
Chapter 47: Dreaded

What followed after was a Dreadful roar as the circle radiated with violent and chaotic electricity which electrocuted the creature nonstop. The creature's hard armor started peeling of into shredds, within ten seconds flames started to spread on it's armor while the electrical energy increased making the zapping more uproarious.

Another light on it's neck belt gleamed, within a second explosion occurred. When Kean removed his hands from his face he couldn't help but scrunch her face in asperation.

"Uhgh! this is disgusting." Kean flinched as small pieces of body parts fell from the sky.

"These creatures seem to be equipped with self destruction bombs which trigger when they don't sense their heart beat." The system notified.

'Someone is definitely controlling these creatures, The self destruct bomb is a ticket of making sure no information on these creatures is gathered through experiments or anything.'

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