entry for the World Duel Carnival will last until the last minute! With all that said, let the World Duel Carnival… commence!" And flourished as he spun and spread his hands wide.

The screen then cuts to black. Ending the transmission.


Heartland City was touted as the city of the future, one built on the foundation of ground breaking technology. A veritable paradise for those who lived in it, where most of your needs could be found.

Such was something that could only be done due to how advanced the city was, with how most of their residents' needs could be fulfilled, Heartland City turned its focus to the next matter of importance.


Along with the help of a certain top hat wearing duelist, the advancement of solid vision technology went through leaps and bounds, and along with it, the advancement of dueling styles.

Such was once again certainly helped by a certain entertainer taking time of his day to entertain the masses with his performances when he was not teaching on the laudable Heartland Dueling School.

Yet even without the focus on the newly advanced solid vision and dueling technology, Heartland City which focused on the development of entertainment and general technology made the city a veritable box of jewellery of entertainment. With a whole section of the city being an amusement park, and large screens plastered on buildings and walls to show the current raging fashion and upcoming events.

One of such things lay in the centre of the city's section, a shopping center  where many people gathered around as they watched the brand new announcement which had resounded throughout every corner of the illustrious city.

"That's… I can't believe this…" 

"No way! I'm not prepared to actually duel right now!"

"A card trader! I need to find a card trader right now!"

The same reaction was something that was shared by many others that watched the transmission. Whispers turned into shouts and roars as every word that left the man's mouth stoked the dueling spirits of all that listened

"Hmph." Serena hummed as she crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing as she watched the announcement that the flashily dressed man replayed across the many screens on the buildings, along with several holographic displays strewn around, and of course the large blimp that hovered in the city's sky.

"This stinks." Serena said with a frown as she watched the fancily dressed Mr. Heartland explain the rules for the city wide tournament once again, the video and its message repeating over and over again all across the city.

And she wholeheartedly agreed with her. They both certainly should know when something is blatantly suspicious. They knew of the Academia after all.

"H-huh?" The raven haired girl standing right beside her said aloud as she turned to her, the surprise clear on Ruri's face at her statement. "W-what do you mean Serena?" She asked her.

"I think Serena meant that this is suspicious." She added on, coming to her friend's defence. 

And Ruri turned to her with a questioning look, "What do you mean Mei?" The raven haired girl asked her to elaborate.

She does, of course. "The World Duel Carnival was-is supposed to be a world wide tournament right? That's in its name after all. It's an event that has quite a lot of backing to it, sponsored by big names companies and famous pro duelists. It should have a solid schedule that everyone agreed to. So for it to suddenly be forwarded like this…" She trailed off as she let out a sigh.

"I'll say that I also feel the same as Serena. This is quite suspicious." 

"Like I said. It stinks. Something doesn't seem right here." Serena said with a huff, taking her eyes off of the screen as she began walking out, breaking off from the crowd. And they all followed her.  

"That's…" Ruri said again, taking a moment as she crossed her arms in front of her as she followed suit. "Well… when both of you put it all like that then… I guess that makes sense." She said as she nodded her head, a small frown forming as she glanced back at the crowd that remained on the square of the mall that they were walking around in.

"A battle royal huh…" She muttered as she glanced left and right, watching people talking to one another animatedly, talking about the most recent announcement. Some were taking out their decks and began looking at their cards, while others were trading and selling cards with what time they had left.

"I don't think anyone will be prepared for something like that." She said with a grimace, just thinking of the complications that could happen with how the rule set of the tournament which was explained briefly. Letting people essentially pile on someone to gain all of their points, or rather for one to get all of their collective points was…

"This is definitely not like your normal tournament." Serena said aloud, the frown that was on her face twitching. "The preliminaries for it at least. If these two days somehow doesn't devolve into a mess, it'll be a miracle."

"I'm sure that the staff and the judges would stop something from going too far." Ruri said her own thoughts on the matter, tacked on with a small forced smile as she herself gave some thought into it. "But… I guess it would be quite troubling won't it?"

"I think so too." She said, agreeing with Ruri with a nod, and Ruri showed her a grateful smile. "Moving this whole schedule forward is suspicious. Incredibly so. But it's still a world scale tournament isn't it? I'm sure the security and such is top notch."

