
Weird Shit [#14]

"We need a plan, the Demodogs are going to try and stop El from closing the Gate, i say we should burn the tunnels to distract them-" Mike Wheeler, brother to Nancy Wheeler, stood before Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Will Byers (Who was barely awake), Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler herself, Steven Herrington, and Jonathan Byers who stood by his brother's side and tried to help him, not to count Billy Hargrove and Victor Zunni Vermont who were cuddling on the corner, Zunni whispering sweet nothings to Billy who had his eyes closed and enjoyed the relaxing touches of his love. "Also, we need to deal with the Mind Flayer-"

"I already killed the Mind Flayer, don't worry about it."Mike's voice was interrupted by Zunni, who just waved his hand, making everyone (except Nancy and Jonathan) look at him with a face that said many things from 'What do you mean', 'Visible Confusion', 'Shut the fuck up and let me talk', and 'Wow, they're boyfriends huh? Cute': "Well, i dealt with it see?" He made a crushing motion with his hand, closing it into a fist as it glowed green: "And i had some magic to help me." He smirked at the tiny crowd that looked at him- "Magic isn't real." Mike scoffed, making not only Zunni and Billy stunned and questioning his ability to see, but also Dustin, Steven, Jonathan, and Nancy- The rest hadn't seen a magic trick per say. "What? Guys? You can't believe he's telling the truth! He's like El, a number! It could be his power too, you know!?"

"Well, he's kinda right..." Lucas whispered to Max, who promptly used her elbow to hit him on the stomach, making the poor boy wheeze in pain: "Hey, Crazy Boyfriend-" Zunni turned to look at her as she pointed to the wheezing Lucas: "-Heal him, proof of magic right?" Zunni just rolled his eyes as his hand came forward and he whispered in the Old Tongue [-Heal Him-], but only to a minor extent because he couldn't bother to heal the entire body of a kid! There was a sudden green glow on Lucas' whole body for a moment and he felt fine... More than fine actually! "Wow. It worked?"

"Teach me." Not missing a beat, Dustin stood before Victor as Billy opened his eyes and looked at him, blue eyes staring straight at the nerdy boy, friend on Max- "... no." Zunni scoffed, the truth was that he didn't want to bind the boy to this life of fighting Outsiders for his entire life, like how his life is going to be forever! "Aw, C'mon! Teach meeee!" Whining, the boy placed both hands on Zunni's shoulded and looked at him in the eyes: "Like, just one instruction, I'll be your student, teacher, just tell what to do to be able to use magic like you!" Billy had the urge to laugh when he saw the annoyed expression Zunni had on his face, he almost urged him to take the nerdy kid as one of his students (Since he himself was the first and only for now) when Zunni gave in by saying: "Fine!" The large smile without dome teeth that grew on Dustin's face was... Cute? Like a baby seal, or so Zunni thought for a moment before dropping the bomb on his expectations: "But you'll need to learn the Old Tongue, get a connection to nature, and get a staff... Maybe i could make you one, but only after you successfully casts your first spell or speaks fove words on the Old Tongue fluently with no pronunciation errors."

"Old Tongue-" Dustin was shut down by Mike's exasperated: "C'mon Dustin, he's just bullshiting you!" Dustin this time turned and walked over to Steven, eyes focused as if he was going through the words Zunni said about how he would teach him magic- "Wait, would that make me a Druid!?" Zunni hummed at the question of the boy, saying truthfully: "Well, DnD like? Yeah maybe, you won't be able to Wild Shape though, you'll be most likely only able to cast an Entangle or Healing Word, maybe a Druidcraft? That's not a bad idea though, after all, some things are really from there-" Eddie, Lucas, Will, Mike, and Dustin were all looking at him as if he had grown another head- Wait, he didn't accidentally grow another head, did he? "Pfffft-" Billy couldn't resist the lost puppy eyes Zunni had and laughed, making the bigger boy holding him smile tenderly at him: "Yeah, he's a nerd like you guys- He knows a lot of shit from the Dungeons and Dragons shit you've being playin'..."

"Also, it's not only the Demodogs, Mike." Will coughed, his body still adjusting the lack of coldness inside: "There's giant centipedes-" Billy cut him off by raising his hand and patting Zunni's cheeck and saying: "We can deal with them, can't we Boy?" Zunni's only response was to nuzzle on the hand like a puppy, which in the eyes of those who saw him become a werewolf, it wasn't an exaggerated thought! "What'd you mean by 'we'-" The question was quickly answered when Billy raised his hand and his nails turned into claws his hand grew a ginger fur and his arm looked very much like a Werewolf arm right now! "-Okay, we got another werewolf."

"Not a werewolf. Chimera."

