
Boarding the Ship

The Captain stood on his ship, looking at Ning with his lips parted the entire time. The workers said nothing and Shara only held her agape mouth.

The Captain was no older than in the late 30s, or early 40s, but did look significantly worse physically as if he had let himself go. His beard was mostly unkempt and the sides of his thick hair were sticking out of the captain's hat he wore.

"Say… say that again," the man said.

"Your daughter asks that you don't be sad any longer," Ning said. "That is all she says."

The captain suddenly lunged from the deck, jumping at Ning. Ning tried to move away, but the man was already on top of him. He slammed backward, his back hitting the wooden dock rather strongly.

He felt his breath leave his escape his body and refuse to come back no matter how much he tried to.

Shara screamed and the men shuffled when they saw what the captain did.

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