
Chapter 5

Later that day Aela and Tobas showed up with two deer. Gentle and Gunnar also returned and we spoke about the state of the village. Ivar was nowhere to be seen. Dinner was made and all the families sat at the table to enjoy the bounty of today's harvest. As we were all enjoying our meal I noticed a girl enter the hall and make her way to the table to sit with her family.

"Where is Ivar?" I asked Aela who sat next to me.

"How would I know? I've been out all day."

I didn't bother asking Gentle, he was too busy boasting about one fight or another. I continued to eat when I noticed Ivar enter the hall looking disheveled. As he took his seat I noticed the blush of his neck and cheeks. Looking back over at the girl, she too had a blush and was occasionally peeking at Ivar.

"Ivar, where have you been!? That doesn't matter, you're just in time to hear my tale of when I fought two ice trolls while half blind!" Gentle bellowed with food flying from his maw.

"Gentle, I've heard that tale countless times before." Ivar complained.

I chuckled at Gentle's antics. After the hearty meal we all prepared for sleep. As I laid down for bed I noticed a shadow looming over me. Looking up I spotted Aela looking down at me. Waving her over to lay beside me I asked her what was going on.

"Is there a problem?"

"Why are we helping these people?"

"Because it's the right thing to do." I replied, she gave me a look that seemed to say, 'don't joke with me'.

"We need them."


"When I spoke with Jaren, he informed me of the state of the world we currently live in. We are in the North, ruled by the Starks, in service to the Iron throne, which lies to the south."

"And what does this have to do with us?"

"I believe we are stranded here."

"What do you mean?"

"There is no way for us to return home. I know Ivar has his reservations in making such a claim, but he is new to magic and lacks the power to travel across worlds."

She was silent, neither agreeing or disagreeing with my statement.

"I may not be as adept and well versed in magic as Ivar, but I too have talent with magic and I feel very little in the air. I'm sure you feel it too. Have you felt the call?"

"No, I haven't. I noticed some time ago, but the moon holds no sway over me. I feel as if the beast is more tame, I feel more in control. I don't like it, I miss that feeling, that rush."

"Hehe, anyway, as I believe we are stranded here I feel it prudent to ensure our livelihood."


"I will become a vassal to the Starks."


"A Jarl."

"So you want power." She didn't say it as a question but as a statement.

"We have been through many adventures, you and I. We have created adventures worthy of song, songs that will be sung for all time, long after we are dust. Don't you want to settle? To relax and enjoy our accomplishments?"

"I had wished to join the hunt, to be one of his hounds. Now I fear on the day I breathe my last breath, all that will await me is oblivion."

I had no words in response, I was some guy with the memories of a character I played in a game. To them, this was all real, all those adventures were real, it was their lives. I'm already making mistakes, I need to be more attentive to their situations. Now that I think about it, how will Gentle or even Gunnar react to the fact they might never enter Sovngarde?

"Continue," she said.

"There's not much else to tell. If I am to become a Jarl, I'll need people willing to serve."

"So these people are seeds that you are sowing."

"Yes, they are the first."

I waited for a while but she didn't respond. After five minutes I figured she was done with the questions and went to sleep. Looking over, her eyes were closed and her breathing was even. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

The next morning I awoke alone. Thankfully there weren't any dreams. Standing to my feet I stretched and almost gagged when I caught a whiff of my underarms.

"I need a bath."

Making my way to the front door I heard a commotion outside. Opening the door I was greeted with a man arguing with Jaren about something.

"You have to do something! First he defiles my daughter, now he traipses around here naked!"

"Calm down Levir, the girl says she was willing. And they are just taking a bath, perhaps where they're from, bathing in the open is normal." Jaren tried to appease the fuming man, unsuccessfully.

"What's going on here?" I asked as I approached.

"You! You need to control your people. Your man defiled my daughter! And now he walks around here naked! I knew we shouldn't have let you savages in."

My jovial expression evaporated in an instant. I stared the man directly in the eyes with as much ice as I could. He seemed to shrink almost immediately. I had to fight the urge to backhand the man, I was slightly surprised at the urge, but I would not allow this fool to disrespect my cousin.

"You will lower your voice when you speak to me. Now I don't know what the issue is here, but I will get back to you when I have all the information. Until then I'd advise you move along, unless you have anything else to say."

