
Disillusions - 1

But first, they had to take care of this mess they had created. The longer it went on, the more it would cause problems for everyone involved. He wanted to nib the bud in the roots and claim his prize.

"We would need help if we have any chance of stopping things now. Frichia would also become a problem we will have to deal with. Let's start with finding Akito and the other's first" That was as good an idea as any and this was agreed upon pretty easily. They left the room in a hurry, a fight against time to make things right had begun for them after all.

There was almost silence as the pair moved through the space. They did not know what to say to each other at this moment since there was no way to make it any more perfect than it had already turned out to be. The confessions had been quite frank but they had a long time coming.

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