
Chapter 69 - (Lol) [Nice] The Ecchiest Lesson Ever

Micro and the rest of the class were getting more than a little frustrated. It was already past class time and Zecora still hadn't shown up. Micro had tried to message Frida about it but she said to just wait and see.

Instead of worrying about it, he had spent the time going over the Pokémon he, Chara, and Fluttershy caught yesterday. They spent the majority of the day catching them. It was ridiculous! Some of his personal favorites like Chandelure, Noivern, Vespiquen and Wheezing were now a part of their options...or at least their pre evolutions were. And they managed to evolve most of their starters! He had fashioned a nice everstone necklace for Braixien since she didn't want to evolve any further, and Litten was still leading the pack in terms of levels despite not evolving himself.

But just being able to get any Pokémon they wanted from a memory dungeon wasn't the end of it. No, the true exploit came when Micro noticed Chara catching a bunch of Meowths.


"Chara...that's like the tenth one you caught," Micro said. "I like cats as much as the next guy but still-"

"Dear," Chara cut him off. "What is the move Meowth is most well known for?"

Micro thought for a moment. It took a little bit to remember since he rarely is ever used the small creature.

"That would be Payd-" he stopped short as his eyes went wide.

"What?" Fluttershy said as she petted her very own Woobat. "Why is a move so special?"

"Payday is a special move that essentially generates money that the player can pick up upon winning a battle," Chara said as she sent out her series of Meowths. "But since the typical Pokémon battle rules don't apply here…"

She held her hands up and formed a group of 15 clones. Five took out balls and went to catch more Meowths, while the other ten formed a line in front of the cats.

"Payday!" Chara and the clones called out. All the Meowths shot out a roll of coins each, all of which disappeared into the clone's inventory the moment they came close.

"So by doing this we've essentially created infinite money…" Micro muttered. Fluttershy was stunned before she looked over at Micro with a sultry smile.

"Micro, have I told you the animal shelter I work at is trying to reach its donation goal?" Micro blushed but he had been expecting it this time.

"I might need a bit of convincing that this is a worthy cause."

Fluttershy was shocked by that response while Chara was chuckling in between Payday orders.

'Looks like three might grow to four at this rate,' she thought as Fluttershy grabbed Micro's head and pulled it between her breasts.


Micro would've loved to see how far Futtershy would go to convince him, but he would've felt bad it that was what got them to hook up so he agreed to donate.

Looking up at the clock, Micro groaned. He'd been reminiscing for five minutes and Zecora still hadn't shown up! He took out his phone to text Frida again when the door flew open, The he nearly choked on his own spit.

Frida walked in. Her normally pixie cut pink hair was budded up like a professional and despite not needing them, she wore glasses to add to the look of a teacher. She wore a white button up shirt and black skirt like Zecora does but with a button or two undone and the barest showing of a pink bra could be seen at the edge of her cleavage.

"Hello class," Frida said with a grin. "Mrs. Zecora is out sick today, and she volunteered to me to be the substitute."

For Micro and Spike, as the ones who knew Frida the best, he knew this was bs. The others in their group were more confused than anything else. They didn't know enough about her to instantly dismiss that claim, but she didn't seem the type to teach. The rest of the class was still stunned by her beauty.

'I doubt Zecora would actually agree to that…' Micro wondered. 'What happened?'

Unknown to him…

Earlier in Frida's Bedroom

"Now you be a good girl," Frida said as she did the last button on her shirt. "Just enjoy your toy while this hot mama has some fun!"

She pressed a button on the remote in her hands and left as the muffled moans from the bound and gagged Zecora began, the toy between her legs activating.


"Now class," Frida said as she turned and began writing on the board in pink. Most of the class couldn't help but stare as her rear was straining against the fabric of the skirt as it shook a bit. "My name is Mrs.Herano. It is Mexican. And yes, before you start whispering about it, I know I have a great ass."

While most of the class was stunned by this comment, Micro facepalmed.

'What the hell is going on here?' He groaned internally.

"I...it's nice to meet you Mrs. Herano," Pipsqueek managed to say despite his intense blush.

"Why aren't you polite," Frida coos, giddy at the little guy's cuteness. She gives him a hug. "And here I thought that this school was mostly full of perverts and thugs. You're already my favorite!"

Pipsqueek turns pure crimson as Frida's breasts practically invelopes his head. Meanwhile, behind Frida, a boy known as Snips tries to casually slide his cellphone beneath her to get a pic up her skirt. Frida notices and takes his phone.

"You boys and your hormones," she mutters. Then she surprises everyone and takes the picture herself before handing the phone back. "Be sure to post that under the hashtag foreign cuisine on Instagram. Send me the link."

