
The Slime's Story

"So, the one asking people to come help build houses… that was you too, huh?" Ning asked. "I can see you didn't have any bad intentions, so I'll let it slide."

"O-of course," the slime said. "I'm not a bad slime."

"That you are not," Ning said and started walking. The slime walked behind him. 

Well, 'walk' wasn't exactly correct. The slime waddled along the floor as its body continuously spun like a wheel to move forward. 

It was already surprising to Ning that it was even able to keep its 'face' in the front even when it was constantly moving.

Ning walked around, looking at the unfinished projects. The beasts and humans had been living together, building houses for nearly 2 years now from what the slime had told him.

There were some houses that had already been built, but most of these places seemed new.

"Why are there so many new houses?" Ning asked.

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