

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07


Knocking on the door to Colonel Phillips's office, I wait. Just a few hours after the meeting I had with my team, where I revealed my Mutation to them all, I had received a message from a Corporal, informing me that the Colonel had called me to his office.

We, the Howling Commandos, had spent the last 3 hours just making plans for our first attack, and designating positions. I was the Team Leader, Medic, and also one of the Direct Assault members. I was also sharing the role of Squad Translator with Gabe Jones, who can speak 7 languages.

Steve Rogers, Captain America, was the game maker, since his mind is actually pretty good for it. The Serum enhanced everything about him, even his mind, turning him into an amazing Strategist. 

Bucky Barnes is our Sniper, since that was his speciality in the 107th too. Jacques Dernier was our Demolitions expert, and he damn near begged for the position. James Falsworth, Timmy Roth, Jim Morita, are the ones who don't exactly have a fixed position. They will be part of the frontal attacks, along with Steve, Dugan, and me, while Dernier blows shit up, and Bucky grants us cover fire. 

As for the last one, Dum Dum Dugan, who was the most experienced Soldier of us all, was responsible with keeping our young blood in check. If a plan is too stupid, or risky, then he's the one that can stop it from happening. He has veto powers to call a plan dumb right to our faces, and I know he won't hesitate to do that.

On paper, Steve was the Deputy of the Howling Commandos, and I was the leader. While that is also correct in actuality, we take Dugan's voice just as seriously as one of our own's.

Along with that, we were planning an attack on the Hydra factories, deciding which one to attack first, when I received the message.

The door opens, bringing me away from the last few hours, and I see Lorraine on the other side of it. Smiling at her, I enter the Office, and snap a salute at Colonel Phillips, who was sitting at the table, with his fingers crossed in front of his face, looking serious.. more than usual.

He stares at me for a second, and says, "Close the door on your way out, Private Smith. The Captain and I need to have a discussion."

Lorraine follows the order immediately, and walks out, leaving just the Colonel and I in the room. For a few seconds, we just stare at each other, with me being a little bit uncomfortable in the silence.

He states, "You're a Wizard." Starting off with the elephant in the room.

He didn't even ask it, as if he already knew. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. He is a Squib, and I knew that since day one. Really surprised me when I found out. But the fact that he knows I'm a Wizard really came out of the blue.

As far as I know, from the first and only stroll I had through his Mind, Colonel Chester Phillips does not stay in contact with his Wizarding Relatives. He has completely separated himself from that world, going so far as to not even keep up to date with the Wizarding World War.

And no, I haven't made it a habit of using Telepathy on those I'm actually close to. I give them that much privacy. The first one is just so I can satisfy my curiosity once and for all, and to make sure I don't get caught off guard by a spy, or an assassin.

I look at him, a bit confused, and ask, "Are you alright, Colonel? A Wizard? Really?"

I can't just outright say it, even if I know the Colonel isn't planning anything against me. I was in an agreement with the Ministry not to.

"Cut the bullshit, Aves." The Colonel says, standing up from his chair, looking a bit angry. Taking a newspaper out of the drawer, he throws it at my chest, as I catch it on reflex, and says, "I'm a damn Squib, you don't have to hide the Secret when with me."

Yeah, the thing is, I made a deal with the Ministry, that I won't do just that. Even if someone says they know of the Wizarding World, I am to keep silent about it. Doesn't matter who asks it.

I take the newspaper, looking at the title, and ask, "The Magical Post? Really? Sir, I was having a very serious discussion with my new Squad, planning our eventual battles against Hydra. And you brought me here to talk about Wizards, and fake newspapers? Don't you think this is you taking the Hobbit way too seriously- HOLY SHIT THIS LAD IN THE IMAGE JUST MOVED!"

Colonel Phillips clenches his teeth, as if he's just refraining from hitting me, and visibly takes a few seconds to calm himself down. Damn, he's really pissed, isn't he?

"Read the Headline, soldier." He says, after having calmed himself down.

