
Chapter 27: Two Options

~Arika's POV~

Arika sat in the royal garden, ranting with her face against the table as Suni sat across. She had been replaying her last encounter with Sin-Vira and felt the urge to hide away in her room for the day.

Suni exhaled a sigh as the bell chimed, signally the morning officially starting. "Ari. You have been incoherent ever since you brought me over here. I gotta get back helping mama, so you better spit it out or else I'm leaving."

Arika slowly raised her head as she stared at Suni. "I feel really bad about this agreement…" she finally spoke.

Suni rests her cheek in her palm. "The one with that prince? Why? You said so yourself that you just wanted to screw your pops over by helping him out."

"I still plan on doing that! It's just-…" she placed her hand over her chest. "It feels wrong lying to him. He doesn't know I'm Arika, not Sibylla. What if my sister won't follow through with our plan?! I'll be rolling in my grave if his kingdom won't improve!"

"Well, you got two options that are pretty much tied together." Suni raised her finger. "Tell Sin-Vira the truth about who you are and hope he can keep his mouth shut." She then raised another finger. "Or, tell your sister the plan you two have and hope she agrees to it. I suggest the second option. Him knowing your secret could give him the upper hand and screw you over."

Arika slammed her hands on the table as she stood up. "He would never do that! I know I can trust him!" She shouted.

All Suni did was giggle at her outburst. "You are totally worked up over him. Gotta crush on him or something?" she teased.

Arika slowly sat back down in her seat and laced her fingers together. "It's not a crush. Sin-Vira is sweet and caring. I just know I can trust him!"

"Then tell him. I'm sure he'll take it well knowing who he's been talking to. Try saying this: 'Hi Sin-Vira! So you know how you've been calling me, Sibylla all this time? I'm actually Arika! The girl who died ten years ago! But don't worry, my sister may plan on helping you after I die again. Let's hope for the best!' How 'bout it?" Suni asked in a mocking tone.

"Okay, I get it. I can't figure out how to tell him. I never thought I'd get so close to him. He told me such a big secret and I couldn't even do the same…" Arika fidgeted with a lock of her hair.

Suni seemed unbothered as she smiled. "You don't have to feel bad for lying to him. It's for the best he doesn't know. Hold out until the end. That way it won't matter how he feels. He'll be your sister's problem."

It was easy for her to say such a thing. Arika felt wrong for letting the secret go on for so long. The longer she waited, the worst it would be once Sin-Vira found out. But regardless of when he found out, whatever was build up between them would shatter.

Arika pushed herself up from her seat. "I think I'll go speak with my sister about this. Sorry for holding you back, tell your mom I said you're an awful daughter because you've left me more conflicted!" Arika bowed to her. "Wish me luck."

"Avoid looking at her face. Maybe it'll keep you from panicking like last time."

She looked at Suni to see the growing concern on her face. "Thanks, Suni. I'll remember who I am this time. Please take it easy today, I'm sure yesterday was tiring."

"It was. But it would've been worse if Ivy hadn't jumped in! Oh! If they do come over again, tell her I'll! Pay her back in Any way I can!" Suni shouted.

Arika shrugged at her. "I'll be going to the Snapdragons next time. But I'll still try to remember!"

Suni stood up from her seat and walked towards her. "Wait! You're actually going to the Snapdragon kingdom?! Won't the king get angry?" She whispered.

"He'll get mad at everything I do. Yesterday he was pretty furious so I had another session…" Arika stiffened as Suni threw her arms around the smaller framed girl. "It's okay. I didn't think for a second that I wasn't real. All I thought about was hurrying to see the fireworks with Vira! I never got the chance, but it was still better than the alternative!"

Suni nuzzled her slightly before letting her go. "I'm glad you're finally liking someone, but don't get too attached. Otherwise, it'll only hurt more. I'll see you around."

"Of course. Thanks again…" She watched as Suni left the garden with her chest aching.

Suni was always the one who kept her grounded and usually out of trouble. But at times, Arika hated how easily Suni spoke about feelings the princess had never experienced.

Life felt more complicated after the night before. She felt strange having someone always in her mind, wanting to see him for longer and forget about her duties by having fun with him.

"I wonder…" she mumbled before walking along another stone path that leads to the graveyard. The gate for the public to enter was already shut, so she was the only one there.

Arika stood before her grave and knelt to the colorful gifts. They were all technically for her since they were all things she would like when she was alive. Which included the gift Sin-Vira tributed.

She picked up the small box and opened it to see the silver ring. It was a simple ring with no engraving, gems, or patterns. She took it out and stared at the smooth object.

"It's technically my ring, so wearing it wouldn't be too wrong, right?"

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