Yet, she gave Serena a glance, and she shared the same look as she does. This tournament was something that was supposedly planned for quite a while, so for it to suddenly be held a few days earlier than it was supposed to was already strange, but not that much alarming.

Only, this was a World scale event, as the name implies. Duelists from all across the globe were coming over to Heartland, the city of the future, to attend it. 

For a tournament of that scale to move their schedule up, and for it to be so sudden like this, was already ringing alarm bells for Serena and herself. And she doesn't doubt that some others would find it strange as well.

But what those people wouldn't know was of course, the danger that lurked waiting in time. The Academia and their planned invasion.

And there's always the possibility of them getting ambushed by them if they went alone, if they were already here anyway. Or worse, if they somehow mistook Ruri as Serena like they did and ambush her.

But in truth, neither she nor Serena knows truly what the Academia even meant by an invasion. Though Serena seemed to know more than her having overheard the Professor giving a speech of some sort to the illustrious Obelisk Force regarding their grand plan of invading the XYZ Dimension.

And having seen the XYZ Dimension herself, she could tell that it would be… unprepared. 

Not to mention that the invasion, whatever that meant, would be sudden for the residents of this world, but they would also be using a method of summoning that they have never encountered before.

It took Serena and herself quite a bit of time to even get to grips with how XYZ Summoning works, and then trying to perform the XYZ Summon themselves. Though that of course needed them to have access to XYZ Monsters themselves.

Well, sure they managed to find some XYZ Monster, what with it being the dimension's singular form of extra deck summoning, they found quite a bit of them being sold by card shops and card traders.

But finding ones that could actually work well and mesh with their own decks took a bit more time. Though she had at least found some that worked well.

"What do you think we should do then?" She asked as she stopped reminiscing, focusing on the present and the problems that they'll have to face now, since both Serena and herself had decided to throw their hats into the fold of the tournament, in order to gain momentum and for the enormous DP prize.

"Hm? What do you mean Mei? We just have to duel a lot of people or that bounty that he explained, win, and not lose three times right?" The indigo ponytailed girl asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing back at her as they continued to walk at a brisk pace.

"No, no, I mean what our plan should be." She elaborated. "With how the battle royal rules are, and how people can just jump in an ongoing duel, then it might be best if we have someone to watch over and stop something like that from happening."

Because that was surely what some people would do. Especially for duels against those bounties that are basically revealed to everyone.

People would wait for others to duel the bounty, wait until both duelists get their Life Points low, and swoop in to clear up and get all of the points.

"You want us to do something like that?" Serena said with a small frown, the disdain for the idea of ganging up against someone clear on her tone without her explicitly saying it aloud. The same look was held by Ruri, the raven haired girl frowning as she held a hand close to her head.

She shook her head as she gave her answer. "No. Not at all." She said, "I don't like the idea as much as you do, but it's a possibility, and something that people would most definitely do against us."

"Hm." The ponytailed girl hummed with a frown as she gave it a thought. And clicked her tongue as an annoyed look graced her face. "That sounds about right. With the ruleset that the tournament is in, people can just wait in line and interrupt in the middle of a duel and whittle down a bounty or something."

"Right." She nodded, having seen that Serena had reached the same conclusion that she had. "It isn't that much of a problem when you're probably starting out and not having enough points, everyone would probably start fighting one on one like usual. But as soon as you get enough points, or after you win against a bounty-"

"Then you'll be the new bounty. Since you'll have the most points then." Ruri understood her point immediately as she finished her sentence for her. "And then people would start coming for you, and possibly going in with others too."

The three fell into silence as they walked aimlessly, biding their time as they waited for the tournament to fully begin.

"But would grouping together even work?" The one to break the silence was the only raven haired girl among them, raising a question for the hypothetical situation that she had raised.

"Hm? How so?" She asked back, wanting to hear Ruri's reasoning for thinking so. "If we group up then we can stop someone from being overrun right? We can stop people from interrupting duels and the like."

"Well yes, but then what about the points?" The long haired girl pointed out, waving a hand forward as she presented her argument. "The case for stopping someone from interrupting a duel is fine, the possibility of people just keeping entering a duel over and over again sounds… draining to say the least." 