Opening the paper, holding it in my pinched fingers as if I'm wary of it, I start reading, now showing amusement on my face openly. It was basically an edited copy of the article written in the Daily Prophet. My history, my missions, etc.

As I keep reading, fairly curious about the American newspaper, he says, "Don't lie to me soldier. I know that you're forbidden from telling anyone about the Wizarding World, but I am the one NoMaj you can actually tell it to. I'm what you Wizards call a Squib, a non-magical born to Magicals."

Well, either I can keep the denial going, holding true to my condition at being allowed to War, while being presented by a pretty good proof in the form of the Magical American Newspaper, or I can just say.. fuck it.

"Very well, I am a Wizard. What of it?" I say, keeping the newspaper down, and subtly waving my hand. The wave of my hand checks for any eavesdropping instruments, magical or mundane, and then for any human eavesdroppers. Then, not finding any recording instruments, or any eavesdropping going on, with another wave, I make it so not a single sound will leave this room for a while, giving us the privacy I want.

The Colonel slams his hand on the table, and says, "I NEEDED TO KNOW THAT AS SOON AS YOU JOINED, AVES! The SSR is my Organization, and I needed to know that a Wand Waving, Memory erasing Wizard is here, on my Team."

I frown, not liking the accusations. Hey, I'm a telepath, but I never use Telepathy for anything but my own Knowledge based gain. And if it is bound to harm someone not completely guilty, I don't do it.

I just give him a look, that I learned after observing Steve for a few minutes, showing my disapproval, and say, "Please be careful what you say, Colonel. You might not like me, but I am still a Captain in the British Army, and the leader of the Howling Commandos, your own Anti-Hydra squad."

Sighing, the Colonel rubs his head, and says, "I don't hate you, son. I hate not knowing stuff. I won't get into why you aren't using your Magic mumbo jumbo to grant us an advantage in this war- that debate is as old as War as a concept- what I want to know, is how the Wizards got accurate data about the Mission, when even our own Newspapers, and anything short of official reports tell exaggerated tales. I want to know if my Base is infiltrated, or if you're leaking our data."

I shake my head, and say, "I haven't given any information to anyone, not even my Wizard friends, and I haven't seen a single Wizard on base. If there's been an infiltration, it isn't here."

The Colonel stays silent, not entirely believing me. I could understand his thoughts on the matter, I get it, I really do. This is a War, and if good Wizards can get such confidential information so easily, then what about Dark Wizards? Allies of Grindelwald, or Wizard allies of Hydra.

I lean forward on my chair, and ask him, "Do you trust me any less, Colonel Phillips?" 

He shakes his head, and mumbles, "You're a good soldier, Aves, better than almost anyone save Rogers, which is definitely related to your Magic, in hindsight. I just needed to be sure."

"Then believe me when I say this, if any Wizard, good or bad, takes a single step inside this base, I will know it immediately. Heck, if a Wizard flies in, even when turned into an animal, I'll know it. A Wizard casts a single spell inside the base, or towards the base, I'll know it. No matter where I am, I will know it, and you can be damn sure that I'll be there to confront them." I say, looking at the Colonel right in his eyes.

And I wasn't lying. There were Runic Wards placed all over the Allied HQ, mostly focused around the archives, and the SSR area, and focused on detecting Magic. Any Magic that doesn't belong to me is flagged by it. Doesn't matter if the Magic is of a Sorcerer, Wizard, Demon, God, Elf, Magical creature, artefact, spell, hex, wand, staff, etc. If it's magic, and if it's not mine, I will be informed as soon as it appears.

And since I have the Time Turner, I can be here before the thing/animal/person even gets here.

Of course, stronger Magic users definitely have ways to get around those protections, but I have already made contingencies in that case. The point is, not a single Magic user will be able to get here without my knowledge. And Knowledge, is something I pride myself on.

The Colonel looks at me, once again, only this time with a small smile, and says, "I knew there was a reason I trusted you to rescue the soldiers that day. You actually care about the Mission, don't you?"

