

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Sorry for being late, I was very busy for the last 2 days.

For those who like it, I've uploaded a Plot Bunny Collection on FFN, and currently have 4 Plot Bunnies up. Interested authors can adopt any of those stories freely, just send me a link!

Read on!


Tim and I lay prone near a few trees, covered by Ghillie suits, looking down at the small town that is our target. Åsgårdstrand. 

Åsgårdstrand is a very small town, almost a village in fact, about 10 kilometres away from Tønsberg, Norway. It is a port town at the East coast of Norway, and is one of the many places where Nazi presence is very high.

There were almost 300 soldiers down there, right now, to guard a town of just 350 Norwegians. The rebels were all probably already dead, or imprisoned somewhere else.

Tim and I came to Norway last night, with a stealth plane especially designed by Stark dropping us off. He flew the camouflaged, almost silent plane, without turning the lights on at all, and had us parachute down here, 3 miles outside of Åsgårdstrand.

That was last night, at 11 PM, local time. After that, we had to walk, and sometimes crawl towards the village, moving silently in the darkness of the night, which took us almost 8 hours. And now, for the last 3 hours, we have been sitting there, silently observing the digging going on, after eating our rations, also silently.

I was continuously using my Telepathy to make sure that we weren't found by anyone.

The Ghillie suits themselves were well made, no doubt there, and they were built by using the data about the flora here that we had. But, this is a war, and I doubt the Nazis are any less vigilant, just because they rule Norway.

Even without the telepathic field of "Nothing's wrong here", we had stayed completely still for the last 3 hours, watching over the Village, and the giant hole being dug right in the middle of it.

Knowing that no one's around us, thanks to my telepathy, I whisper to him, "I don't think the dig's done yet. They haven't found whatever weapon they're looking for, but judging by the excitement on the General's face, they're definitely close."

From my right, Tim says, "They look excited, alright. You're going in?"

Nodding, I say, "I'll cover you while you get into position, after that, I'll go in."

Tim nods back, both of us still looking at the dig, and says, "I'll find a tree to hide on top of, ready to back you up, if anything goes wrong."

Tim was going to be my look-out, while I infiltrate the town as a Nazi soldier. The thoughts that I could hear didn't seem to hint that it was anything but an honest dig, to find the Divine weapon, ordered by Adolf Hitler himself. But, I still wasn't going to let my guard down.

I guess he must be trying to find something to combat Hydra, as well as us Howling Commandos. And a weapon that can turn him into a God is not something he'll ignore.

Since we were hidden very well, Tim gets up, still wearing the Ghillie suit, and starts walking backwards. I see through my Binoculars, to see if someone has seen him. Finding one such soldier, in a watch tower, looking in my direction, I enter his mind, and find him about to raise an alarm, since he had actually seen Tim.

Immediately, I control his mind, and forcefully calm him down. 

"What's wrong?" His companion asks him, having seen him momentarily startle.

Directly controlling him, I answer through his mouth, sounding fascinated, and say, "I just saw an amazing pair of birds!"

The other soldier slaps the one I possessed on the back of his head, and says, "Pay attention, damn it, don't just look at birds. The Fuhrer wants this mission to go without any issues."

Changing his memories to reflect the birds, and his fascination at them, I retreat back to my own mind. This is the first time I've actually directly controlled anyone, and I don't know how I feel about it.

It's everything my morals condemn, since it's too damn similar to the Imperius curse. I've possessed people, sure, and even ridden the back of their minds. I've also copied the entire memory bank of almost a dozen people. But actually controlling them? Nah, this is the first time I did it.

But well, I needed to do this, or our mission would have failed.

Seeing Tim settle down in his position, on top of a thick branch of a tree, hidden within the leaves, a single sniper rifle extended out of it, I nod, and start crawling backwards. Time to become a Nazi, and infiltrate the village.

Getting out of the Ghillie suit, once outside the view of the town of Åsgårdstrand, I wear the set of a lower ranked Nazi soldier that we had liberated for this exact purpose, and start walking.

Within 5 minutes, I once more reach the treeline, and look at the town, the digging still going on with the help of cranes, and the imprisoned Norwegians. The Nazi soldiers were all surrounding the hole being dug, their guns pointed inside, and some of them pointing outside to guard them.

Taking my wand out, I tap it on top of my head, and whisper, "Illusio" immediately feeling as if someone cracked an egg on top of my head. 

My Disillusionment charm was now good enough, that I was completely invisibile. Not even running around would allow anyone to see me.