Yet even as she conceded that point she presented a problem with that strategy. "But then we wouldn't really have that many points wouldn't we? Personally that is." She said.

"Because if we're going through this together, then we'll share the points between all of us. Not to mention, even if we go against a bounty, then we would have to choose who would duel against them and get the points don't we?"

"And it's not like we can group against a bounty." Said Serena, adding her own points for the argument. "The rules said that a duel has to be finished. Which means that even if we do work together against a bounty-"

"We'd then have to fight against each other won't we? Darn it, I guess they actually thought about that then." She clicked her tongue as she bit her thumb and narrowed her eyes, fully understanding what the two of them were trying to point out. "And that's basically us giving all of our points to one of us, and trading our three chances to lose too."

"The ruleset does feel 'all or nothing'." Ruri muttered. "We can essentially only lose twice if we still want to be in the tournament. But even losing once means that we'll be at a large disadvantage because we'll lose all of the points that we have."

"That's true. And that means that if we lose on the second day, even if we haven't lost twice, we could basically be out of the tournament." The ponytail haired girl said, continuing Ruri's line of though and adding her own points by looking at the consequences of losing at the second day of the preliminaries.

"Ugh. The tournament hasn't even started and I already have a headache." She groaned out as she placed a hand on her head.  "Then with all that said… should we split up?"

"By the sounds of it, it's probably the best strategy if we want the most points." Serena nodded, a wolfish grin forming on her face. "And if people do start ganging up on any of us, then we can just beat them all. More points for us!"

Seeing her friend's enthusiasm brought out a giggle off of Ruri. "I guess that's true." She said with a small smile, something that she herself shared when seeing Serena's antics. Only for that smile to fade away as the girl's pink eyes widened. "Ah! I forgot!"

"Huh?" She turned to the raven haired girl at her sudden exclamation. "What's wrong Ruri?"

"Ah, no, it's just that I forgot about something that I needed to tell you two!" The long haired girl said as she gained both of their attention, and spoke. "It's something that nii-san and Yuto too said to tell the both of you."

"Shun? And Yuto too?" Serena said aloud as she crossed her arms in front of her, wondering what Ruri's brother and the Yuri look alike wanted to tell them.

"Right, nii-san said that we should watch out for Kaito." 

"Kaito?" She asked, wondering where this was going, and thought about it for a short second. "Well, I guess I would understand considering how strong he is but-"

"No, no. It's nothing like that Mei." Ruri said as she shook her head. "He said that something might have happened to Kaito. The last time that nii-san met him, he acted strangely. Like he wasn't himself anymore. He was really worried about him when I saw him at home." The girl said as she fidgeted, hugging her arm close as she glanced away

"That's…" She shared a look with Serena at Ruri's explanation, that very explanation sounding incredibly vague yet ominous. And was certainly sending alarm bells ringing inside her head.

"What did Yuto say then? And why aren't they here anyway?" Serena asked as she moved the conversation along, to which Ruri nodded and did so.

"Ah, nii-san and Yuto said that they were preparing something for the tournament, but I think they also didn't expect the tournament to be expedited like this, so they're probably also busy like we are with last minute preparations. Or more." The raven haired girl answered.

"But anyway, their messages! Well, Yuto actually warned me about two things." Ruri began, "First off was that we should watch out for some unusual XYZ monsters. I think he called them Numbers?" The raven haired girl said, slightly unsure of herself.

"Unusual XYZ Monsters?" She muttered aloud. If she was being honest, all XYZ Monsters were unusual to her, but that was most certainly what someone who was too used to one Extra Deck summoning method would say.

Yet she digressed. "What makes them so unusual then?" Serena asked from beside her, frowning as she crossed her arms.

"Well, I think he mentioned that they can't be beaten by battle? I think." She said, "And that we should at least watch out for their effects. He mentioned that they were stronger than the usual XYZ Monsters."

"So we're probably going to meet some then." The ponytailed girl said with a click of her tongue. "If they're strong, then there's no doubt that the duelists in the tournaments would have them, the strong ones at least."

"Hah… that certainly sounds like something that would happen." She said with a sigh. "But it wasn't like we expected this to be easy."

"Well that's true isn't it." Ruri giggled at her comment, before continuing and mentioning Yuto's last message. "And for the other thing that he said, Yuto warned that we should watch out for someone that wears all red. A red hat and jacket."

