
Chapter 112: Hey Hey, Part 1

Wrigley Field, Chicago, Sunday, August 24, 1969

"Okay, we're in the eighth inning, the Astros are winning 8 to 6. Kessinger's on second base, and we have two outs. Are you sure the Cubs won this game? Who's up next?" asked Cyrus.

"Just keep watching," Seth replied. "Billy Williams is up."

It was a warm sunny day in Chicago with a light breeze coming off the lake. Cyrus was eating a Ron Santo's pizza, some peanuts, and drinking an Old Style beer. The rooftops across the street had only small benches, unlike the large stands that were built in later years. The grass was a bright green as well as the ivy near the bleachers. The old scoreboard looked just as it did in Cyrus and Seth's time. The organ started playing the "charge" music.

Cyrus looked over at the Cubs dugout. Manager, Leo Durocher was pacing. To his left, Santo was warming up with a weighted bat. He looked up at the press box and saw the figures of Jack Brickhouse and Lou Boudreau announcing the game for TV and radio.

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