
A rude awakening.

All the way back at Lucifers study---

Sirzechs was sitting at his desk in the underworld, waiting for his wife to get back from watching over the meeting with his little Rias and that bastard Riser.

A familiar light shone in his room with Grayfia appearing.

"We've got a problem"


Sirzechs was sat at his desk procrastinating instead of working. 'I think I'll take a break. I've been at this a while.' He irritably thought to himself, which was ironic considering the pile of work was the same size as it was when he first started.

He sat waiting for his wife to come back from the meeting between the Phenex and his 'little Ria-tan', though some of his stray thoughts went to the human that he had gotten a call about halfway through the Phenex/Gremory meeting concerning a large quantity of Uru that had been seemingly pulled out of nowhere by him at said meeting.

'I wonder where he got such an amount from? It could be possible he has allies within a pantheon that holds a large amount of the metal.' Sirzechs thought to himself. Though his further thoughts were interrupted by a sudden light in his office, which he recognized to be Grayfia's, his wife.

'I hope Rias is okay' His first thoughts were. Sirzechs noted the stressed and rather worrisome look that was on her face and he grew concerned.

"We've got a problem" Grayfia said to him.

Sirzech's eyebrows noticeably furrowed and a dark aura grew around him. "Is it Rias? Is she okay? Where is she? Is it that Phenex? The human?!!!" Sirzechs blurted out quickly, worried for his lovely sister.

Though Grayfia looked slightly confused, Sirzechs was still worried and had a dark aura growing around himself. Deciding it best to answer quickly with his main point of worry, she replied. "Rias is fine, worry not, nothing bad would've happened with me attending"

Sirzechs calmed down and slouched back in his chair, now much happier than he was 10 seconds ago. Though within Grayfia's mind, she knew the happiness wouldn't last long with what she was about to say, and thus she filed him in on all of the meetings details.


Sirzechs POV

What had he just heard? What absolute bull-fuckery was this? I noticed Grayfia had already left the room after being dismissed, and I was alone to wallow in my thoughts.

'This 'human', that I had previously met named Arthur Liones, of which I suspected to be strong, but not unmanageable if absolutely necessary, the heir to the Liones household at the rank of Duke, has blown my mind. Not only has he summoned a large amount of extremely precious metal, he ripped out the heart of the Phenex boy, without anyone noticing for that matter, including Grayfia. What is that strength anyway? He's a human! Well at least I thought he was? He also had a girl sitting on his lap, mhm, weird at first Grayfia said, but was later identified as his little sister... Ophis....Ophis....


THE FUCKING OUROBOROS DRAGON GOD! THAT FUCKING OPHIS! WHAT IS THAT? WHY?....'Sister'?.... His sister?....Who's sister?.... Arthur's sister of course! The dragon god Ophis, is his little sister! And what does that make him? A fucking human of infinity or some shit? And to make it worse, he wants to side with angels! Well, Grayfia said he implied such a thing, no need to be hasty just yet Sirzechs! And to add some shit onto an already full bowl full of shit, he doesn't like devils because of the way we treated him.

Hahhh, at least he says he's still going to help my little Ria-tan and is thinking about meeting me tomorrow to talk. That's good at least'

Rubbing my head, to rid myself of the growing pain, I stood up, pulling myself away from the desk and walked through the double doors out of my office and teleporting myself to the Gremory household to see my family.



Arthur teleported to what appeared to be another extremely large house, though smaller than the Lucifers building, with large, easily 10ft tall gates surrounding it.

'Is this a habit among the rich in the underworld? To own housing that could house hundreds, only to house a couple?' Arthur thought to himself dubiously. He straightened the suit he was wearing with his hands and approached the front gate, hoping to Rob they wouldn't give him the same trouble the ones had when trying to reach Sirzechs.


The guards watched him approach with interest. "Hello sir" the guards started, making Arthur smile slightly 'Already much better' he thoughts to himself. "Hello lads, doing alright?" I replied, being polite. "Not too bad. May we ask what you want with the Gremory family?" One of the guards said. This guard appeared to be nice and looked friendly, almost fatherly if best described, he wore the normal Gremory attire for a guard and had short hair with a short beard.

"Im here to visit Rias whilst she's here training with her peerage. I can show appropriate proof if needed" I said to the guard with a smile. The guards looked to each other and nodded. "Please show the proof and one of us can escort you to the building if we deem it substantial." The guard said with a nod.

I nodded and pulled out my phone, deciding to call Rias.


She didnt take long to pick up her phone at all. I put the phone on speaker for the guards to hear, though they looked somewhat confused.

"Hello? Arthur, is that you?" The voice of Rias came from her end of the phone.

"Yeah. Hi Rias. Im at the front of your house with the gentlemen guarding the gate, would you mind telling them to let me in please?" I asked her.

"AH! Yep, no problem~" She replied.

I sensed a change in the environment, feeling the slight signature of magic, looking next to me to see the Gremory crest appearing on my side of the gate. Rias appeared from the gate and waved to me. I notice the guards straighten themselves and smile. "Hello lady Gremory. May we ask if you know this person?" The guard who had done the majority of speaking said, gesturing to me.

"Yep, no problem Lucius, this is my friend Arthur. Please open the gates and allow me to escort him to the house" Rias said to the now named guard, Lucius. "Of course lady Gremory!" Lucius said as he opened the gate. "Please enjoy your time here" He said towards me and I thanked him.

Me and Rias walked through the gate together and I saw her throwing glances my way as we walked. I turned my head to her and rose my eyebrow in confusing. "You doing alright?" I asked her and she looked down, almost ashamed.

"Hey...Arthur. I-I know its been a bit weird between us for a bit after what happened in the underworld and when we spoke in the clubroom with Riser. But I want you to know im thankful for you sticking up for me when it comes to the marriage arrangement." Rias spoke timidly whilst looking to the floor, her hands together, fidgeting.

I sighed before turning my body to look at her. We both stopped walking and she looked up to me as I shook my head. "I wasn't angry or anything Rias and I don't hold it against you. I just thought you'd stick up for me a little more y'know?" I said to her with a small smile "Hehe, I might be a stuck-up, arrogant, primordial being but im still eighteen at heart. Im childish, I know. It just hurt to see you stick up for the devils rather than me." I said to her as I put my hand on her cheek and smiled before removing my hand and putting it down to my side again. "Well, doesn't matter anymore either way. The past is the past, if I look back, I am lost" I said quietly before turning around to continue walking to the house.

I heard Rias continue walking behind me before grabbing hold of my arm with small smile on her face. "Im glad we cleared that up." She said happily and I nodded, though a little less enthusiastic than her, I replied.



Please do look at the author notes. Taa.


Waddup, guys, gals and other pals!

Guess what time it is? Mhm, mhm, christmas time!

A great thing I say! Plenty of free time!

I can upload often during the holiday, like in summer :)

(it starts in a couple days for me, just thought i'd inform with a chapter along with it)

I am sorry for uploading, slowly. Just how life is I suppose, we all got a life im sure!

Love you all fiercly, hope you enjoy as much as I did writing it!

Bit soppy at the end! Weird reaction from Arthur though? Hmmmmm


lazybodcreators' thoughts
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