
Chapter 64: Time to Smell the Roses, Part 1

National, Elgin, Illinois, March 24, 2037, Present Day

She rarely did, but this day, Cheryl joined Louie, Howie, and Centehua at their table for lunch. She'd been sitting with Katie and Ansonia, but they both left the cafeteria early.

"This is an unexpected pleasure, Mrs. Callahan," said Louie.

"Thanks-wow it's so quiet around here with everybody on Pilgrimage at the same time."

"Not everybody," said Howie under his breath but loud enough to be heard.

"Mister Miller," started Cheryl, "How is everything going in the Clock Tower room? I haven't seen a report from you lately."

"With all due respect, Mrs. Callahan, we have a rule around here," fussed Howie, "We don't talk business during our lunch and break times."

"Howie!" scolded Centehua.

Cheryl put her finger up to Centehua. "No, Howard's right. I'm the newcomer to the table, so I have to follow the rules."

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