Now invisibile, I use my Telepathy and connect to Tim's mind, making his mind, and just his mind see me clearly.

And then, I walk out, confidently, towards the town. No one stops me, on account of me being invisibile, but for Tim, it must look as if I was just that good at infiltration. Sure enough, I feel a lot of awe in his mind, at how I pass a pair of gun toting Nazis, without even getting a single glance from them.

As soon as I reach the hole, however, I stop, and frown. I could feel every mind in this town, thanks to my telepathy, now being in the very centre. But.. something was wrong. The Minds that I could hear the thoughts of were normal, nothing about them said anything regards to me, or Tim, or even the weapon, whatever it is.

But, 10 of these Minds were different. I could feel them, but I couldn't hear a single thought from them. Just like when I felt the minds of the Flamels, but couldn't hear their thoughts.

This is wrong, something definitely feels wrong. 10 minds inaccessible to me, even with the Phoenix's training? One, I can excuse, even two, since a Telepath, or even a Sorcerer can train to completely block offensive Telepathy. But 10? It was as if.. this is a trap. And I walked right into it.

Feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I immediately duck, and see something fly over my head. Something small, with a blue light that was blinking.

I blink at it, seeing the item fall into the hole almost in slow motion. I immediately bring my hands forward, casting my strongest and quickest shield spell, and then..


The shield charm breaks, the force of the magical explosion too much for it to handle.



Melting skin.



Unknown POV(Third Person):

Behind Captain Avalon, the brave Sir Mason Aves, stood a building, 3 stories tall. On the terrace of the building, stood 7 men, seemingly Nazis, with guns in their arms. They were all looking over the ground around the hole, waiting for something.

"He's here." One of them suddenly says, pointing down, in a German accent.

Another one removes a wand from his sleeve. Pointing it at his own eyes, he casts a spell, "Percipio!" allowing him to see through any illusion, even invisibility.

Smirking confidently, his spell showing him exactly where the invisible Captain Avalon was standing, the man keeps his wand back inside his sleeves, and throws a small item at him, using the wandless Banishing Charm to speed it up. Amazingly enough, the Captain dodges the item by ducking down, letting it sail over his head harmlessly.



Or so he thinks.

The man doesn't lose his smirk, however, raises both his hands up, and summons a giant Telekinetic shield around him and his companions. The transparent shield raises, and completely surrounds the 7 people, just in time to protect them all from the inevitable explosion, the highly dense energy shield protecting them all from the explosion, the flames, as well as the shockwave that was emitted from it. The shield crackles, but holds, keeping those inside it safe from the explosion.

Alas, the brave Sir Captain Avalon was too close to the explosion, and was immediately thrown towards the building to his back by the shockwave, his shield destroyed by the Magical bomb, but not before the flames massive enough to burn all his hair, and his face off completely hit him point blank.

The man bends down, to see the captain slam into the building they were standing on top of, making the building shake some more.

The explosion also kills over 200 of the Nazis and Norwegians that were inside, or close to the digging site. The shockwave, meanwhile travels even further, sending many a people flying away from their positions, most of them landing harshly, and killing many Åsgårdstrand residents from broken necks.

All over Åsgårdstrand, glass windows break, walls fall, and buildings crack, thanks to the massive explosion, and the shockwave. Outside the town, the lone man sitting atop a tree, looking through the scope of a sniper rifle, also falls prey to the shockwave, and drops down on the ground, breaking both his legs, and an arm, and immediately blacks out from the pain.

The man who had raised the Telekinetic shield drops it, immediately feeling the warmth of the air, thanks to the explosion, and turns to his companions. To the first German Wizard, he says, "Hilbert, go find the muggles that came with him. They should be somewhere around the town. William, the Weapon should be out by now, thanks to our explosive help. Find it, and bring it here."

"Gellert asked us to bring it directly to him, Cha-" the man, named William begins, as the man named Hilbert apparates away to find Captain Aves's companions, but is forced to stop by the Telekinetic forcefield of the leader snapping his mouth shut, and holding him still.

Glaring at William, he says, "I will take it to him myself, William. But first, we need to take care of the other pests that are after it, and subdue Captain Aves. We aren't the only ones here to survive the explosion."

"It seems the good Captain is recovering faster than we anticipated. No wonder Gellert wants him alive." A woman says, from her position, looking down at the fallen man.

Glaring at William once more, for good measure, he says, "His regeneration is second only to the ferals that Viktor failed to capture. Let's go and secure Captain Aves. We need to escape with the weapon, and Aves, before the others catch on."