Leaning back, I look at the picture hanging on the wall, and say, "Muggles.. No-Majs, are defenseless against Magicals, I know that. And the current Dark Lord wants to rule over the entire World, Muggle and Magical combined. The Drafting was just a lucky coincidence, I was going to take part in the War either way, because I couldn't leave you all completely defenseless." As I see Phillips open his mouth, no doubt to praise me, I say, "But, I don't use Magic against Muggle threats, which includes Hydra. Magic against Magicals, and Muggle weapons against muggles."

Excluding the one time I used Magic against Hydra when I had to escape capture. But well, it was before I had made this rule up. And excluding Legilimency/Telepathy of course. My thirst for Knowledge definitely trumps this rule. And of course, emergencies. 

Okay, I have many exceptions to this rule. Not that I'm going to tell him that.

The Colonel stands up, and salutes me, as one does an lower ranked soldier, his demeanor totally different from just a few minutes ago. He says, "I completely understand your concerns, Captain. And don't worry, I won't even mention Magic to anyone not magical, or already in the know. I know the rules, and I know the consequences, being a Squib myself. Don't want to forget the Magical world yet."

I smile, and salute back at him. 

He then pulls something else out of his drawer, and says, "There was another reason I called you here. You've been sent a letter from Buckingham Palace. A Black coat from MI6 came in today morning, to personally deliver it. Said something about a meeting with you."

Taking the invitation letter from him, the seal still intact, I hide it inside a pocket, not smelling anything dangerous off of it, and say, "Thank you, Colonel. Just.. maybe next time, try a bit light hearted approach?"

The Colonel scowls at me, and says, "They don't pay me to be polite, son. They pay me to be authorative. Now, get out and get to work. We leave for Italy in 3 days, and I want a plan of attack for the first Factory ready in 2 days."

And with that, I walk out of the room, winking at Lorraine as I pass her, getting a smile in return, and go towards my room. 


"Captain Mason Aves, British Armed Forces, You have been cordially invited to the Buckingham Palace for a meeting with His Royal Highness, King Albert Frederick Arthur George, of House Windsor."

Well.. damn. This is huge! But I wonder why the King wants to meet now. Probably because I'm in England now, where before I was almost always on the frontlines. A car was going to come pick me up tomorrow, for the meeting, and I was to be ready in my formal Captain's Uniform.

Well, the new one at least. After I was transferred to the SSR, from the British Armed Forces, I was given a new Formal uniform which showed my alignment to the UK, as well as the SSR.

Hmm.. this is obviously going to be a meeting discussing my future in the Army, as well as my Wizarding identity. Really not that hard to figure out. The Colonel gets a newspaper from Wizarding America, and I get a Royal Summoning, on the same day? Definitely connected, and I don't even need to be a genius to know that.

Well, looks like I'm meeting the Royals now. Should I tell anyone in the Wizarding World? 

Nah, I'll just tell them if the Meeting goes bad. Not like I expect it to, but better be prepared for anything.


The next day, at exactly 8, a black Daimler car stops in front of me. In the Driver's seat, was a Black Suited man, wearing goggles. I can also smell that he has 3 guns hidden on his body, and 4 in the car, along with a total of 5 knives, which have definitely seen blood.

An Agent then, an Assassin more like. I don't hear a change in his heartbeat, however, so either he doesn't consider me a threat, or he isn't here to kill me.

He doesn't even look at me, but taking the cue, I open the back door, and sit down behind the driving Agent, seeing a glass window separating us, probably the toughest they have access to.

I wasn't carrying any weapon, save my wand, since this was a meeting with the King himself. It is literally illegal to take weapons anywhere near the Buckingham palace. But, I doubt I'll need them.

If the time comes, I can just use my mind, my magic, or my mutation to take care of the situation. Or summon any desirable weapon from the Nowhere.

After a 20 minute drive, we reach the Palace gates, and after 10 minutes of searching my body, I am let inside, another Agent accompanying me. 

"Captain Aves." The Agent says, offering his hand as soon as I'm free from the checking. "My name is Special Agent Watson of the MI5. I'm here to take you to the King."

