
29.Soul Space

Back to Celebi's POV

When i came back to myself i opened my eyes only to be greeted with a Large White Room "Where am i? "wasnt i in the Forest fighting against Garchomp with Victini?"

In front of me was a Huge screen which looked like it Was my system?

it said [User Celebi has died due to too much blood loss]

"WAIT WHAT I DIED!!!!????" But then where am i right now!? and is Victini alright?

?????: Such a shame

What who is there??

?????: Arceus told me a lot about you but to be honest from everything He said i expected more from you.....

Hey dont just dodge my Question! Where am i right now!?

?????: Right now you are in a space between life and Death.

In a space between life and death huh? So like whats gonna Happen now? it would be nice if you could Show yourself?

?????: *sigh* I guess i could even tho its not really important.

After those words in Front of me Bluish smoke started to form and And with a Very Strong Aura coming from it which made me fall to my knees a Pokemon appeared.

It was on all fours and Looked oddly similiar to Arceus but in Blue.

"And who are you?"

????: I am Dialga one of the Controller's Of Time!

"Dialga!? i heard about you from Audino wouldnt have expected to Meet you so soon"

Dialga: Well it wouldnt have happened if you werent so careless.

"Yeah....I really should have really Trained more, you said this Was a space between life and death what does that mean?"

Dialga: Lets just say your Physical Body is dead but your soul is still alive if you were a Normal Pokemon you wouldnt even be able to acces this space because Only the Soul of a Legendary survives when it "Dies".

"But still what happens now? Am i just gonna stay here forever now? I would do anything to go Back to Being alive i still have a purpose to fullfill and im worried about Victini!

Dialga: Yes there is a way...

"Really Tell me! pls"

Dialga: Before i Tell let me Tell you something about your Time travel ability so you know how to use in the future and this wont Happen again.

"Alright pls do Tell me its feels like it is very Hard to use"

Dialga: it is actually easier than you think you just have to think about the exact time and date you wann travel back to easy as that. But you cant just Time travel out of this Space haha. Instead ill send your soul Back into your Body.

But before ill send you Back let me give you advice now that you know how to use it. Dont use more than 3 times a day because your Still young your body cant take more than that for now.

"Thank you so much!!!!! How do you know how it works tho?"

Dialga: We were all involved in the making of you do you think Arceus did this all alone? We-

"He did create the universe Didnt He?"

Dialga: Dont Interrupt me so basically you have a little bit of my Power inside of you if you get what i mean. Well then Good luck dont fuck it up so fast again.

"Bye! and again thanks!!!!!!"

the White Room turned dark and it felt like i Was falling. before coming to a abrupt halt.

And i could feel that i was back in my Body i opened my eyes and saw Victini laying on the ground before me with Tears all over its Face.

When it Realized it looked up to Me and its eyes opened wide. it jumped up and Started to hug me tightly

Victini: HOW I SAW YOU DIE! not that im complainging but you got a lot of explaining to do!!

"I will after we take down that Garchomp!"

Chapitre suivant