Nodding, William apparates away to extract the weapon they had come here for, and the team leader says, "Don't let your guard down, no matter what. We all know what his gifts are, and what he's capable of. He's a dangerous enemy, even with the 7 of us fighting together. So, stick to the plan." He glares at them all, one by one, and menacingly whispers, "If this mission fails, if Aves gets away, I will flay you all alive, giving you a very painful deaths, and then create inferi out of your corpses to fight in the war."

Knowing he's entirely serious, the remaining 4 people nod, and then, as one, they all apparate down, seeing Captain Aves start standing up, already healed up nicely.

Everyone thinks it, 'You had to give a threatening speech and give him time to heal, didn't you?' but not one of them says it out loud, afraid of his anger.


When I wake up, after the explosion knocked me out, with the help of the wall I slammed into, I first feel nothing but pain.

Everywhere on the front of my body hurt, as it had faced the full brunt of the explosion. But my back wasn't entirely unhurt. I had slammed pretty hard into the building wall, and a lot of my bones had cracked.

Not for the first time, I thank the fact that I had taken Victor's healing factor into myself, and have developed some minor pain tolerance, over all these months of injuries. So, very slowly, the pain dulls, and I start healing once again, my skin itching with every inch that heals.

Putting my hand on my head, I rub it, and look around. The explosion had taken out most of the people here, and the crane was completely gone, disintegrated. I'm lucky to be alive, and it's only because I have the Healing factor of Victor Creed himself. If I didn't, I would have surely died.

I should know, whoever did it used my own Runic Bomb! They did it exactly the way I did it, making a Runic bomb powered by the highly volatile energy of the Tesseract. And I know exactly who did it, who brought me here to be caught in an ambush.

As I start standing up, I feel the space in front of me twist, and barely a moment later, 5 people apparate in, their wands already pointed right at my face 

I look at each of them, recognising a few faces as famous soldiers of Gellert Grindelwald, and one as someone.. unexpected.

Ignoring him, at first, I turn towards Vinda Rosier, and raspily ask, "Gellert really wants me dead, doesn't he? Is he afraid of little old me?"

My body was yet to heal completely, the injuries too much for it to heal immediately. The backlash of the broken shield spell had also messed with my magic control a bit, so I need to stall, until my control returns.

Vinda smirks, and says, "You're just a small thorn at his side, Captain Avalon.. that is what they call you right? The Champion of Avalon, the Knight of Avalon, Captain Britain? How does it feel, knowing that you work for Muggles, the ones who forced us into hiding. You aren't the Champion of Avalon, you're the Champion of Muggles, Captain Aves. And you'll die a Champion of Muggles."

"Now, now, Vinda. Let's not taunt him too much." The unexpected man says, putting a hand on Vinda's shoulder. Surprisingly enough, Vinda listens, and stops angrily taunting me.

Well, my Magic might be shot, but my mind is still intact. Expanding my Telepathy, and making it subtle, I try to enter their minds, and immediately slam into a wall. It'll take me literal hours to get through, if I keep trying like this, so durable their mental shields are.

"Ah, ah, ah.. Captain Aves. Your Mind is useless against us, no matter your strength." The man says, making me realise that they actually know about my attack.

I look at the man, chuckle, and say, "You got me all figured out, eh Charlus?"

Charlus Henry Potter. The son of Henry Potter II, the younger brother of Fleamont Potter by 3 years, and Elaine Rosier. Vinda Rosier's cousin, a very distand cousin. But most importantly, he's Monty's nephew, and he's working for Grindelwald.

I doubt Monty knows that. Heck, the last Monty knew, Charlus was studying for his Mastery in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Obviously, he didn't just learn defence.

"Well, of course. You were a thorn in Gellert's side, and he doesn't like thorns much, you see. So, say goodnight, Captain Aves." Charlus says, and with a wave of his wand, sends a Stupefy at my head, the other 4 doing the same from their own positions from around me. At the same time, 5 bright red Stupefy spells speed towards me, one going towards my head, two towards my legs, and two towards my chest and back.

They were completely surrounding me, leaving me nowhere to dodge. So, I don't just dodge. Summoning my new Magical shield artefact, one I enchanted after studying Steve's Vibranium shield, I spin around, and slap Charlus's Stupefy with it, straight at the Wizard behind me. The ones approaching my legs are avoided by just stepping around them, and the last two I send upwards, hitting them with the shield.