"!" "!"

"He didn't really get their name, but we should probably watch out for anyone dressed like that." The raven haired girl said, before she saw both of their reactions. "Huh? What's wrong?"

"I-its not-"

"That Red Hat, it might be someone that we know."

"Serena!" She shouted at the girl beside her, only to snap her mouth as she stopped and gave Ruri a look of apology at the surprised look that the raven haired girl sported, before sending a glare at Serena. "Sorry, its just-"

"We didn't think that she's here." The ponytailed girl said for her, head turned and not meeting the eyes of the girl who shared her face. "It might not even be her, but…"

"O-oh. so it's like that." The long haired girl muttered, looking at the both of them as a multitude of emotions passed through her face, before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I-think that it's best for us to split up now. And make our last preparations before the tournament." Ruri said, opening her eyes again.

"...Yeah. I guess that's true." She muttered, still reeling from the surprise that Yuuna of all people could possibly be here, yet shoving the possibility back to the corner of her mind as she focused on the current set of problems that she and the others were facing.

"So I guess we're all splitting up then?" Serena said, to which Ruri nodded.

"Yes. I guess we are." Once more, silence befell the three of them as they digested all of the information that they had shared with each other. The strategy that they all decided together, and what they would do from this point on.

"Then, none of you better lose alright." Serena said as she held a hand forward towards Ruri and herself. "Because I won't, and I'll be waiting for you two at the finals."

Ruri gave the girl a smile as she mirrored her counterpart, holding her own right hand forwards and meeting Serena's. "Right. I'll do my best to make sure that I do."

"Same here." She added her own two cents and did the same. The three of their fists meeting at the centre of the triangle formation that they had made.

"Alright then, let's win this!" Serena shouted as she then raised her fist, and the two of them followed suit.

"Yes!" "Right!"


"Then, is everything set in place?"

"Yes sir. We have accounted for almost all of their presence in the city."


"Uh, well sir, it's… there is a source of energy that we've known, "

"So an anomaly." The figure clicked their tongue in annoyance. "No matter. Can we track their location?"

"Ah, we should be able to do so sir. If we go over the readings-"

"Good. put them as a bounty for the tournament."

"S-sir?! But what if they aren't participat-"

"Do I need to repeat myself? I said, put them on as a bounty."

"I-yes sir. We will do that as soon as we can."

"Good. You best do that soon, my next announcement is supposed to air in merely a few minutes."

"Y-yes sir!"

"Hmph. Maybe I should have hired better assistants." The figure said with a snort, turning their head to look down towards the city of the future from outside of the glass windows.

"I do hope that you know what you are doing with this plan of yours, good doctor."


And just like that, the pair of purple haired girls bid farewell to their raven haired friend. Following their own paths as they headed back to prepare for the upcoming tournament just like everyone else.

Then, in a span of mere hours, another announcement was heard all across the city of Heartland.


Right as the announcement was made by the one and only Mr. Heartland, a handful of the large screens all across the city shifted and changed what they showed.

Those who had once been a screen showing advertisements of products or live viewings of pro duelists battling against one another changed to reshowings of the flamboyantly dressed man once more explaining the rules of the upcoming tournament. Playing it on repeat so that none could miss the explanation.

Others however, simply show a counter, or more correctly a countdown timer.

And when would the timer end? For all of the residents of the city who awaited the up and coming World Duel Carnival which had been advanced, such questions need not be answered.

For they already knew what it was for.

As soon as the countdown struck zero, the screen went black, which then turned into static which was accompanied along with many others as a voice once more resounded throughout the futuristic city of tomorrow.

"Ladies and gentleman, this is the moment that you have all been waiting for!"

Said picture of static then faded as a myriad of colours began to show, shining akin to that of a rainbow.

"The heart pounding, heart throbbing, heart breaking tournament of the year!"

The screen shifted again, showing a large shining ruby in the shape of a heart. One that spun in place with an illustrious shine.

"Now. Are you ready?"

Said heart then flew, flying as it kept spinning as a large globe appeared beneath it, a pair of golden orb orbiting the giant blue sphere leaving behind them a trail of light.

"Let the World Duel Carnival Begin!"