With everyone gaping at her, she walks back to the desk and pulls out the teacher copy of the text.

"Now class, today we are going to be learning…" she turns to the marked page and frowns. "What the hell?"

After staring at the pages for a moment, she slammed the book shut and grinned back at the class.

"Well...how about instead of that boring stuff we start with any questions you may have about me to break the ice?"

She smiles and points to Peppermint Twist.

"How do you know Mrs. Zecora?"

"We are actually very good friends," Frida smiles as a slightly naughty look came to her face. "You could say we are besties. Your question young man."

A boy known as Snails stiffens up as Frida begins looking through Zecora's drawers.

"What size are your breasts?" Snails asked, and was soon pelted by anything the girls had on hand.

"Wow, Zecora has some naughty things in here," Frida mutters. "Oh! I'm an all natural E-Cup boys."

Looking at the boys all starting to get nose bleeds, she grins. Thinking for a moment, she remembered on the way in seeing some upperclassmen who must've had free period for the last slot of the day. If she was correct, they were heading…

"You know boys, since you apparently have something a bit bigger than beaker bottles on the mind, I have a special assignment for you. A bit into the woods behind the school, there is a lake. I want you to go there and observe the natural beauty there. Whoever can bring back the best picture or video gets an A for the day and the chance at...a special reward."

She leaned forward over the desk giving them all a look at her cleavage. The boys practically bolted from the room.

"What exactly is going on?" Diamond whispered to Silver.

"I don't know," Silver admitted. "I didn't know she was qualified as a teacher." A few desks away, Sweetie turned to Scoots.

"Isn't that the lady that trains Micro?"

"Yeah," Scootaloo said as she stared at the older woman's chest. While she was far from the self conscious mess she was when it came to her body that she was before Saturday (she had to stifle a nosebleed at the memory. She hadn't even told her friends yet) she was a little annoyed that a big cheated lady like Frida got to spend so much alone time with Micro.

Though she would be a bit at ease if she found out they had more of a teasing sibling relationship.

"Ok girls," Frida said as she pulled down her hair. "I'm not going to be able to teach you much about chemistry or anything like that. I do have a PHD in a certain branch of anatomy however, and I'm going to teach that to you today."

"What do you mean?" Applebloom asked. Frida just smirked and hopped up on the desk, laying back sexily.

"I mean I'm going to teach your girls how to use all your natural assets to become the jaw dropping goddesses that boys would kill for."

The girls all watched in shock as Frida struck pose after pose until finally, she pulled out a small cannon.

"I borrowed this from another pink haired girl's locker. Now...I brought gifts!"

She pulled the string and a bunch of new clothes shot out into the air and drifted down around the girls.

"Don't be shy! We are all girls here. Look!" Frida flashed her boobs and smiles. "I'm sure you've seen eachother in the locker room. Now hurry. We only have about an hour left before the boys get back…"

She puts her hand under her chin and hums to herself.

"Maybe longer depending on how hormonal they are."

Forest Path

"Who the hell was chick?" Snips asked.

"I don't know but she was just as sexy as Zecora!" Snails said.

"But even more of a tease."

Micro rolled his eyes as he was forced to listen to this conversation. It wasn't that he didn't agree, but they would not shut up! At least Featherweight and Pipsqueek weren't going on like that...though considering Pip was still dazed from that hug he received from Frida that might help explain that.

"Why am I the one carrying Pip again?" Micro asked his two friends. They had decided that in order to make good time they needed to pick up the small boy.

"Because you wanted to see if you got a CHM boost from doing so," Sugar whispered. Micro sighed. He had gotten a one point boost. Speaking of points he had to talk to Chara about spending their bonus points. They each had 47 and were close to perk levels in most of their stats.

"What is Frida doing here?" Spike muttered. "And why is she sending us to the lake?"

"I don't know," Micro sighed. "But based on her tone it is probably something perv...did you hear that?"

He said the last part so everyone could hear him. Setting Pip down, he inched forward and peered our through the leaves. What he saw made his jaw drop.

"Oh wow Bon Bon, I think it's even more shapely today than before."

"Oh! You're just saying that. Have you gone up a cup size?"

"Come on Octi! Why are you hiding? You got nothing to be ashamed of."

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this."

"I got to tell Dash about this place."

The boys were all stunned as they saw a group of seniors in the lake...all of them skinny dipping. A quick look above their heads helps Micro identify them as Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Gilda.

"Holy shit," Snips gasped.

"We must've died. We're in Heaven!" Featherweight squealed.

Micro nodded, but as he and the other boys took out their phones to fulfill their "assignment", he noticed something on the edge of the lake...specifically, a pile of clothes. Deciding to check on one of his skills, he grinned as he saw Modification was now allowed for animal transformation.

