

We were all seated at the table when Grayson asked where we moved from.

"Oh-uh, we moved from um.." Liam tried to think of a place

"New York" Violet saved

"Oh, that's a big change. Moving to a small town like this from the big city"

Liam and Violet nodded their heads

"Well, we wanted a peaceful place for the child to grow up in" Violet said

Miranda and Grayson exchanged worried glances because this town isn't as peaceful as they think.

"So, do you know what gender the baby is" Liam asked while taking a sip of bourbon

"Yes, it's a boy" Grayson smiled slightly

"What are you going to name him" Violet smirked resting her elbows on the table and leaning forward

"Jeremy" Miranda said

"What about you guys. When you have your child what are you going to name them"

"If its a boy than Noah" Liam said

"If it's a girl than Caitlyn" Violet finished

For the rest of the night they talked about work and other things before returning home, and just like that 2 months passed.

Violet wakes up suddenly feeling nauseous and runs to the bathroom to throw-up, causing Liam and her to rush to the hospital so they can find out if she is pregnant.

"Congratulations Miss. Your two months pregnant" The nurse said before excusing herself

Violet jumped with joy and embraced Liam happily which he returned with just as much ferocity

Miranda and Grayson found out the news and they spent the night celebrating in their house with them

Just like that another 7 months passed with Jermey being born two months prior and violet in labor

"Push Violet, you're almost there" the nurse encouraged

"Arggg" Violet groaned squeezing her husbands hand hard and said through gritted teeth

"This is a thousand times worse than being stabbed"

Liam looked sorry for his wife because he knows how painful being stabbed is and if it is worse, than he prays for her to bear with it

Loud wails fill the room after an hour and the nurses quickly cut the umbilical cord and hands the baby to Violet

"Here's your baby girl"

Liam and Violet stare lovingly at their child and both said,


An hour after Violet got some rest Miranda and Grayson come into the room with baby Jermey in hand

"Violet!" Miranda rushed over happily and peered over her to see the baby

"She's so cute" She gushed

Grayson made is way over next to Liam and clamped his shoulder

"Good job man"

Liam coughed awkwardly and smiled at him

"Our children can be the best of friends" Miranda and Violet were already planning thousands of playdates while the men were sighing at their wifes behaviors


It's been five years since Caitlyn's birth and we have already started her endurance training by chasing her around all day and strength by doing some sit-ups. We want her to be able to fight the vampires and wolves in the future. We don't really know how she will fare with a witch, but our daughter will manage somehow.

"Come on Caitlyn, we have to leave now for your first day of kindergarten" Violet called to her daughter

"Coming mom" Caitlyn shouted running down the stairs with her pitch black hair and bright blue eyes shining, but ended up tripping on the last step. I didn't go to help because I knew she could catch herself. Just like Violet thought, Caitlyn reached for the ground and did a shoulder roll before standing up and dusting herself off.

"Got everything" Liam asked coming up from behind her

"Yes dad" caitlyn gave a toothy smile and grabbed the strips of her back pack to hide her nervousness

Liam and Violet exchanged glances before both sighing and kneeling in front of their daughter

"Honey, are you okay"

"Yes" Caitlyn said with a big smile but her voice wavered

"Lyn" Liam said sternly

Caitlyn's smile dropped and she bent her head towards the ground

"Im nervous what if the others don't like me"

"Why would you think that" Violet asked gently

"I-I don't know" She mumbled kicking her right foot back and forth

"Honey, Jermey is going to be there with you"

"Yeah, but what about the others" Caitlyn kept protesting

Violet sighed and put her hand underneath Caitlyn's chin and lifted her head up. Violet's blue eyes stared into an exact copy

"Who cares" She said bluntly

Caitlyn was affronted by her moms short blunt answer

"I care" Caitlyn pouted her lips with puffed out cheeks

Violet did a lop-sided smirk and tilted her head


"Be-beca-because the others might bully me if they don't like me"

"So? You're smarter than all of them and you know it. You don't have to stoop down to their childish level and take their poor excuse of insults." Violet waved her hand casually

She stood up along with Liam

"Hold your head high knowing none of what they are saying is true as long as you know the truth. Don't hang out with people who will put you down and discourage you. Even if you only have Jeremy as a friend for now, you know that he's the only one that deserves it." Liam finishes the lesson

Caitlyn stares at her parents with wide bug like eyes and her mouth agape

Liam and Violet blink confused before turning to each other and whispering,

"Do you think that was too much of a complex lesson for her age"

Hearing what her parents said she frantically waved her arms

"No no,I got it" She said with a real bright confident smile with shining eyes

"Thanks mom and dad. Let's go! We don't want to be late" Caitlyn rushed happily outside skipping with a hum

Violet and Liam fist bump

"Successful first lesson"


Caitlyn is 10 years old and is starting to distance herself from Elena because she just has this strange feeling of bad things happening if she's around her. She still hangs out with Jeremy dailey and considers him her big brother, but tries her best to avoid Elena.

Caitlyn interacts with Elena's friends though and especially likes Carolines' bubbly personality.

Miranda and Grayson try to talk with Violet and Liam, but they tell them that their daughter has her own choices and can decide who she wants to interact with and not.

Though they do have a talk with her about people

"Caitlyn why don't you want to be friends with Elena anymore" Liam asks suddenly at dinner one night

Caitlyn just shrugs

"I don't know I just feel bad vibes around her"

"Hm, so you would not interact with people who you feel are bad"

Caitlyn nods vigorously

"Lyn, I want to tell you something" Violet lifts Caitlyn onto her lap and wraps her arms around her waist

Caitlyn lifts her head to see her moms face

"What I'm going to tell you has nothing to do with elena. I just want you to be open-minded in the future, okay?"

Caitlyn nods her head in understanding

"You might hear that someone is bad or evil and hear monstrous stories about them, but know that rumors may not always be true"

Caitlyn thinks hard for a second

"So your telling me to give someone a chance because the bad rumors about them may not be true"

Liam shaked his head

"No Lyn, rumors sometimes have some truth in them because it had to have started from somewhere. What we are trying to tell you is that there is no good or bad, just the choices someone makes and the opinions others have on the choices that person makes."

Violet continues

"We want you to observe carefully and make your own choices whether you feel that you could give that person a chance based on your opinions"

Liam and Violet said at the same time

"Even someone who seems like the cruelest person might just be the most broken and lost."

Violet hugs her daughter tightly and whispers in her ear

"Remember monster are made not born"

Chapitre suivant