But then, I'm suddenly hit with a tremendous amount of pain, and drop down, the shield falling in the ground.

"CRUCIOOO!" Vinda yells once again, pointing her wand at me.

I clench my fists, my nails enlarged and digging into my palms, the pain of the Cruciatus curse hitting every nerve at the same time. 




For a few seconds, pain is all I feel, even after my mutation tries to heal my hurt. And then, as suddenly as it came, it stops.

I feel a hand touch my chin, and raise it up, making me look at the nephew of my Pseudo uncle. Breathing hard, I look at Charlus, too tired, and too hurt to even move a finger. My body was making my pain go away, but since this happened because of a curse, it wasn't happening fast enough.

Thankfully, my magic control was back now, but I need to be of a clear enough mind to cast spells. Which is taking a lot more time than I'm comfortable with.

Smiling at me, and my hurt, Charlus says, "You see, Gellert tasked us with your capture, and if not possible, then death. In preparation, he taught us everything about you, so that we can finish his task for him. Your Mental Arts, your Mystic Arts, your Metamorphmagic, your Physical talents, and even your Animalistic Gift. We even know how you duel. There isn't a skill of yours that we don't know of, and we have prepared for all of it."


The sound of apparition sounds, as I keep focusing my magic internally, to help speed up my healing. Looking to my right, I see another wizard, this one a German from the looks of it, holding something in his hands.

Looking down, I notice the groggy figure of Timothy Roth, my orphanage mate, and my teammate. He was injured.. gravely. His arm was turned the wrong way, and both of his legs were broken. If he's not looked at soon enough, he will die, and it'll all be my fault.

I brought him into the Howling Commandos, I brought him to this mission. I brought attention to myself, by targeting Grindelwald's Wizards. If I'd just left them alone, then maybe Grindelwald wouldn't have set this trap for me.

'I'm sorry, Timmy. Because of me, you got captured.' I say in my mind, sadness colouring my face.

Is this how the Nazis felt when I was about to kill them? Is this how Zola felt when I scared him shitless? Is this how Hydra feels whenever they see one of us Howling Commandos approach? Hopeless.

"Ah, Mr.. Roth, I presume. Was he the only muggle there, Hilbert?" Charlus asks, looking at the German, who I assume is named Hilbert.

I slowly move my hand, to cast a spell, but immediately clench my fists in pain, twisting my body from the nerves hurting again from another Cruciatus curse.

"Please stay still, Captain Aves. We're having a discussion here." Vinda says, being the one who cast the curse.

Huff.. huff.. huff… I breathe, the pain dulling all my senses. I couldn't even smell anything, the nerves too scrambled to make sense of anything it catches. Thankfully, my normal senses still work, allowing me to here the conversation.

The man named Hilbert says, "Yes, he was unconscious when I found him. He fell at least two stories, and broke an arm and both legs. Shall I kill him?"

Charlus immediately yells, "NO!", startling the wizard. He then calmly says, "Gellert insisted we keep the muggles alive, for some reason. Whatever it may be, Gellert has his reasons. We will take both of them to Nurnengard, where He can decide what is to be done to them both."

"Not... so fast, Wizards." Another voice drawls, making me turn towards the voice, my body once more healed by now.

Thankfully, even Vinda was distracted by the newcomer, and didn't hit me with the Cruciatus again.

There, floating above the hole that had just exploded, was the General of the Nazi group, the one I had seen before. As far as I had seen before, this General was right on the edge of the hole. So, he should have been hit by the explosion as hard as me, and I'm.. different. Which means, this General is different too.

I hadn't tried listening to his thoughts before, but now, I couldn't even if I tried. Even his mind was completely silent to me.

Floating right beside him, on one side, was the body of a Wizard, probably one of Charlus's group. While on the other side, was an old wooden box, about 7 feet long, and one foot wide.

"The weapon!" Charlus snarls, looking at the box, making me look at it in turn. He points his arm at it, and tries summoning the box. But, the flying man simply raises his own hand in turn, stopping the Telekinetic pull that Charlus just tried with his own Telekinesis.

Seeing them distracted, I move my left hand towards my right, and activate the Time Slower, and switch the dial to 10, immediately slowing the time down all around me. I myself was experiencing Time moving 10 times faster than the others. This allows me to heal faster, without the stress of getting hurt again and again.

Guess they don't know about the Time Slower.

