
Doll House (27)

An hour passed dully, and with grim faces the remaining players trickled back into the hall.

Evidently nothing of critical evidence had been found.

There was no other viable option, and regardless of how Lui Quishi's face wrinkled in displeasure, they had no other choice other than to sit and wait for an opportunity.

Not long after, the butler arrived, still sporting a enthusiastic smile on his wrinkled face.

He didn't say anything more instead with a clap of his claw like hands, he signaled them to follow him.

The players looked at each other and nodded, they were on the last leg of this copy, it was either life and death that faced them

Nervous and in trepidation, they followed the man towards the closed door of the dining room.

He turned around one last time, eyeing the players walking behind him with beady eyes scanning them up and down, as if choosing the right angle to slice the flesh and meat off their bones.

In the end, he grinned silently, turned around and pushed the large antique door open with a loud bang!

What faced them wasn't a scene of a gruesome carnage and blood, but intsead of making them feel relieved, such a normal setting was way more terrifying than if they had been shoved into a sea of flesh and blood.

Because the unknown was sometimes far more terrifying than what they could see on the surface.

Nevertheless what they faced was not any less terrifying.

"Come in! Come in ! Such a wonderful feast has been prepared for you all. It's your last day working here at the castle and as a parting gift, we are honored to have you participate in this festival with all of us!"

On the long dining table, chairs had been placed to the side and in front of each chair was a large bowl filled with slabs of unidentified raw meat, blood still dripped from each piece of piece of meat.

It was raw, disgusting and bloody and they still couldn't be sure if it was animal meat.

The players gulped and looked on in horror but still, no one moved.

It was general knowledge that the first person to test the waters ,would generally end up as the victim.

Nevertheless, before they could be forced to make a decision, someone else took the first step.

Surprisingly it was neither, Chu Yi nor was it Shi XiaoDong, instead it was the previously overlooked player, Xiong Qi.

The man seemed to have regained a brief moment of sobriety, however, the players had no time to react, before the man charged hungrily towards the dishes on the table.

His eyes glinted with a savage, greedy and starved glare, wet drool spilling from the sides of his open mouth.

Xiong Qi grabbed the first plate of meat with both hands and without blinking, shoved the entire slab of meat into his throat.

As he chewed a blissful and serene expression came over his face, if you ignored the droplets of dark red blood and the sickening crunch of bones coming from his mouth, they could have decided themselves into believing that what he was eating was the most delicious food in the world.

Instead, the players felt their stomach roll and their faces green.

They could only watch as Xiong Qi continued to pile slab after slabs of meat into his mouth, even if the sides of lips tore from the pressure, he still retained that crazily joyous face!


With the condition of Xiong Qi, there must be some sort of abnormality about him, if he managed to Live this long but whether unconsciously or consciously they all chose to avoid talking about it

But now seeing the blood pooling onto the floor beneath him, indistinguishable from his own blood, they all felt a tinge of regret.

Following right behind, Xiong Qi, was An Xuefeng and Peng Qi, even if they moved much more mechanically and slow, they still followed him, in stuffing slab after slab of meat into their mouth, no matter how much their lips tore and bled, they still never stopped smiling with joy!

"Aren't you going to enjoy the feast?"

The Madam looked at the players seemingly curious.

Beside her, the three players continued to play out a scene of madness.

"Sorry to say Madam, we have a long journey home ahead of us and although we appreciate the gesture, we would prefer to skip along to the actual ceremony."

The Madam stared bitingly at Chu Yi, who had a just spoken, nevertheless even under her glare, he still retained a polite and alienated smile.

No one spoke for a moment and only the chewing of flesh echoed in the large room.

"Very well then."

The Madam was the first to give in, and with a snap of her pale fingers the meat in front of them disappeared.

Xiong Qi, An Xuefeng and Peng Qi, stopped as if a button had been pressed, but with synchronized steps they each took a seat at the table, still holding on to that wide smile, bits of blood and meat still hanging in their teeth.


Chu Yi tool the first step, choosing a random seat at the end of the table, behind him Shi Xiaodong and Lui Quishi inched along.

The rest hesitated but there were really no other way but to follow along.

The minute they were all seated, the lamps in the room all switched out, leaving the players in pitch black.

"I can't move!"

In the darkness, one of the players exclaimed in fright

The other players tried to move but to their horror, they realized that they had also been bound to their chairs.

Chu Yi turned his head but when he tried to move his fingers, he felt as if a heavy weight was lying on him.

They were only allowed to move their heads.

Chu Yi tilted his head, ignoring the slight anger in his heart, a interested smile on his face.

Usually it was him that tied up his victims, he never knew that it would be his turn to experience it one day.

Thankfully they didn't have to wait long, one by one candles of all sizes lit up around them.

They were everywhere, hundred of candles filled the whole room.

The Candle lights were dazzling but no matter how bright they were, they couldn't seem to penetrate into the darkness of the room.

The Madam had changed out of her long drab robes and put on a beautiful scarlet dress, so red it looked as if blood was about glide off her dress at any second.

The butler appeared behind her, his face now holding the same mechanical joyous smile as the possessed players.

"Today we celebrate! Glorify and honor the lives of those poor souls resting on the land of this estate! We come here to pay respect and offer sacrifices to their restless souls! In hopes that they can continue to be blessed in the next life!"

Instantly, Chu Yi noticed a key word.



This was his first time, being treated as a sacrifice.

He was loving this game more and more.

The Madam didn't care for their thoughts, with a wave of hand, the darkness in the room surged up, whirl pools of black matter gathered before terrifying eyes, screams and screeches like the monsters hiding in the abyss, assaulted their ears, blood erupting from their ruptured ear drums!

Above his head, Chu Yi felt as if something had gathered, then a tearing and agonizing pain came, it was if something was sucking out his soul!

The pain distorted his beautiful face, but what came from his mouth wasn't screams of pain but laughter!

Crazy, painful but he was happy!

He felt alive!

It's been about a month or so since I've updated, I can't go into too much detail but things around me have been hectic and stressful for quite a while now. I genuinely thought I'd come back to no one reading this book or curses from readers questioning my absence but you guys have stayed and waited and I'm so thankful and happy for that.

I'm sorry that I've been away for so long but things are slowly working out for me.

Thanks for staying.

TomatoesandCoffeecreators' thoughts
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