
Chapter 299: Two choices, one obvious decision.

[A/N: A new vote has started happening on Pa treon, the vote will decide the next art, if you are interested please take a look. Oh, one more thing, the Pa treon members decided that the character that won the illustration in the last vote was Eve Alucard, the maid of Victor.


"You're right, Adonis could never hate you..."

Victor snapped his fingers, and an ice throne appeared. He sat on the ice throne and looked at Persephone.

"He despised you."

"...." Her expression didn't change, she obviously didn't believe Victor.

"He preferred Aphrodite."

And that was true. Of the two women, if Adonis were to choose, he would prefer Aphrodite. In fact, this was a choice made by his own subconscious, this was the effect of the influence that the Goddess of Love and Sex had on beings.

"..." Persephone's brow twitched visibly.

Victor's smile grew a little; 'Looks like their rivalry hasn't been extinguished yet... I'll use this.'

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