
Chapter 31

"Your timing leaves much to be desired, Mother," said a disgruntled Hunter, walking into his mother's sitting room.

"I know, dear," Beverly said, smiling serenely.

"You mean you did that on purpose?" Hunter barked, frustration making him short tempered.

"Well, really, Hunter. She is, after all, a guest under my roof, and you weren't exactly being discreet. Just be glad it wasn't your father who caught you."

His father. Hunter grimaced. Father would have torn a strip off his hide had he seen him with Suzie. He'd have to take better care next time. And, yes, there will definitely be a next time.

"Did you really want something, or was this just a ploy to get me away from Suzie? You know, I expected the commander to have a problem with my interest in her, but I have to say I never expected that from you."

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