
Chapter 6

"So, are we going to talk about it or are you going to sit there and look like something the cat dragged in?" Mia asked softly.

I almost jump straight up in the air having forgotten she was there. I could hear the worry in her voice despite her angry words.

I sighed in resignation. "What do you want to talk about, Mia?"

"First I want to understand your Houdini act after Reed collared me," Mia said crossing her arms over her chest.

"It wasn't a Houdini act, I just felt closed in, overwhelmed," I said trying to find the best way to describe what had happened.

"So, you what, decided to run away and knocking yourself out was a good idea?" she asked sarcastically.

"No! It wasn't like that. I did not knock myself out, either. I-I fainted," I ended in a whisper.

The shock on Mia's face would have been hilarious if the situation had been different.

"You fainted?" she asked incredulously, her mouth still hanging open.

I sighed in frustration, not really wanting to discuss this right now. What I really wanted to do was to run away and hide from the world, at least until the echoing voice of my father was chased out of my head.

"Yes, Mia. I fainted, I had a panic attack and I fainted," I explained reluctantly.

I reached up and began playing with my hair, a nervous reaction that I hadn't done in a long time. I could see by Mia's gaze that she had caught the action and recognized it for what it was. She didn't comment on it, which I greatly welcomed.

"Okay, so you had a panic attack. Why? Did you have a problem with the idea of a threesome?" Mia asked forwardly.

My mouth hung open with astonishment at how boldly she had asked that. Mia had always been so conservative, the exact opposite of her parents. I couldn't count how many times we would pick on her until she was beet red in the face and stuttering. To have her speak of something so openly and honestly was a shock to me.

"No, in general, I don't have a problem with a ménage à trois. Threesome as you put it," I explained.

"Good!" Mia said emphatically. "So, what's the problem? Because, despite the punishment tonight, which I still say I didn't deserve because I was just protecting you, I still think Jordan's a great man. He has deep feelings for you. I think you should give him a chance. Jack doesn't give me that creepy, stalker vibe or the women-beater vibe. Well, not any that are out of the norm for a Master."

She ended with a wink which drew a small smile from me.

"They are both wonderful. It's just … they want to collar me, Mia. That's not a small thing and you know that. It's not just Jordan that wants to collar me it's Jack too."

"So, in a ménage à trois, as you called it, is it an unusual thing for someone to be collared?" Mia asked.

I thought of all the threesomes I had seen at the club and there were quite a few. It just wasn't a relationship I had ever contemplated having before tonight.

"No, it's not. They were able to keep up and keep each other happy. How am I supposed to keep two men happy?" I questioned sadly and looked out the window again.

I noted we were close to my apartment and couldn't help but feel relieved knowing this nightmare was coming to an end. When Mia came and sat beside me, I thought she was going to hug me. Instead, she pinched my arm so hard I cried out.

"Ow! Mia! What the hell was that for?" I shouted rubbing my arm.

"Lizzie! You are a wonderful, loving, smart, sexy girl. Any man, or two in this situation, would be lucky to have you. Only their opinions matter and you know that. Jordan and Jack should get on their knees and thank their lucky stars they found a woman like you," Mia spat out fiercely.

She sounded like a momma bear protecting her cub and her gaze softened as she looked at me.

"You need to realize that you are an amazing woman and stop being so hard on yourself. I think you should give them a chance," she said softly.

She finally ended up wrapping her arms around me and hugging me then. I leaned into her allowing her calm to wash over me and was grateful to have her here right now because Mia was nothing if not a good loyal friend.

"Thanks, sweetie," I whispered into her ear before pulling away.

"I mean it, Lizzie," she insisted looking me in the eyes, making sure I understood and believed her.

"I know you do, hon. I just need to get away and have some time to think," I said.

I didn't elaborate because I knew she would understand my meaning.

I was going to the cabin.

It was her parent's cabin yet the first time I went up there they noticed a change in me immediately. So had I, for that matter, so they had given me a key and told me to use it whenever I needed it. I wasn't a victim; I hadn't been one in a long time. I was a survivor and I planned on staying that way, I reminded myself fiercely.

"So how long are you going to be gone?" Mia asked as she walked me up to my door.

"A week, I think," I said hesitantly.

I was looking down at my toes and cursed once again at having left my shoes back at The Dungeon.

"I see," Mia said softly. "I will let Reed know when I get back to the club."

I turned and unlocked my door, then hesitated.

"Tell Jordan and Jack I'm sorry... for everything," I said softly.

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