Nodding at him, and shaking his hand, I say, "Captain Mason Aves, of the SSR. Pleased to meet you, Agent Watson."

As we walk towards wherever he's taking me, I go inside his mind, just as I did with the driver.

The Driver didn't know anything important about this meeting. He just knew he had to drop me here, and that I'm dangerous.

This Agent Watson, however, is a lot more senior than the Driver, and apparently, he knows a lot more about this meeting. Seems my guess was correct, they want to discuss something about the Wizarding World.

Going deeper, I momentarily stop, barely control my anger, my feral side not liking what I find in his head. So that's how it is, huh? This meeting won't be a simple one after all.

"Are you alright?" Agent Watson asks, seeing me stop.

Nodding, I smile at him, the anger hidden away for now, and say, "I apologise, this painting here really fascinated me. Van Dyck, if I'm not wrong."

The Agent looks at the Painting I pointed out, and it was beautiful, which is fortunate. He says, "I wouldn't know, Captain. I'm not much of an Art enthusiast. Shall we move on?"

Smiling at him, I say, "Sorry for that. I'll be sure not to be distracted anymore."

As we reach a giant door, after many more flights of stairs, and open doors, passing many a Palace Guard and Black Suit on our way, no doubt leading towards the King's Throne Room, Agent Watson stops me right before the door, and says, "I'm afraid no weapons are allowed beyond this door."

I look at him, a confused expression on my face, and say, "But I'm not wearing my weapons on me. I knew about the No Weapons rule before, and so, I left all my Weapons at the HQ itself."

Agent Watson smiles, and says, "I'm not talking about your guns and knives, Captain." He goes towards a cabinet left conveniently near the door, and opens it up. Taking a long wooden box out of it, he says, "Please place your Wand inside the box. I assure you that you will get it back as soon as you leave this room."

Raising my eyebrow, I look at him warily, not immediately surrendering the Wand. Sighing, Agent Watson pulls his sleeve back, and shows me a wand holster strapped to his left arm. He says, "I'm a Wizard myself, Captain Aves, just like you. I assure you, I will personally hand you the wand after this meeting. You just aren't allowed to carry it inside."

Frowning, and with a lot of visible reluctance, I take my wand out, and hand it to him. He carefully opens the box, and places my Wand inside. As soon as he closes the box, it glows once, showing me the Runes for the enchantment, and then dims back down. 

The Enchantments prevent anyone from summoning the wand to them, and the only way to open the box, is through a specific pattern of knocks known only to Agent Watson, and now to me.

Which is why, I didn't give him my own Wand. I gave him one of the Wands I'd found in the Slytherin Castle, another Acacia Wand, 13 inches long, fairly similar in looks to my own, just in case they know what my Wand is.

Meanwhile, my Wand sits comfortably inside the Nowhere.

Agent Watson places the Box inside the cabinet once again, and I see it glow once too. The Runes on them tell me, that the Enchantments on the cabinet are the same as the ones on the box, along with a simple but effective additional Ward.

If I try to summon the Wand, or if Agent Watson triggers the Enchantments, the Cabinet will burn the entire box, destroying the contents within too.

Smiling, he says, "There, your Wand is safe now. Only I can open the cabinet, or the box, so you don't have to worry about anyone stealing it."

Nodding, I say, "Glad to know there's at least one Wizard here, to have my back if anything goes wrong."

He wants me to trust him, completely. The sole Wizard amongst the group of Muggles. And so, I'll make it seem as if he's succeeding.

And then, he opens the door directly, showing to me for the first time, the Throne Room of the Buckingham Palace. 

Walking inside, I look at the Hall, marvelling at the sheer elegance the Room brought forth. It isn't as Big as I'd expected, and the platform that contained the Thrones was just a couple steps high.

And sitting on those two thrones, were the current King and Queen of the United Kingdom. King George the VI, and his wife, Queen Elizabeth. Their daughter, Princess Elizabeth, was nowhere to be seen, but there were other people there.