I see a Cruciatus curse appearing towards me in slow motion, from the wand of the one named Hilbert, and I stand up, limping away from the spell leisurely, and walk towards Hilbert. Summoning my claws, this time voluntarily, I move to stab his neck.

But, the hair at the back of my neck stand up, once again, and I quickly spin away, seeing a spike made of the Earth itself speed towards my previous location, stabbing into Hilbert's chest. Looking at Charlus, I see his expression slowly morph into horror, seeing his attack kill his own companion.

Before I can move towards Tim to send him somewhere else, I see another spike made of Earth near Tim's neck, and see Charlus's mouth move very slowly. His words may have been slurred, thanks to the Time Slower, but I understand his threat clear enough.

"Move, and I kill him."

Even with the Time Slower on full blast, I won't be able to save him without Tim's neck being cut, or at least nicked. And there's the other 4 wizards, and the unknown man still.

I turn off the Time Slower, and stand still with my arms raised. The Wizards were all divided, 3 of them pointing their Wands at me, including Charlus Potter, and the other two with their Wands pointed at the Nazi General, who was staring right at me.

"Time manipulation. Fascinating. I've met a few Time Travellers myself, in my long life, but it is the first time I'm seeing someone manipulate the flow of time for themselves." The General says, as he starts floating back down on the ground. He then turns to the Wizards, and says, "Carry on, I won't interfere. I'm actually curious about where your battle will go."

And then, he just sits down on the box, throwing the body of the other Wizard away, to watch us.

Charlus frowns at him, and immediately casts the Killing curse at the man. The man, who I think is a muggle mutant, negligently waves his hand, Telekinetically moving the Earth itself to defend him. As the Killing Curse slams into the raised earth, the man twitches his hand and sends it flying towards Charlus.

Charlus waves his right hand at it, sending the piece of Earth away.

The man says, "Please, Mr Wizard. I might be.. as you say.. a muggle, but I am far from defenceless. Aren't you wondering how I defeated this companion of yours without you even knowing?"

Charlus stops his wand, as he had moved to attack the man again, and asks, "Who are you?"

All the while, now Vinda stands with her wand pointed at me, along with two other Wizards. Vinda stood 20 meters away from me, while one of the two wizards was just 5 meters behind me, and the second was to my left, 15 meters.

The man smiles, and says, "I'm the Nosferatu, Mr Wizard. I'm sure your leader has heard about me."

I don't focus on the conversation however, despite listening to it. My focus was on the spike near Tim's neck.

Seeing the spike of Earth stable, and seeing Charlus distracted by his anger at this Nosferatu, I make a move once again, desperate to at least get Tim away from here. With the wave of my hand, I send Tim's body skidding away from the spike, and the Wizards, and with another wave, send two giant birds made of flame towards Vinda, and the Wizard to my left.

Meanwhile, I spin around, letting a bone breaking curse pass from right in front of my face, towards Vinda, and kick my right leg at the Wizard's chest. Surprisingly enough, the Wizard catches my full powered kick, without any consequences, and throws a punch at my knee to break it. I throw a knife at his hand, stabbing into his wrist, and stopping his punch, but my leg is still stuck in his arms.

Focusing on my toes, I grow the nails on both my legs, just like the ones on my fingers, and spin, my right leg still held by the Wizard. My left leg moves towards his neck, and is about to stab him, when a very strong Telekinetic blast hits my body, sending me crashing into the ground.

And it is Telekinesis, I've experienced Rowena use it often enough that I can't mistake it for anything else. Looking up, I see Charlus with his left hand pointed at me, breathing hard. So, he's a Telekinetic, the other Wizard is Strong.

Looking slightly to the left, I see Vinda Rosier pointing her left arm at the firebird in front of her, dousing it with water that she conjured out of thin air. She can control Water, Hydrokinesis. 

There was another Wizard right next to Charlus, with his wand pointed at the General, and his hand at me, a single white bone partly extended out of it, and I had no doubt that he can banish it at me if he wants to. So a discount Kimimaro, or is it like Kaguya?

As for the last wizard, he was.. not there, my firebird having killed him, and turned him to ash. Whatever gifts he had, were completely useless in defending him from my firebird.

Behind me, was the unconscious form of Timmy Roth. I need to get out of this quickly, so that I can heal Timmy. If I don't give him medical attention within 10 minutes, his injuries are sure to kill him.

