
Chapter 24: A Time for Thanks, Part 4

"Cyrus, please set the table before you sit down to watch the parade," said Cheryl. "I have to start my stuffing."

Katya watched Cheryl kiss her fingertips and touch it to the Mezuzah on the kitchen door frame. As Cyrus carefully placed his great-grandmother's china on the table, Katya helped with the silverware.

"What did I tell you about working today, Miss Sevnik?" Kevin stood there with a mock frown on his face.

"You said I have strict instructions to not help in the kitchen. Well, I am not in the kitchen," she answered, which made Kevin smile.

"You better hurry, son; the parade's starting," Kevin said. "I still miss her, you know."

Cathy popped in to set a centerpiece on the table and to grab Katya's crackers to find a platter for them. "Thirty years later and my dad still misses Katie Couric hosting the Macy's parade. Dad, that was before we were even born."

"Didn't your parents have a problem with Macy's once?" Katya asked, looking at Cathy.

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