He took a step back from the group and made a clone. Handing him the cell phone, he slipped off further into the woods and began his plan.

Back in the Classroom

"Good choice Silver," Frida commented. "Your rear is nice and bubbly so I'm sure a certain inventor will love how those shorts shows it off."

Silver blushed but smiled with a bit of pride. She had on a pair of black shorts and a loose grey tank top. Frida nodded and went over to Peppermint Twist who looked a bit depressed.

"What's wrong kiddo?"

"Well...it's my lisp! Even if I look the part when I start to speak-"

"Let me stop you there," Frida said with a smile. "For a while, people thought my accent was stupid. You have no idea how many times I said a word one way and got made fun of for it. Prove those boys wrong. If any of them judge you for it, they aren't worth your time."

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom chimed in. "Besides, when I was talking to Sugar about us being gym partners, he said 'oh the girl with the cute lisp.'"

"Re...really?" Twist blushed a bit but smiled. Frida grinned at the girl and looked around.

"Now that everyone has chosen their outfits, it is time for the most important part of the lesson."

"What's that?" Scootaloo asked. She had opted for a pair of thin leggings that were stretched nearly to the point of being see through, and a sports bra.

"Well now you look the part...but you need to walk the walk. While the outfits will help, it won't work if you don't have the confidence."

"How do we work on that?" Twist asked as she shifted. She was wearing what basically looked like a cosplay of one of the Harley Twins from Batman Beyond. It had been a little embarrassing as she realized that it showed some of her pudge, but even Frida insisted that she looked good.

"I was taught that in most cases, women are superior to men. Unlike men, we usually don't get hypnotized by a flash of breasts or a peek up a skirt." She blushed a bit, which surprised a lot of the girls. "I admittedly have a bit of trouble with this as my mindset can be a bit more perverted than most guys."

"How does that help us?" Sweetie said. She had on a nice sundress that if it caught the light just right would show a silhouette of her body.

"We can get pretty much whatever we want from any (straight) man (or bi/lesbian woman). They are hypnotized by our bodies."

The girls are listening with full attention. Some girls were thinking of scenes in different shows they watched that flirted their way into favorable situations or out of danger.

"Every gal has something about their body guys find attractive. It may be different for everyone, but if you use your skills right, any guy will fall down to worship you like the goddesses you are."

Silver subtly pinches her rear. Apple Bloom and Peppermint look at their chests and how well they are developing. Diamond thinks about how she can basically fit any desire with her shapeshifting while Sweetie prayed that her beauty would rival Rarity's someday.

"With all that said, it is time for your final challenge today." Frida pulled the chair from behind the desk and sat down in front of them all. "Seduce me."

The entire class was stunned for a moment as the weight of those words hit them.


With Micro

'Sorry fellows,' Micro thought in his mind. 'But I'm not missing this chance.'

As a small black dog, Micro padded onto the beach. With his enhanced hearing, he heard a few of his friends questions where he came from but ignored them. The girls weren't looking. He had a small chance.

Reaching the pile of clothes, he sorted through them until he found the panties. He managed to find a pair of gray boyshorts (Gilda), a lacey white pair (Vinyl), black satin (Octavia), dark blue cotton (Bon Bon), and minty green lace (Lyra). He would've put them directly into his inventory… but he didn't want to risk getting rid of this spot to possibly gain more panties in the future. If panties just went missing, they'd assume someone found them and wouldn't come back again.

Piling his loot in front of him, Micro began barking.

The girls all turned toward him, Lyra and Bon Bon both smiling at his cuteness. Part of him wondered about the possibility of letting them cuddle against him...but he didn't want to risk them trying to take him home.

"What is a dog doing here?" Gilda questioned. Micro made a point of bending over and picking up the panties, shaking them around, causing the girls to shriek. Like a shot, he took off toward the forest as far away from his friends. Gilda was the first out of the water and began charging after him. Looking back, Micro made sure to memorize the sight of everything bouncing before he got far enough into the trees to drop the panties into his inventory and shift to a bird form and fly off.

He would switch places again with the clone later. For now, Micro was going to enjoy a bird's eye view of the situation.


"If you want an A for the day, you have to pass this test," Frida said. "I will judge how well your attempt would work on the boys. Now...who's first?"

None of the girls moved. They were too nervous...with the exception of one. The only one who already had the boy she loved...in every meaning of the phrase.

Scootaloo walked up, swaying her hips seductively.

"Do you mind if I stretch a bit? I have track practice tonight." Grinning, Scoots turned and bent over, the fabric of the leggings separating enough that you could make out the color and outline of her panties through them.

