
CH 64: Fleur and the Final Push!

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

her pained yelps slowly lost their intensity as she got used to my presence.

"Do you like it when I take you just a few meters away from the pathetic waste of space that thinks himself as your husband, slut," I murmured. "Do you?"







"Yes," she moaned, not bothering to suppress her voice, but even that wasn't as noticeable as her allure, spreading in thick waves as she lost control of her voice.

"Do you care what he would do if he feels thirsty and decides to get a glass of water?" I asked.

She managed to snort in amusement despite the charged situation. "Right, like he would lift his lazy ass to come here instead of ordering me to bring," she said, choosing to show her resentment by pulling me even deeper inside her.

"Then maybe we should visit him," I said as I pulled out, my words shocking her enough to make her loosen the wrapping of her legs.

While she was dealing with her shock, I grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Her dance training took over her reflexes, and we were wrapped in a simple dance stance.

Not one to miss such an opportunity, I raised her hand, leading her to a dance move that would make her twirl two times before returning to the starting position.

but the second turn, I interrupted by a forward step, sliding inside her tight hole once again, which managed to earn another cry thanks to the unfamiliar angle.

I pushed, and despite her trembling, she managed to take a step forward, but needed me to grab her arms to prevent her from falling down.

I wished that I had set up a camera to record the moment, as it deserved to be immortalized from multiple angles, but luckily, pensieve was always an option.

"Move forward, my slutty angel," I said, underlining my order with a slap to her bottom.

She sent an uncertain glare towards the door, then to my face, like she was trying to make a monumental decision -in a way, she was- and took another step, this time without a push from my end.

It seemed that she finally made a decision.

I pulled her arms closer, and shifted grabbing them with only one hand, reaching my wand with the other, ready to cast a spell on Bill when he noticed our status.

The last thing I needed was to notice him before I do and disarm me, making me lose the alliance of the Elder Wand.

Walking down the corridor was an amazing experience.

Despite the pleasure she was feeling, Fleur stiffened further the closer we got to her husband -in a legal sense, at least- which made her hole even tighter.

Another small miracle occurred when Fleur managed to hold her moans at a manageable level, low enough to avoid detection.

Unfortunately,I sped up due to her tightness, the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the corridor…

Unusual enough for Bill to actually break through the weak distraction spell I had placed on him.

The way his eyes widened large enough to pop out was amusing. "Fleur!" he gasped in shock.

"Honey, why don't you give a wave to your husband," I said, not even needing to add a mocking twist at the last word.

it would be overkill under the circumstances. And, much to my surprise, Fleur did so, followed by a loud moan.

She was even more gone than I had suspected, not that I had any problem with it.

Her vulgarity managed to break Bill out of his shock, and he tried to reach his wand, fumbling drunkenly.

Even without that unexpected assistance, I was ready, and nailed him with a disarming charm, followed by ropes.

A levitation spell later, he was comfortably sitting on the seat, and I also put a gag on his mouth, preventing him from making any noise.

His function was strictly observatory.

With that done, I continued to walk, pushing myself into Fleur's tight hole deeper in each step.

until we arrived at the seat directly across Bill, giving him an excellent vantage point. He deserved to sample his wife's amazing sexual skills once, even if it was indirectly.

I didn't pull out even when I was sitting, just wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her alongside.

A nice jolt of pleasure I experienced when, with the momentum of the movement, Fleur sank even deeper onto my shaft, giving me a five-star experience of her tighthole.

"Your husband deserves a show, right, sweetie?" I said even as I loosened the grip around her waist and leaned back.

"That's exactly what he deserves," Fleur spat, and started moving up and down enthusiastically, a victorious expression on her face as she kept her gaze on her husband.

Bill might not be the best husband, but it was clear that he didn't deserve as much. But an interesting trick of psychology helped me amazingly here.

After cheating him with me, Fleur's subconscious had been looking for an excuse to justify her disloyalty, and escalating everything Bill did in her mind, managing to do much more than my spells could achieve.

Sometimes, the mind was more interesting than anything magic could achieve.

"Really, honey," I said as I leaned back, continuing to enjoy the sensation of Fleur's tight hole simultaneously with the conceptual enjoyment of the total domination.

"He seems like a nice guy, if a bit childish. What exactly made you that angry?"

The combination of arousal, excitement, and the pressure of the rather scandalous moment we were sharing worked better than a large bottle of wine to unlock her tongue.

She spun a long monologue on Bill's faults, some real but exaggerated, the others completely imaginary, but nevertheless, it worked wonders; each slamming in his psyche with the full strength of a sledgehammer, cracking his mind.

And I wasn't standing lazily at that moment. My wand was dancing at an angle outside of Fleur's field of vision, rewriting Bill's thought process as much as possible.

It would be inconvenient for him to disappear completely, so I was aiming to make him do the next best thing. After tonight.

he would decide to take an international assignment to Egypt, where he would spend his time exploring the ancient tombs while trying to process the derailment of his life.

a process that would take years if the spells hold as much as I intended.


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