
Shiver! Such thing will never happen. Not this life, or ever.

St. Cohen School, Sector-D


Demanding Faced Aiden: What? We don't reply to his messages, don't reply to his calls... It is already exhausting living as ten in a single body, and this moron wants to take every moment from us, who does he think, he is? Does he think we have so much free time?

Strong Faced Aiden: Exactly, we barely get the time to sleep, if we have time, shouldn't we rest peacefully then to spend time with his motherfucker.

Ruthless Faced Aiden: I say, we should've killed him when we had the time, I had even found a good place to bury him.

Intelligent Faced Aiden: Can you shut up about killing him, what are we, psychopaths? Do you have any on which level the technology has reached; it is not easy hiding the dead body now.

Cold Faced Aiden: Is that even a topic to discuss? Can someone tell me how to handle this cub? 

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