"Oh? Wizards with Mutations?! Now this is a surprise! In all my years of experimenting on both of your races, I've never seen a person with both Magic, and Mutation. But.. you're not all natural, are you? You, Captain Aves, you're perfectly natural, that much I know. But you people.. your gifts.. they're forced. Ah.. Rituals.. never was a fan of them myself, since I have no inclination towards the Mystic Arts, but well, to each his.. or her own." The General says, sitting quite relaxed to my left, right next to the hole, on top of the Wooden Box that contains the Weapon I'm actually here for.

Now in front of all four remaining Wizards, I glare at them hatefully. They tried to attack me, they want to kidnap me, all so they can bring me to Gellert Grindelwald. Worst of all, they threatened Timmy's life. And they think they can defeat me? Just 7 of them?

They might be enhanced by Rituals, using Mutants as sacrifice to gain their gifts, but what they don't know, is that they haven't ever seen my full power, no one has.

One Telekinetic, one Hydrokinetic, one Super-strong Wizard, and lastly, a Wizard with Dead bone pulse.

With a snap, I move my hands to my side, and summon my nail claws. Vinda summons some sort of water directly from underground, and throws the water she had collected at me, in a highly dense single beam.

Spinning around the water blast, I touch it with my hands, and inject my own magic into it. My magic fights with the Mutation of Vinda Rosier, and defeats it, taking over it's control. Completing my spin, I throw the water blast at the stronger Wizard, who was running towards me, his wand poised to cast a spell.

The force of the water blast takes him flying into the air, and when it slams him into the ground, he's unmoving, dead. From his nose and mouth, water leaks out, showing the reason for his death. Drowning.

I hadn't just hit him with the water, I had forced the water to go inside his lungs, through his nose, and frozen it then, drowning, and suffocating him. He might be stronger than me, but his lungs aren't any different.

Looking at the terrified Vinda, I smile at her, making sure to make my anger at her known, and say, "You're good at manipulating water.. for a newcomer. But I'm just better."

"STICK TO THE BLOODY PLAN, VINDA! ATTACK AT THE SAME TIME!" Charlus yells, as the three remaining Wizards start their attacks a new.

Charlus sends a Blood boiling curse at me, silently, that I dispell using it's counter curse, the blood freezing Hex, after taking my wand out, all in a split second. Thank God I always keep it inside the Nowhere, or it would have been destroyed in the explosion, like my gun and knives did.

I summon a shield charm, protecting myself against whatever spell Vinda had cast at me, and saving me from being shot by a bone dagger from the other Wizard.

The bone dagger sticks into the shield, thanks to its density and sharpness, and Charlus hits it with a depulso, destroying the shield, and sending it stabbing towards me. Opening a small portal, I let the dagger go through it, and watch it hit the discount Kimimaro in his neck. The man isn't dead, since he does have a minor healing factor to deal with the bone extraction, but he's out of commission for now.

I widen my eyes, and cross my arms in front of my self, making sure to protect my head behind them, and cast a shield charm just in case. The highly focused Telekinetic force blast sent by Charlus hits and shatters my shield, and then hits me, sending me flying into a curse cast by Vinda.

"Argh!" I wince, feeling some of my flesh start melting. My mind flashes back to the explosion, and I shake it off, immediately casting the counter curse/healing spell, the Flesh Binding charm. But just that isn't enough. Summoning a vial from the Nowhere, I drink the Org-grow Potion, to help my healing factor fight the curse's effects.

Even before the Potion starts taking effect, I roll away from my position, a blasting hex hitting the ground a moment later. Charlus sends a small boulder at me, using his Telekinesis, and fires a spell after it. Catching the boulder in my hands, I throw it back towards him, taking care of whatever spell he cast.

With the wave of my hand, I slap the next spell sent by Vinda, and send it flying at Charlus, who is forced to jump away to avoid having his blood boiled, after being forced to destroy the boulder from before.

Standing up, I kick my leg at empty air, doing a cork screw above a Telekinetic blast Charlus sends my way, and throw my dagger at Vinda. She stops it with a wall of water, and sends the water wall at me. Charlus joins her side, and speeds it up by using his Telekinesis.

Pointing my left hand at the wave of high speed, and highly dense water coming at me, I conjure a Sanskrit transmutation circle around my fist, and punch at the water, immediately turning it all into bats, which start flying harmlessly around me.

With the wave of my right hand, I control the bats, and have them attack the pair fighting me. Charlus uses his Telekinesis to swat the bats away, but Vinda switches back to her magic, not yet used to her new mutation. She starts hitting the bats with killing curses, and blasting hexes, and even exploding hexes, when even a simple stunning charm would have also worked.