A total of four people, two on each side of the red carpet that led to the Monarchs, sat in soft chairs, looking completely relaxed. There didn't seem to be a chair for either me, or Agent Watson. Then there were the guards, a total of 20 guards, including the Royal Palace Guards, Black Suits, and 7 Wizards, surrounded the Room on all sides.

As I reach halfway towards the Throne, Agent Watson motions me to stop, and both of us bow to the King and Queen.

"Rise." The King says, in a barely audible voice.

I do so, and look at him. The King was a soldier, that much I knew, and it is apparent on his self. He definitely looks like he can take care of himself.

The Queen, meanwhile, was just starting to gain some weight, her age making it so.

Agent Watson clears his throat, and says, "May I present to you, His Royal Majesty King George VI, and his Wife, her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth." The two in question nod at me, and I bow back. Agent Watson then points at the person closest to the King, on their right, and says, "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Winston Churchill. The Chief of the MI6, Major General Sir Stewart Menzies. The Director General of the MI5, Sir David Petrie. And lastly, Lieutenant General Adam Rivers, of the MIS."

I nod at each person, showing proper respect, whenever Watson says their names. My anger at what they had planned for me, was currently hidden away deep inside me. Outwardly, I look confused, and ask, "I don't think I've heard of the MIS. Is it a new branch?"

Rivers smiles, and says, "We're a Top Secret branch, Captain Aves."

The King clears his throat, making us all turn to him, purposefully straightening up a little. He says, "Captain Mason Aves. Or Captain Britain, whichever you prefer. You might be wondering why we have brought you here. First of all, congratulations on the Rescue Mission. We read the reports, and We have to say, you exceeded all our expectations."

Bowing my head, I say, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I just did what any British citizen is wont to do."

"In any case, you rescued 281 soldiers from Hydra hands, saving them from a fate that we don't know of. And while Captain America did help you, we know that you were the one that actually rescued the soldiers, while Rogers went to find his friend. Admirable." The King says, while the others stay silent.

I nod, and say, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The King then says, "This is why, we want you to work for us, for the Royal Family. You will be working under the banner of MIS, the Magical Intelligence Services, which is an organisation under the MI5. We already have 27 Wizards working for us, and you've already met Agent Watson, so you won't be totally alone there. You may speak up, if you have any questions."

As he paused, allowing me to think, I ask, "What is the purpose of the MIS, Your Majesty? And why is it that you're asking me, a pretty famous face, to work in a covert organization?"

The King smiles, and motions towards Rivers, who says, "The MIS was created to help the Ministry of Magic safeguard the Statute of Secrecy from our end. We make sure that no Wizarding artefacts, or objects enter the Muggle World, and that the Wizarding threats don't harm us muggles. Like that current Dark Lord, Grindelwald. We have already killed dozens of his soldiers, when they tried attacking various places in the muggle world, to cause chaos."

His sales pitch was good, that's for sure. I wonder how many people they actually swindled by showing themselves to be the good guys? His mind tells me the answer, and I internally chuckle, the answer is far too many.

Turning towards the King, I ask, "What about SSR then? I do need to lead a team starting today, to defeat Hydra. I cannot do that by being in the MIS."

The King and Rivers share a brief look, as the King says, "You may keep your current job, Captain. But, I want you to officially join MIS today itself, and give us reports about any of the Wizards you find during those raids. Aftet the War is over, you will have to move away from the public sights, and join MIS permanently."

Shaking my head, I say, "I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline, then. I appreciate the offer, but I am actually happy just working for the SSR, and on the frontlines. I might be good at it, but I don't like to do spywork."

"That wasn't an offer, soldier. That was an order. You're still a soldier of the British Armed Forces, just on loan to the SSR. And don't forget, your Wizarding World comes under the British Monarchy." The PM says, speaking up for the first time. 

I turn towards him, and say, "No offense meant, Minister Churchill, but I am not going to become a Spy. After the War is over, I am going to become a Healer, and work at St Mungo's. And no offer is going to change my mind on that."

"You don't have an option.. Captain Britain." The King says, bringing my attention back to him, as I feel a wand tip on the back of my head, at the same time that the other Wizards point their own wands at me, and the guards point their guns.