I spoke in an icy tone, my voice was so cold that even Jaren looked intimidated. The man took a step back and broke eye contact and averted his gaze to his feet. He was silent and I grew tired of wasting my time on him.

"Where is Ivar, Jaren?"

"A- Ah, yes, he and the others are that way." he pointed a finger in the direction they were. I nodded and made my way to the group.

Once I neared them I could hear loud, boisterous laughter coming from the side of one of the homes. Coming around the home I spotted my group, naked, in a ditch, in what appeared to be a make-shift hot tub.

"Ragnar! Come on while the waters hot!" Gentle yelled while waving a mug filled with mead.

Ivar, Gentle and Gunnar were in a ditch filled with boiling water. Just then, a naked Aela walked from one of the houses and made her way towards the others. My eyes were transfixed on the lith and athletic figure of Aela. Her breasts were exposed to the world and her nipples were hardened nubs due to the cold air. A taut stomach with a hint of abs. She had muscle definition yet it didn't detract from her femininity. Her hair was unbound and flowed behind her as she walked. Despite her nakedness she radiated an air of danger, like a tiger going for a swim, uncaring of the prey that watched her. She moved like she owned the place.

The others noticed her too, Gentle and Ivar whistled at her as she approached. Gunnar, ever silent, nodded in her direction. I heard footsteps behind me and turned to find Jaren with a few other men. They too were mesmerised by the sight of Aela. I smirked in their direction and began undressing. The others also cheered as I undressed and once I was naked, I entered the hot tub.

The water was boiling, almost unbearable, yet as I sank in I felt the fatigue wash away. I leaned my head back and enjoyed the sensation. At least until Jaren coughed, trying to get my attention. I turned to look at the man and the others with him.

"What is the matter Jaren?"

"Why are you all bathing out in the cold?"

"We haven't bathed since we came here. Surely you have noticed our pungent smell?" I asked him, I sure have noticed theirs.

"I understand that, it's just, why here, out in the open?"

"Better place than any other, besides, I like the fresh air." Gentle answered while sinking further into the waters.

"There you have it." I replied to Jaren and turned my back to him.

"We will get to work once we have soaked for a bit." I finished while waving him and the others off.

"Of course, you are welcome to join us." I added as they were making to leave.

That seemed to outright horrify some of them and they all just left. Not without stealing a few glances at Aela for their troubles.

"Whose idea was this?" I asked.

"Mine, I couldn't stand going another day without a bath. And they didn't seem like they were going to offer us one, so I took action." Ivar replied with pride in his voice.

"I too wanted to wash off the grime of the past week." Aela added.

"Even the great Gentle needs a bath once in a while." Gentle entoned.

Gunnar just nodded in agreement. I accepted their answers and agreed, I was just thinking about a bath.

"How'd you make it?"

Ivar held up a hand and a small flame burst from his palm. He smirked and extinguished it with a flick of his wrist. So he used magic, interesting, very interesting.

"Anything to report?" I asked.

"The village isn't very big, the fence they erected is laughable. That thing won't be stopping a blind man from entering! I don't see the need in fortifying this place anyway." Gentle answered, Gunnar nodded, supporting his analysis.

"We killed two deer, well I killed two deer. Tobas is a terrible hunter, it's a wonder he ever caught anything." Aela added.

"I finished my tasks, as you've asked, cousin." Ivar finished.

"I had wanted to fortify this place in preparation for the bandits that are soon to arrive. But perhaps you are right, best we don't change anything, that way we can lure them in and deliver a killing blow. Aela, see if you can't catch anything else today, try to teach Tobas as best you can. And good work Ivar." I gave them all praise for their work.

"Ivar, what is this I hear of you defiling some girl?"

"Oh, you heard about that? Well she came to me asking about my adventures. I told her some and she just jumped me, honest. Poor girl is rather bored with her life and the idea of being stuck here and being married off to one of the other boys has her rather upset. I was just providing a shoulder for her to cry on. And a lap to sit on as well."

Gentle broke out laughing at that, even quite Gunnar chuckled a bit. Aela just smirked at him.

"Alright, alright, nothing we can do about that now. We aren't staying here, will you take her with us?" I asked, wondering if he had fallen in love.

"Not at all, cousin, just having some fun," he replied.

"I wonder if she knows that." I added.

"She will soon enough," he answered.

"Anyway, after we're done here, get to work. We have to prepare for a fight tomorrow." I finished and the others nodded before closing their eyes and enjoying the warmth of the water.

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

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