Taking aim with my wand, I fire just two spells at the pair, each one a powerful cutting charm, and hit the right wrists of both of them. The bats move away, giving way to the spells, and not getting in between, thanks to my mental commands. 

"AAAAAAGHHHHHH!" Both of them yell, their yells of pain really satisfying the animal side of me, as my cutting charms hit.

Both of their right hands fall down on the ground, cut off at the wrist, taking their wands with them.

Summoning their wands to my left hand, I disperse the bats back into the ground, start walking towards the fallen Dark Wizards, and ask, "I didn't make a single noise when you hit me with the Cruciatus, and you scream when your hand is cut off? Pathetic!"

All the while, the General Nosferatu of the Nazi Germany, who had a suspicious British hint of an accent, looked on, seemingly enjoying the show. He didn't do anything to me right now, however. This group of Wizards did.

Reaching the pair of screaming wizards, I catch Charlus's left hand, as he was about to hit me with a Telekinetic blast, and squeeze. The strength of my hand, thanks to my highly dense bones, crushes the bones in his hand completely, making him scream once more.

Vinda tries to attack me with her water manipulation, but I just slap her face, sending her into unconsciousness.

Pointing my wand at his head, I prepare to stun him, and say, "Be thankful for your relationship with Monty, he's the only reason I'm bringing you in alive."

"STOP! DON'T TAKE A SINGLE STEP FORWARD, OR HE DIES!" An unfamiliar man yells from behind me, making me turn around, annoyed.

That annoyance quickly turns into anger, when I see the man I had knocked unconscious with his own bone, the discount Kimimaro, holding Tim by his hair, with a bone dagger pointed at his neck, and a wand pointed at me. I freeze, my face showing no emotion, when I look into the open eyes of Timothy Roth, my teammate.. my friend.

"Ha.. ha.. haha.. hahaha! Good work, Boris!" Charlus says, laughing silly. He then starts standing up, and plucks his wand from out of my frozen hand.

I look at Tim, and mouth, 'I'm sorry..'

I neglected to see to his safety, and now, Tim's captured.

He simply smiles at me, his eyes watering, and then whispers, "Thank you.. Mason.." 

Realising that he's planning something idiotic, and potential deadly, my heart skips a beat, as I yell, "TIMMY! DON'T!" And start running forward, but a Telekinetic blast to my back throws me on the ground.

Before I can enter his mind and stop him, Timmy takes a knife out of one of his pant's hidden pockets, and stabs it into the stomach of the bone mutant wizard, named Boris.

"Agh! You filthy animal!" Boris yells, taking the dagger out, and letting the wound slowly close. I try to enter his mind, once again, but just like before, I hit a wall.

Charlus yells at Boris, "BORIS! NO, DON'T DO IT!"

At the same time, I point my own hand at Boris, to summon the wand in his hands. 

Before I can do that, however, Boris yells, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The green spell hits Tim in the face, point blank, immediately killing him, just as the wand flies out of Boris's hand, falling uselessly on the ground.





Rage. This is all that I feel when I see Tim's body drop down on the ground, motionless.

And then, I yell in anger, my nails once again fully grown, my senses clouding as my anger takes over.

Elbowing Charlus on the head, I send him flying to the back, and run towards Boris, for the first time, on all four limbs while human. The nails of my fingers, and my toes being extended, gave me a better grip.

Boris raises his left hand, which once more held his wand, to attack me with a spell, and a dagger made of bone shooting out of his right hand. I catch the dagger in my teeth, bite into it to crush it into pieces, and slap the Homorphous charm away with my bare hand.

Before Boris can do anything else, I reach him, and stab my right hand in his chest, my nail claws digging their way in very easily. His bones might be denser than normal, but my bones are almost three times as dense as his own, and just as sharp.

When my hand exits out of his back, I hold within my hand his heart, still beating. Seeing him start choking, no doubt dying due to the lack of a heart, I create a portal and kick his body, and throw his heart through it, to the Chamber of Secrets.

And then, I look up, just in time for the ground to explode all around me. I ignore the rocks already digging into my skin, and flex my magic all at once, for the first time without using Runes, to blast the debris away from me.

Seeing Charlus fly above, his head bleeding along with his stump of a right hand, I point my blood covered right hand at him, and with the flex of my own Telekinetic powers, summon him towards me.

