
A New Magic

After Ning was done completely absorbing Langoris' energy, he moved back to the planet, arriving amongst the refugees outside, next to the old woman.

"Aah!" the old woman shouted, cursing at Ning. To her, he was a ghost who could disappear and come back just as he wished.

She was standing at the moment, trying to see what had happened in the city. There was no doubt she and the others hadn't heard the commotion by now. 

Ning hadn't exactly been covert in his mission.

Ning smiled at the old woman, who continued muttering curses at him, slowly backing away. "I thought you would like to watch me bring the heat back."

"Devil! Go away!" she shouted.

Ning ignored her and conversed with his system. "How do I go about this aura now?" he asked the System. "Can I absorb it perhaps?"

<There is no method you can use to get rid of the aura without spending a lot energy while doing so>

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