"The fuck's a Chimera?" Robin, who had been a little silent, turned to look at Eddie who had Steven's head on his hands as he said something to him, she sighed before saying: "Hey dingus, what's a Chimera?" But Dustin was the one to answer: "You're a Half Lion, Half Goat, Half Snake that can spit fire from your mouth?" Well, so that's a Chimera? "No, that's something else- We're Chimeras, well, I'm their king and shit but essentially, we Chimeras are the protectors of nature, we protect it from the Outsiders and i think we don't have time for history lessons right now."

They had tunnels to burn.

-Scene Cut-


"Ask it."

"Are you like, royalty or something?" Will Byers, the ever so curious boy, approached Billy and Zunni as they were walking down the tunnels- The kids refused to be left behind, Zunni and Billy had zero to no opinion about it (But Billy did say he wanted Max fo be safe), while Robin and Eddie thought that if left behind they would go out on their own regardless so it was better to bring them along, and Nancy, Jonathan, and Steven said it'd be better if they left them on the Byers house- which was rejected by the kids and they ended up coming alongside anyway! Going down the tunnels was easier than they thought, even more so when a human equivalent of a torch walked alongisde them! Serious, the moment Zunni set his own hair on fire was the moment Will had seen everything and nothing would surprise him again! "Technically speaking? Yes, I'm a king." Zunni answered the question of the tiny Byers, the vines around them refused to get close to the bright and hot source of flames: "So this means Billy's a queen?"

"Pffff-" Zunni had to resist the urge to laugh, Billy had this 'Are you fucking serious right now' look on his face as Zunni only nodded to answer Will's question: "Will, be careful." Mike warned him as he pulled him back a little, the kids were in the middle while the older ones were around them, with Zunniand Billy in the front, Robin and Steven on the sides, and Nancy, Jonatha, and Eddie on the back, that way the kids were in the middle. "We're getting closer to the gate!" Zunni said loud enough for others to hear, his fire hair wasn't the only source of light but it was the one that kept the vines on the walls and ceiling from approaching them all: "We will proceed with the plan, I'll put the kids in the box if there's an emergency, it all starts once i set the gate on fire, you all will protect the kids too- There will come a lot of them in right about-" There was a loud screech and thousands of footsteps echoed in the dark tunnel: "-Now." Soon they all saw the nightmare inducing sight of thousands of centipedes from different sizes- From small as a normal centipede to tall as a large rhinoceros.

"It's time to hunt, dear." A kiss was placed on the forehead of his beloved, his body dropping low as fire consumed his being and he grew- Full Elementalization: Fire!

Victor Zunni became a human being of fire, making Dustin chuckle a "Flame On?" out thinking about a certain Quartet- Billy, however, did not become an element (Since he didn't know how, yet) but instead he let his body relax as he wanted to try for the first time a full shapeshifting- his bones cracked and broke, his back turned over snc he huncked, his face morphed as fur grew all over his body- He sadly couldn't fully transform yet as his soul wasn't fully healed yet, but he could at least do a humanoid transformation! Before them stood a 7 feet tall humanoid wolf, a werewolf, with ginger fur and blue eyes it was ready to kill as many centipedes as it could- He wanted to let out some of his steam, after his father kicked the shit out of him for not finding Max and going to a date (Zunni said he'd help himz but how was the question- no, not time to think about that), he thought it was a good idea to teach him about 'responsibility' and 'respect'.

But it did not stop there- Octopus-like tentacles grew from his back, and at the end of each one of the 8 that grew out of his back, a turtle shell with spikes stood. "I did it!" Smiling, Billy turned to look at Zunni who gave him a fiery smile before saying: "Fuck them up, baby." And blasting forward, moving with a burning passion! The first centipede that came close enough, received a sturdy turtle shell with spikes on the head, the centipede itself had spikes so it was of no surprise when those spikes shattered under the attack- Green blood flew as Billy went on a rampage that made Zunni hard! Thankfully, his fire dick didn't get hard so no one saw it.

Meanwhile, the normal humans that had no power had to fight the giant centipedes with bones- Dustin was all smiles when he received a bone staff from Zunni alongside the words "Don't break it, or I'll break your bones" that he responded with "I don't have collarbones, so you can break the rest", Steven received a morning star made out of bones, Eddie got his wish and received a shield out of bones and some kind of shell? Robin got a spear, which was weird but it was long and she could stab things with it from a distance, while the kids got only self defense gear- except Max, she got a sharp-looking knife of bones alongside the words: "Billy asked me to give this to you, as an apology... If you want." She took the knife and thought about the apology, he'll need to do a lot more than that to apologize to her but it is a start... Also, the knife's pretty cool too, so extra points for him! "Be careful!" Shouted Lucas, her knight, as he got in front of her with his white shield with spikes, protecting her from the charging centipede the size of a large dog, she got the opportunity and took it, stabbing it on the head- The creature screeched as it died rather easily...

Only then did she notice the turtle shell that had slammed on the body of the same centipede- he was protecting her?

-Scene Cut-

Meanwhile, Zunni looked at the weird Demodog before him, that didn't have any connection to the Upside Down, but actually had a connection to nature: "Hey, are you, like, Dart?"

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