
Chapter 32:The true monster of the leaf

Chapter 32:The true monster of the leaf

Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sanin, only had a handful of disciples, and he only selected them if he believed that they had the potential to be the 'Child of Destiny.'

For Naido-sensei to be selected as one must mean he greatly impressed Jiraiya.

"And when that brat made his Unique Jutsu he didn't even bother to teach it to his own master." Jiraiya said while crying a little and wiping his own tears.

He must mean Naido-sensei's overpowered technique he showed me a couple of months back.

The one that can literally dismantle Jutsus and make them become Chakra.

"Lord Jiraiya, if you don't mind me asking, could you explain sensei's Jutsu a bit to me."

"Hmm? He never even told you that? That brat, it seems like I might have taught him a lot but I didn't tell him how to be a great sensei yet."

'You rarely taught me anything though?' Naruto's thoughts were written all over his face.

"Anyways, all I can tell you is from 12 years ago, the last time I even heard that your sensei used his Jutsu." Jiraya sensei explained.

12 years ago…there was only 1 massive attack at that time.

Sure, the other villages probably tried to take advantage of the situation, but only 1 cannon, extremely important occasion comes to my mind.

"When the 9 tails attacked the village and 4th Hokage was still absent for a short while, your sensei single handedly stopped one of the tailed beast's attacks."

"Just 1?" Naruto asked, probably not realizing Kurama usually only attacked with Tailed-Beast bombs and stopping those was not easy.

Jiraiya simply sighed when he heard that.

"Anyways, from what I heard, the attack of the 9 tails simply vanished into the air. And all I understood from Naido explaining the principles to me was that no ranged Jutsu can ever do any damage to him."

Just the thought of that broke my head a little.

No ranged Jutsu?

Being able to counter a Tailed Beast Bomb was simply insane.

And any ranged Jutsu? Didn't that make him invincible to most Ninjutsu.

"Last I heard from way back when, he was trying to apply his Jutsu to closer ranged ones as well, but that is simply impossible." Jiraiya commented on his own thoughts.

"And why is that?"

"Because your sensei uses Chakra to cancel our Chakra. Lightning chakra gets canceled by lightning chakra. Fire by fire and so on. How do you cancel something like, for example, your 8 Gates?"

I couldn't help but understand that logic.

However, still, his jutsu was really overpowered.

Should I…pray to Buddha as well?

Maybe then he might teach me that.

"Seeing my grand disciple being strong makes me proud." Jiraiya said as he looked at me with a bright, but very weird smile.

'I know that look, and I am not helping Shikomu after what Pervy-sage did to Gama-chan.' 

He discreetly tried to move back so the sage wouldn't see him while he had his weird thoughts.

"You must be very rich, right? Well why not let me keep the money for you? I am your grand-sensei so you should trust me!"


Conversing with the Sage was definitely a weird experience, but not something I didn't expect.

However now that he was here, I knew the battlefield situation was about to drastically change.

All 3 of us were currently walking towards the commander's tent where Jiraiya would soon be taking charge.

"So, did you get any stronger?" I asked Naruto as we continued to walk.

"Yeah, I learned 2 super cool and strong Jutsu!" Naruto told me very excitedly with his hands behind his back.

"If we fight this time, there is no way I will lose, Believe it!

"Naruto, I can hear you just fine, there is no need to shout at me."

"Anyways, how are Sakura and Sasuke doing?" Naruto asked with a little concern in his voice.

"I am not really sure to be honest. I occasionally see Sasuke since he sleeps relatively close to me but his missions take really long. I saw Sakura 1 time last week and she seemed really tired."

"I see…" Naruto said, as his happy mood instantly died down.

I could clearly tell Jiraiya was observing us, and especially Naruto to see if he would have any emotional reactions.

"At least they are alive." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"You're right, I will help end this war and it will be my stepping stone to being the Hokage."

He then took a deep breath and screamed at the top of his lungs right at my ear.


"You asshole stop shouting!"


"Idiot, we are in a camp site. Shut up." A familiar emo-voice said as he approached Naruto and stared at him without breaking eye contact.

"Sasuke!" Naruto greeted him happily since he hadn't seen his friend in a while.

"Shut it dweeb. Sakura is coming here soon too, Kakashi sensei said our 2 squads are going on a mission the second he hands over the reins to Lord Jiraiya." Sasuke said, as we watched Jiraiya enter the tent Kakashi was in.

Soon after, Sakura joined us too.

"Did you miss me, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked as he got close to Sakura.

"Not a chance!"

Right after her, Ayumi and Yuki also came and gathered with us.

"How is Geppo behaving?" I asked Ayumi, who had to go on a mission with him recently. Originally, his jonin sensei severely reprimanded him and almost sent him to the Genin corps for messing up a mission so badly but he worked his way and stayed on his squad.

However it seemed like he twisted the facts to his squad mates and was going to make my life difficult now.

I might have to kill him off later so that he doesn't become a nuisance to me.

I didn't need him ruining my in game life.

"He is still lying low for now, and since the higher ups think we have a spy in our ranks he barely gets any real information anyways. What happened last time should not happen again."

I nodded at that but still could not take my chances.

Yuki himself was progressing well. As i told him, he was dumping all his EXP points into the Sharingan, and according to him was just a little bit away from, level 2, or the 2 tomoe sharingan.

It was a long term plan for the Sharingan anyways but for now he was training in his Shurikenjutsu with me as well, since all Uchiha inherently are overpowered in them.

Ayumi herself was still training as per normal and she didn't have anything special to her.

Yuki and I didn't know if she was just playing for fun yet or not, but we both actively were trying to be one of the strongest players in the game.

After a while of Naruto and Sasuke arguing, Kaksashi sensei and Naido sensei walked out of the tent, while the formed sighed and stretched.

"I never want to do that again."

"You were great at it though."

"Yeah yeah, commander Kakashi has retired."

The duo approached us, as my sensei pat my head and said, "I heard you met your Grand Sensei? He didn't take your money did he?"

"No, he only told me how much of a monster you are."

"Oh yeah? Gonna start worshiping me now?" The bald monk asked with a teasing smile.

"No." I said to which his smile died.

"But I was wondering, if I become a Buddhist, will you teach me your Jutsu?"

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