The large heart shaped ruby shone as it stopped spinning, the words 'World Duel Carnival' appearing right on top of it as a larger, more stylized font of 'WDC' appeared right in front of the globe below it, a ray of light showing a glint at their ends.

And with that announcement, the largest tournament of the XYZ Dimension began.


She ran before the man's voice could resound throughout the city, already on her feet unlike many who stayed transfixed to Mr. Heartland's announcement and turning on one another for a duel to get points.

No, if she wants a chance to win at this city-wide tournament, then she has to aim for the big fishes.

With that goal in mind, she pulled her duel disk up, following the instructions that Mr. Heartland had given and using the radar function which had appeared on the WDC's site, and searched for the nearest bounty that was in her area.

"There's one not far from here. In a park huh, I guess that makes sense. People usually gather there anyway." She mumbled as she turned off her duel disk, putting her left arm down as she made her way to the marked location as fast as she could.

It wasn't long for her to get there, it was lucky of her to listen to Serena and split up because otherwise she would have most likely gotten here first. As soon as she reached the center of the small park, she laid her eyes on her target.

He certainly made it easy to find him

A teen dressed with formal wear of all things, with bright red colours along with white and pink accents decorated with golden linings, his attire was paired with white pants and red boots, accented just like his clothes. And finishing his look was none other than a white cravat.

The short pink haired teen stood the form of another fallen duelist, letting out a breath as he deactivated their duel disk before noticing her. Giving a small smile as he does so.

"Oh! I'm guessing that you're here for a duel too huh?" He said as he dusted himself, already noting her for a duelist participating in the World Duel Carnival, just like the person whom he had just beaten most likely.

"Ah, yes. It seemed that you certainly didn't waste any time." She said as she kept her eyes on the groaning man that he had just beaten, who had pulled himself up and shaking his head. Then her eyes returned to the emerald eyed teen.

"Oh? Ah, this is just a funny coincidence really, he really did just challenge me as soon as the tournament began?" The teen said with a laugh as he rubbed the back of his head.

'Well if there's one thing, he certainly earned his way to become a bounty.' She noted. 'The tournament certainly hadn't started for long, and to have beaten someone in such a short time isn't something to scoff at.'

"But where are my manners?" He said, closing his eyes before opening them again as he regarded her. "My name is III, let us have a fair match." He said as his left hand, where his duel disk was strapped to, was waved outwards.

He wore a special duel disk unlike any she had seen before, unlike the usual sharp edged duel blade, the light haired teen's duel disk bloomed as a petal shaped bright red duel blade emerged, III taking point as he brandished his now activated duel disk against her.

And she did the same, while introducing herself just like he did. "Mei. And I hope for a good match as well!" She shouted as she brandished her left hand, a green shining duel blade extended from her duel disk.

And thus, her first duel of the tournament then began.



Throughout the many wide screens around the city, along with the many duels of duelists fighting against bounties streamed throughout the world.

Many of those who were not duelists, or duelists who were not participating in the World Duel Carnival watched as the duels were played on the many screens all across the city.

The screens showed the various high profile duelists, many of which were known by the locals for being pro duelists, and with them being some of the bounty duelists which were shown on the screen, it brought excitement to the crowd as they watched them duel.

But for one person, the focus was not on those well known professional duelists who were undoubtedly a cut above the cloth, but towards one of their opponents. A young girl with purple hair and matching coloured jacket.

She stood there, transfixed on the screen as she watched the girl begin a duel against another person whom she vaguely knew.

"Mei?" Yet her voice was drowned by the cheers of the many audience that had grown around her as she snapped back and focused towards her own duel.

Anyway, I own what I own.

Which apparently includes,

A Patreon Link that I have for some reason:

https:// www.patreon. com/PandorasJailofCreativity/membership?view_as=patron

Discord Link that I have for some reason:

https:// discord.gg/4bg8TRm2Gk

Twitter that I have for some reason:

https://mobile. twitter.com/ pandorajail

Shout out to Zeranion, pyro stick figure 76 and 13arabba who actually paid for Patreon, along with the people on the discord, absolute madlads.

Note that this work is also crossposted on Webnovel, AO3, and Space Battles, all because I hate myself lmao.

Pandora_Jailcreators' thoughts
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