Well, well, well, this was fast. I wondered how long it'd take them to resort to threats.

I freeze, not moving, as the King continues speaking. He says, "You're a good soldier, very well rounded. And you're being limited in the SSR. A Wizard has no place in the frontlines of a regular person's War. You, however, do have a place in the dark side of it. Imagine it, Captain, a Wizard Assassin, who can go unnoticed anywhere, someone who can kill people with just two words, someone who's actually had experience in infiltrating Enemy territories, and someone who can fight like us normal people, while also being a strong enough Wizard to threaten the Lieutenants of the Dark Lord Grindelwald. Now, you will join us, willingly, or you will be forced to."

"Just do it, Captain. I'm a Wizard, and I'm actually happy working in the MIS. You'll be making an actual difference here, you know. We also have good medical insurance." Agent Watson says, while still holding a Wand to my head.

What should I do? I can't kill them all, and definitely not the 6 highly important people here. There are too many people who know I'm having this meeting, and it will take too long for me to track everyone they told it to.

Well.. I do need to get out of here, without hurting them. So, theatrics it is.

I say, "You know.. this would have actually worked on me about a decade ago, the making a difference speech."

Feeling the wand push a bit forward, I snap my fingers, casting an area wide Petrificus Totalus spell, freezing everyone right in their places, unable to even move their mouths. Turning around, I see Agent Watson moving his eyes rapidly, stuck in his body, his wand still raised, now pointed at my forehead.

Raising my hand, I catch the wand in my two fingers, and pull it out of his hands.

"How are you doing that?! Your wand is locked!" The King says, moving his neck around, looking at all the trapped soldiers. Even the 5 wizards inside the room, including Watson, were completely useless in stopping me.

I'd left him able to move his neck, just because he's a King. Royals should get better treatment, no?

Smirking at the King, I drop Watson's Wand on the ground, and say, "A Wand does not make a Wizard, Georgie old boy. It just makes Magic spells possible. There are still a lot of things that aren't strictly spells, that I can use without the need for a Wand. These Wizards that you have in your.. MIS.. are barely more competent than an average Auror. And besides, I'm Captain Mason Fucking Aves. Sooner or later, I always find a way to escape capture."

"GUARDS! GUARDS!" The King yells, still not able to move more than his head.

Chuckling, I say, "You think they can hear you? Your guards can't here anything inside this room. The Wizard guards of yours cast spells to prevent eavesdropping, by your own orders of course."

Turning serious, I say, "Now, I might be an orphan, but I have learned a lot about the Wizarding World, and that includes its laws. I know we're autonomous, working inside our own lands, so don't try and say you're the Ruler of the Wizards too."

"What do you want?" King George asks, tearful from fright, being completely at my mercy. Now he knows how the Wizards he recruited feel.

I glare at him, and say, "You're the one who brought me here, you absolute dimwit." Pausing, I say, "What I want, is to kill you, and every person here.." seeing him start tearing up even more, I relish a little, and continue, "Fortunately for you, I can't do that.. not yet at least. Now, I would have threatened you more, but well, I have a planning session to get to."

"Please, don't kill us!" The King begs, pleading with just his eyes.

I stop my hand, as I was raising it to my forehead, and say, "I will kill you, George. For all that your MIS did under the banner of keeping peace, keeping the Statute, I'm going to kill you. But not yet. Assassination, torture, Mind Control, stealing, forceful Unbreakable Vows. Every single thing you did, you'll pay for it. Alas, you won't remember this conversation enough to be on guard."

And then, I raise my hand to my forehead, and a second later, cancel the Petrificus Totalus charm. As they all get back to their senses, Watson's Wand back in his holster, they immediately forget that they were frozen at all.

King George wipes his eyes, and says, "A beautiful tale of your Mission, Captain Aves. Truly. Now, what about your answer?"

5 minutes later, I leave the Buckingham palace, my spare Wand back in my possession, and after fooling all the people that were inside the Throne Room.

