
17. Inviting trouble

Hoseki sit down in Kushina house. In the last few weeks, he stopped coming to Kushina house as Sakumo training was held and had been extended to his swordsmanship study with the samurai.

While not blaming Hoseki for his absence, Kushina demand him for training fuinjutsu as the academy half semester holiday has began. Now, Hoseki is camping in Kushina house.



After the incident in Hokage office, the handcuff project been halted. Hoseki and Kushina adamant on their stand not sharing his project with Orochimaru, decided to build their own lab. While they have their idea, hey have no budget to go with their plan. Kushina tries to appeal the hokage for some funds as she was rejected.

The third hokage told Kushina and Hoseki, as Orochimaru has his own lab he gained that with his own effort and reputation. His reputation as Sannin gained him the support and investment from many direction including hokage office. As for them, they don't have anything except their own idea and creation. In the end, the third hokage agreed on small investment by his own pocket as an encouragement.

Using the small investment, Hoseki and Kushina decided to put on new small project and halted the old one as they need huge investment on raw materials on the handcuffs project. So they planning on smaller project that able to attract more investment for them. In the end, they plan to have a project on item which is can be produced only by them.

After some brainstorming they come to an answer. The Uzumaki's fuinjutsu. Kushina decided to teach Hoseki some more advanced and highly secret of her family fuinjutsu. The Uzumaki fuinjutsu required special body constitution which highly consumed chakra were used when they practicing fuinjutsu . As she teach Hoseki, she realised Hoseki body was able to produce more chakra then she thought. As Hoseki had high talent on fuinjutsu, now his body able to produce high volume of chakra. If not for Hoseki was born in Hatake clan, she might took him as long lost relative from her clan.

Anyways, the news of Hoseki chakra is a good news to her as the technique she will teach him 4 trigrams mix chakra seal. This seal is the complex mixture energy which used to combine and store mix energy. They plan to produce energy storage talisman which is used as backup chakra energy. This talisman can be used to many purpose as to be extra chakra for sealing purpose or for offensive used as you need to pull out big volume chakra for certain attack.

The combination of energy can create different nature of chakra according to needs. The past Uzushiogakure, they able to build many of them as a source if power for village.

They also build many weapons using the seals. They have no trouble to produce them which many of their villagers can learn the techniques and produce them on their own with their traits. On the same time, they never produce them outside their village. It was considered as traitorous act if any of them do. As for the reason, Kushina never had a chance to know. After the destruction of Uzushiogakure, this technique is considered lost, as the sealing techniques is not learn by outsider at that time. As Kushina shared Konoha many seal from her village after the fallen of her village, this technique are never in her list as she exclude many other sealing techniques for many reasons. As for this technique, the requirement of the sealer him/her self is already difficult to be found and it is difficult to be learned.

Hoseki takes three days to understand the core of this technique which surprised Kushina to extreme. According to Kushina, back in the the day, her clan members takes weeks and months to learn this technique. She herself which is considered as a genius took 2 week to understand them. As for apply them is another thing. By the end of the week, Hoseki able to produce his first talisman. As the talisman look lame in square he decides to reshaping the talisman as a ball. He decided to use a fist size marble as a based and seal the talisman on it. After that, he also decides to renamed it as chakra ball which earn him a fist from Kushina for name it without her permission. In the end, she shamelessly compromised as to co-name the item as Chakra Marble.

As the chakra marble hold it promised function, the chakra it self can't be use as a replenishment toward body. The chakra marble is also not a multiple used item as it will be destroyed after one use. Hoseki then decide to tweak the seal to provide replenishing function to used it multiple times.

While he was doing it behind Kushina, he invited trouble for himself. By the times Kushina realized what he was doing, she tried to warning him. But, she was a step too late as the marble was starting to shaking.

"Shit!!!" Hoseki immediately threw the marble when he realized he is in trouble.

While Hoseki threw out the marble, he was in too late. The marble explode not far from him.

"Hoseki!!!" Kushina ran toward him after she saw the explosion. She saw the injured Hoseki in full of blood. Without wasting time, she carried Hoseki on her back and ran toward village hospital.



The news travel fast as the third hokage, Hiruzen immediately informed about the accident.

At the same time, Kakashi and Guy also receive the new about Hoseki. As Sakumo is out of village currently, Kakashi is the only immediate family. The third hokage immediately send an Anbu to inform him. The Anbu inform Kakashi while he is training. As Kakashi ran towards the hospital, he meet Guy on his way.

Days passed. After 3 days in coma, Hoseki woke up. In blurry image, he saw Kushina worried face and Kakashi besides her.

"Hoseki! " Kushina and Kakashi shout at the same time.

" Urhh. My head" Hose tried to raise his right hand to gasp his head but to no avail, he failed.

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