"A nice classic technique," Frida smirked. "Boys love it with any girl, and with you already being in such great shape it will torture them. A+!"

Scootaloo grinned and straightened up, smiling at the rest of the class. She was about to walk back to her seat when Frida tapped her shoulder. Seeing the "substitute motioning for her to lean down, she did and the pinkette whispered.

"I know that look," she said. "That glint in your eye...you and Micro I'm guessing?"

Scootaloo turned red for a moment but nodded. Frida smirked.

"And that is worth some extra credit for today's lesson!" She called out. The class was wondering what that meant as Scoots took her seat again. "Who's next?"

Silver decided that she didn't want to be outdone by Scoots and stood up. She began walking with confidence up to Frida...only to pretend to trip a bit in front of her. Her glasses went sliding across the floor, landing perfectly next to Frida.

"Oh my," Silver mutters. She slowly starts moving toward Frida, pawing at the ground as if she was looking for her glasses. Her butt was in the air and the neckline of her tank top hung down a bit, giving a slight peek inside.

"Ah, the accident approach. Another good old classic." Silver blushed but continued moving forward until she found her glasses. She put them on and looked up, finding herself inched from Frida's legs. The teacher grinned down and nodded. "If you were approaching a guy, he would be standing at attention so to speak. A+ again."

This pattern continued. Sweetie stood close to the fan and allowed it to lift her sundress up past her stomach, almost revealing her bra. Apple Bloom and Twist decided to tag team it, pulling out one of Twist's homemade lollipops and licking it together, their tongues dangerously close to each other before Frida told them they got A's. Finally, it came to Diamond, who was surprisingly looking the most nervous of the class.

"Diamond...your the last one left," Frida gently nudged. "Are you ready?"

The succubus slowly nodded. It was weird. When she was trying to get Micro, she did what came naturally. Now that she was trying to show she was more than that person though, it felt...wrong. She was already a more sexually pleasing figure, wearing more revealing clothes. If she starting active like that too…

She got up, having switched the shorts she wore out for a tiny black skirt but keeping the crop top. Walking up to the front of the class, she was trying to think of some way to 'seduce' Frida when she tripped. Unlike Silver, this was truly accidental. Landing with her rear facing the fan and door, she pulled herself up to her hands and knees.


She froze and turned to look over her shoulder. Spike was standing in the doorway with the other boys trying to peek around him to find out what he was looking at. She went crimson as she remembered what panties she had on. The panites that, thanks for the fan, were on full display.

Back when her mom still dictated the majority of her life, Diamond wasn't even able to decide what to wear. In a small act of rebellion, she bought a pair of red panties that she thought her mom wouldn't approve of. Since she didn't have any other clean ones that morning, she put them on.

What Spike saw, was the succubus' plump rear, clad in red, with the words 'Spank Me' in shiny lettering. A mortified Diamond shot up and ran back to her seat. Spike was still stunned but the other boys basically forced him to move forward.

"Phones on the desk boys. I will review your pictures and videos and determine the top of the class," Frida said as the boys reluctantly set their phones down. "Don't look too down guys. The girls have been waiting for you to return."

The guys then turned and saw the entire room of girls (besides Diamond who looked down in embarrassment) smiling and in much more tantalizing clothes than before. Sugar saw Apple Bloom (who opted for a flannel shirt that only covered her chest and let her stomach show as well as a pair of jean shorts) and Twist smiling at him. Micro grinned as he saw two of his girls sitting side by side, Scootaloo blowing him a kiss. Sweetie tried to get Spike's attention, but he was drawn to and sat next to Diamond, trying to get her to calm down.

"I...I'm sorry," Spike muttered. Diamond looked up and saw he was just as red as her.

"They...they were just an act of rebellion...not…"

Sweetie stopped listening. That was probably the biggest blow to her pride she could suffer.

"After review," Frida said as she held up a cellphone. "This phone has the best video. Who's is it?"

"M...Mine Mrs. Herano," Pipsqueek...squeeked out. Frida clapped.

"Oh my favorite student! No need to be embarrassed. The rest of you can leave now. I have to talk to Pip about his...grade."

The rest of the class filed out, leaving a nervous Pip with just a few pats on the back. When everyone else was gone, Frida smiled at him.

"Now...about how long was that video?"

"Um...a minute or so…" Pip wasn't sure where this was going. Frida grinned as she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and pulled it out from her blouse. It was zebra print.

"First, here you go." She tossed him the bra. Pip caught it and was pure red. He sniffed it a moment, smelling her perfume on it. "Don't get too excited now. You still have the rest of your prize."

He looked up and saw her undoing a few buttons on her blouse.


"The video was about a minute right? One minute….hands only."

With that last comment, she opened her blouse up.

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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