I changed all their memories to show that I agreed to their condition, and took the vows. But, the King told me not to give reports until I come here personally, which I won't, not yet. In return, the King personally Knighted me, that I kneeled for only in their memories, in honour of all the great deeds I did, and am going to do, in this War.

Well, he offered the Knighthood of his own accord, who am I to refuse?

MIS, another Organization to look out for. Outwardly, it's Mission Intelligence Services, a sub branch of the MI5, that's just focused on Data analysis. But, for those in the know, it is the Magical Intelligence Services, an Intelligence agency specifically created to keep an eys on the Wizarding World.

Created during the reign if King George the V, MIS was formed when a group of Dark Wizards caused a lot of mayhem during the WWI. They killed over hundred muggles, and burned down a lot of food godowns.

At first, MIS was tasked with recruiting disgruntled Squibs, that the British Wizarding family had discarded. They kept an eye on the squibs throughout their life, and recruited any that looked promising. By recruiting, I mean manipulated into turning their family Secrets over to the MIS.

They were trained intensely, paid well, and had good lives all around. They were actually appreciated, just as long as they spied on the Wizarding World for them. This, in return, made them completely loyal to the MIS. They gave the muggles access to the prominent Wizarding surnames, so the MIS can keep an eye on any that pops up out in the muggle world.

Even I was amongst the list, but since I was a Wizard, and hence under the surveillance by Aurors, they didn't approach me before. 

Drafting me was the first step, giving me promotions, and a good posting, was another. I really should have realised that my promotions were a honey trap, seriously.

But that's not that important.

After Squibs, MIS turned their eye towards the Muggleborns who had left the Wizarding World back. Claims of the Wizarding World being under the rule of the Monarchy was enough for them to talk, and to promise Loyalty to them. And they already have 27 scorned Muggleborn Wizards in the MIS, as of this moment.

Thank you, Purebloods.

This was on the Wizarding World itself, though. They scorn a lot of people, and then cry when those people complain.

But, I can't sympathise with the Muggleborns either. I'm basically a Muggle-raised, and I did my own research about the Wizarding Laws as soon as I had gotten access to the Library. 

Everyone knows what the muggle world has done to the Wizarding World in the past. Countless attacks, burnings, Witch hunts, putting one Wizarding group against another. Half the reasons for the establishment of the ICW, and the Statute, can be laid at the hands of the muggles, and the Church.

And these recruited Wizards, scorned or not, basically turned traitor against their own kind. They informed the muggles about Goblin contracts, Vows, Oaths, different spells, Rituals, and all, and then got trapped in those contracts themselves.

They bloody took unbreakable vows to always serve the Royal Family.

27 Wizards, working for the Muggles, spying on the Wizarding World for them. Betrayal.

I know.. I know Wizards aren't completely innocent. We have Dark Lords that create problems for them, we have Dark Wizards, most of them free, who love hunting muggles as a sport. 

But the rest? Most of the Wizards just want to live their own lives. Other than the Dark Wizards, everyone literally wants to live their own lives, not wanting any troubles. Even when Muggle Britain was out there, colonising everything, Wizarding Britain left the Wizarding countries alone, not wanting to put the effort into invasions.

And muggles, meanwhile, sought us out, repeatedly, to ask us to solve their problems. And when we refused to solve all their problems, well, Witches gonna burn.

And the 27 wizards vowed their loyalty to the ones that did all that.

MIS, and the DOM. Both of these organisations are looking to harm the Wizarding World, or take over it, and I won't let them. Not yet, but as soon as the War is over, I'm going to start working on taking care of the two organisations.

But now, I have missions to get to.


A/N: This was a callback to my original fic. In the original, Mason lets Helena and Dorea(who are his two gfs, which is technically not a Harem, but it is, and one of the reasons I quit the story then), deal with the MIS as they see fit.

In that story, Helena takes over the MIS, bit by bit, using her Telepathy to not mess things up, and turns it into an actual Statute protecting Organization.

I might do something similar here, or I might not. Depends on my mood.

Thank you for your support! Tata!

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