
Story Untold

Those few words brought a heat into the room that no mere firewood in the fireplace could stoke. Like an echo, Jon slammed his fist onto the table as he looked into Robb's eyes.

"Aye, You have my support and my banner in this war."

As the revelation set in not only to the support Jon could provide that was substantial but also what it meant. One by one the Northern lords supported Robb's cause and with it his odds in this war grew. As the declarations soon started to rise in volume, lord Umber stood up abruptly.

"While I know Jon and many of you, Robb is but a pup!"

Jon glared across the table before tapping his fingers on its hardwood. His voice is cold and his eyes colder still.

"I suggest you sit your large ass down before I kick it to the ground. This meeting is to entail our services to our new liege. If you respect me at all, lord Umber, then you will be civil."

Hearing the brash words from the sitting man, Umber's face started to turn red from the pure strain of trying to hold his anger in. Before anything could progress, Robb's gaze settled and his loud voice echoed in the hall.

"Sit down lord Umber, if you question my authority once more, I'll take it as an act of treason and treat it as such."

Lord Umber looked almost shocked hearing the words, Jon supposed he wasn't expecting his outburst to be considered treason though it did sound like it. As the meeting of the lords and paramount Robb Stark started to end, Jon was one the last lords to leave the hall to his lodgings. Instead, Robb walked up to him and spoke in a soft and subtle voice as he passed him.

"Follow me."

With the two young men making their way, Jon soon discovered their destination, the Solar in which he had only ever been inside of a few times much to the late Eddard Stark's disgruntlement most of the time. Shifting to the bookcase, Robb grabbed an old looking book with a worn spine. Jon's curiosity almost was at its peak before Robb slid the book across the desk to him and spoke low while looking downward.

"Check the last page."

Doing as Robb asked, Jon's questioning look turned to a startling revelation as he read the parchment on the paper.

'It is with great distress that I, Eddard Stark, Paramount of the North, admit to my crimes towards the crown and my brother in arms. I found my sister in the tower barely alive and holding her breath not to see me with happiness or joy for a beloved familial kin but to see the child in which she birthed mere moments before my arrival. At first I had wished to write no such account of my dark secrets hoping them to vanish and disperse with my death. Now though, I see I can not hold such things back as I see his growth and similarity to his mother and father. A talent in which few have seen or witnessed. I dare say he will rival all in which I value and best it, for the greater good or its destruction, I've not known as of yet. I hold with baited breath as I see my sister's eyes when he looks at me and I see his father in him with every passing day. Not in figure , no, but with his commanding presence and charisma that just seems to linger on him. In all but a short fleeting day, the boy changed rapidly at that. I see him grow and grow more into the man I could not dare to hold down tied to my hopes but instead he has started to spread his wings for greater heights. Combat holding no fear over him nor when placed in command of a keep. A natural instinct I would almost call it as he seems destined for it. The last time I saw him, his tall build and thundering steps, I could hear Lyanna's voice in the winds calling for him. "Aegon Targaryen". I write this down not as proof of some scheme but simply to admit my faults as a man and a friend. I'm sorry Jon.'

Reading the words, Jon dropped the book and stepped backward just as Robb had unsheathed his sword and raised it quickly in a flurry of motion. Jon grabbed the hilt of his sword as his gaze landed on Robb's chilly eyes and his saddened expression.

"Are we real brother's, Jon? Or is it Aegon now? Did you know? For how long?"

Jon was shocked and his throat dry as he tried to choke out the words. His hand which was white knuckled loosened its grip on his sword's handle before looking downward.

"I've always thought of you as my brother, Robb. I've also known for a while, though I truly confirmed it in King's Landing."

The silence that took over was suffocating with an almost visible fog of uncertainty. Robb's arm shook before his sword dropped to the ground with a loud metallic clang. With a sigh, Robb rubbed his temple and looked at Jon with an almost pleading look.

"So what now, Do you want the Iron Throne?"

Jon looked towards Robb as the words set in and he chuckled half heartedly.

"Whoever gets it, it must be for the betterment of the realm."

"Well that sentence alone makes you more qualified than most. For now how about we just focus on the war that we are in. Are you with me Jon?"

Jon smiled slightly as he looked at the fallen sword before picking it up and handing it to Robb who stared at him with confusion.

"Yeah, let's focus on this war first. You have my blade, Robb Stark."

The night was spent with restless thoughts and endless discomfort for both Robb and Jon. The morning did little else other than reminding everyone of what was to come as the nobles dispersed to gather their bannermen and prepare to march south. Jon and Robb stood a few feet from each other as Jon prepared his horse.

"Tell them I'm sorry again. For what happened and for not saying hello while here. I'll be waiting in Moat Cailin for your arrival."

As Jon heaved himself into the saddle on his mount, he smiled at Robb already thinking of his future plans. Robb looked at the departing back of Jon as Theon walked up to him from behind.

"He's changed so much for a bastard to become a lord of his own castle and lands."

"He's no bastard, he's my brother and one I think will change the history of Westeros for the better."

Turning on his heel, Robb made his way back to his keep while Theon stood there confused and his mind trying to piece together on what he could've possibly missed before dismissing it all together and following Robb to the keep.

"Reports have come in and the soldiers from Essos should be here before Robb and the other lord's arrive, my lord. We've also done as you asked and finished the construction finally of the two forts closer to the shore line you've tasked us with though they are crude in design and will require further work if you want them to be expanded and improved."

Jon walked in a brisk manner as he grabbed the report reading it over as Talen spoke.

"Good, improve it as you see fit and station three thousand men at each fort with a patrol garrison of five hundred for both respectively. Focus the remaining work force towards war supply line maintenance, start training medical personnel to help along the front lines and for the future wounded. Consult Ella on mass enchantments for shields and our soldiers' armor. I want less casualties and therefore have our defensive equipment bolstered with a sturdy and tough composition resistant to arrows and light hearted blows from the enemy."

Talen nodded before jogging away to the mage tower in the distance where Ella resided. Jon knew it wouldn't guarantee his soldiers safety especially with a mass enchantment being a lot weaker than a personalized individual one but it would help greatly nonetheless. Making his way to his solar, Jon stepped inside looking upon the stack of scrolls he had received and were left if deemed too important for eyes other than his. Brushing his hand over the sealed scrolls, his fingertips stopped as they glanced over the wax seal of someplace he hadn't expected to hear from. Breaking the wax seal, the scroll unfurled for Jon to view at his discretion all the while his brows knitted together. After he finished reading, He sat down in his chair as he rubbed his temples and sighed heavily.

'Why must I be plagued by such decisions and information when I already have so much to handle lately.'

The scroll seemed to droop from his hand as it lay on the table before him, the signed name at the bottom.

'I await your reply, Lord Winter.

Lady Olenna Tyrell'

Here you all go before I head to work today. Hope you enjoy and have a beautiful day all you beautiful people. Write your comments and what you think will happen. Is it a path that will lead to many's delight and sorrow or will it take a turn. Tune in next time on.... Well this Fanfiction!

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