Catching him by the neck, I ignore his pleading eyes, and growl at him, "You made a lot of mistakes when you tried to capture me, least of all doing it with such a small group. But thanks to you, now I know something. Gellert is watching this fight, right at this moment. Maybe he's doing it from the past, maybe he's doing it from the present, or even, the future. But hear this, Gellert Grindelwald. No matter how many people you send after me, or who it is, they will all suffer the same fate. Death. And now, I'm coming for you too."

And then, I hold Charlus Potter's head by my hands, and once more try telepathy on him. I still hit a wall, but this time, I'm actually touching the target, and I am angered beyond belief.

I try once again, and this time, my mental probe shatters through his protections, put up by external means, and I take a single second to copy all his memories.

"Please.. don't.. kill… me…" Charlus whispers, the pain from the broken mental barriers making him slur his words.

Holding my nails at his neck, I say, "I was actually going to take you alive, just because you're Monty's nephew, as I said. But now.. well, I hope Monty forgives me."

Piercing his neck with my nails, I pull his throat out. Negligently creating a portal, I throw his body through it, to the Chamber too, and turn my attention towards Vinda. Absorbing her own memories, after slamming through her shields, I kill her, and send her corpse to the Chamber of Secrets, to join Charlus Potter's corpse.

With the snap of my fingers, I create portals underneath the bodies of all the other wizards there, without even looking at them, and send them all to the Chamber of Secrets. I'll deal with them later. My attention, meanwhile, is at the body of Timothy Roth, my friend.

I stumble towards Tim's body, and drop down, tears welling in my eyes. For 5 whole minutes, I stay there, just staring at him with tears in my eyes.

I was called here, in an ambush, but I brought Tim into this. This may have been orchestrated by Gellert Grindelwald, but I am just as much at fault here.

But now, I know what I have to do. First, I'm going back home, to meet a few people. And then, I'm going to look for Grindelwald.


Hearing someone other than me sniffling, I turn back, to see the man, Nosferatu, still sitting on the box, looking at the show I'm putting forth for him, wiping his own eyes to taunt me.

Standing up, I send Tim's body to a guest room in Aves Manor, and say, "I'll give you one chance to leave, Nosferatu. Go, and I won't seek you out to kill you."

The man stands up, and starts stretching his body. As he does that, his clothes start changing, going from the General's uniform he was wearing, to a three piece suit, grey in colour.

As he bends down to open the box, he says, "Ah, but Captain Aves, where's the fun in that? Besides, I actually want you, to experiment on you.. to see how you.. work."

As he opens the box, that held the so called God's Weapon, I see something shine from inside it. Cautiously, I see the dark glow shine on this Nosferatu's face, as he gleefully takes the weapon out.

The Weapon was a sword, made of a material that was very dark grey in looks. It's blade was perfectly smooth, and the build was similar to a Long sword, almost 5.5 feet long blade, and a 1 foot long handle.

Nosferatu lifts the sword up with his right hand, making the skies rumble as a storm gathers over head. The darkening skies make an ominous noise, as he hefts the Dark sword high up into the air. I see his already impressive muscles bulk up some more, as the veins of his blood darken.

He then drops the sword back into the box, and says, "Well, wasn't that impressive."

I look at him, curious as to why he didn't keep the weapon on him.

Smiling, as if he already knows the question, he says, "For starters, I prefer using powers I already have inside of me, relying on Magical weapons to grant me the strength to defeat my enemies is… not my style. As for the second, well, I don't.. need.. the Divine Weapon to capture you, Captain Aves."

And then, he takes a single step forward...





... and drops down on the ground, his head separating from his body with a gush of blood. As I register that someone as dangerous as him, Nosferatu, died so suddenly, I see his attacker, whom I hadn't even seen arrive here, pick the box up, and start running.

Scowling at the fleeing man, I wave my hand to send Nosferatu's body to the Mirror Dimension, and run after the one that killed him.

I'm already tired, pissed, and all over angry at Tim's death. I'm holding on to my sanity by a single thread, knowing that if I go Berserk, I won't be able to stop myself before killing many innocents. And now, there's this guy, who just stole a Weapon that I've been trying to stop from getting into Nazi, Hydra, or Grindelwald's hands.

Oh I'm going to enjoy taking all my frustrations out on him.


A/N: So.. Tim's dead. Mason hasn't completely processed it yet, since he just experienced one thing after another right now. He's angry, yes, and sad at Tim's death, but the situations aren't allowing him to mourn properly.

I hope I showed his strength properly this chapter, but I might change a few things tomorrow, to better write it.

What is the Weapon? Well, you'll find out next chapter!

Thank you for your support! Tata!

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