
Chapter 40 - A Pact


(New Head of the Fangs/The Thousand Fangs)

Lv 43

Daughter of the original head of the Fangs, she managed to convince her father on his deathbed that his original pick for successor, Garble, was not worthy. With his dying breath he transferred the power of the Dragon Scepter to his daughter and tasked her with fixing what Garble has done to the group. That was just an hour ago.

Breast Size: D Cup

Relationship: She doesn't know you, but feels ashamed for what Garble got her father's group to do to you.

Neon and Bloody Heart looked at the arrival with a slight look of shock. Before they could say anything, Spike walked forward.

"Hello Ember."

She looked down at the purple Dracokin with a small, sad smile.

"Hey Spike…"

Looking at the scepter in her hands, Spike's expression turned solemn.

"The old man?"

Ember kept her face neutral, but her eyes looked about ready to water. She nodded before steeling herself and facing Neon, who moved to float in front of her, Garble still hanging by her hair.

"So you are the new leader of these fools?" Ember raised an eyebrow at that.

"I'm the leader yes," Ember said. "But how did you…?"

"If we come to a peaceful resolution here, I may explain. For now…" Garble was struggling more, trying to speak despite his broken jaw. Sighing, Neon grabbed him by the hair and held him up just enough so the noose loosened.

His words were hard to understand but the listeners managed. (The following has been translated from broken jaw speak to normal for your reading convenience)

"The hell you are bitch! If the old man finally kicked the bucket then that makes me the-"

He was cut off as Ember swung the scepter and smacked him across his already busted jaw.

"Not after I showed him proof of what you were doing! Proof of your lies! You were using our men for your personal vendettas. You kidnapped a woman who spurned your advances, stole from even those who could barely get by as is, and worst of all you burned down a home not even caring that there were children inside! If not for me intervening…"

"And what proof did you show him? I left no trace! There was no way you could have-"

"You may have had friends in the Fangs who agreed with you," Ember said. "But when I brought Fume to him as your accomplice, he was too terrified to lie. Not that confessing got rid of his punishment."

She held up a purple gemstone in the rough shape of a heart. Garble choked when he saw that.

"So he already has been punished?" Neon asked, slightly disappointed. Ember looked up and nodded. "And what is that gem if I may ask?"

"It is-!"

"You fucking whore! You're siding with their garbage species and now you're spilling our secrets?! Your father-"

Having heard enough, Neon dropped him so he went back to hanging.

"Thank you," Ember smirked a little at that. "This gen is a dragon heart gem. Essentially, when a Dracokin is at the end of his life, one can use a powerful spell to condense them into a gem. This gem can be used to power up another Dracokin or even give a non Dracokin some of their powers."

She tossed Fume's gem to Bloody Heart.. When she caught the gem, her eyes slitted and what seemed to be red scales appeared on her body. With a loud roar, she shot a stream of flame into the sky. Those that didn't know about the gems looked on in amazement, while the Fangs that had previously been fighting, looked fearful.

"Amazing," Neon said. "But still, even if it was against your father's wishes and Garble went behind his back, he and your men still attacked me friends, and they were more than ok with letting this bastard…" she shook the noose getting a grunt of pain from Garble again. "Have some 'fun' with my girlfriend."

Ember narrowed her eyes and looked at the others. Many were holding broken arms. Some were missing arms, legs, or wings. Turning back to Neon, Ember bows her head.

"Anything that is within my power, I will do to make up for their wrong doings."

Neon saw she was sincere and looked down to see the others looking at her. She quickly pulled Bloody Heart, Scoots, and Spike into a party chat to discuss things.

After much back and forth (in which Neon had to convince Bloody to switch back to Chara since she just kept calling out death and torture) it was decided what would be done.

"I have a few requests before we can put this all behind us. First, is it safe to assume that Garble will receive the same punishment as Fume?"

"No doubt."

"Good. Then I wish the Fume and Garble gems be given to myself and Chara, to use as we wish." Ember looked down at Garble who was wide eyed with fear and disgust at having to be used by a human.

"Seems fitting. And the other requests?"

"Second, no more trying to recruit Spike! He has expressed clear desire not to join despite his father being a member and that should be respected."

"Already was planning on doing that. My father had actually ordered Garble to stop trying before. Anything else?"

"Lastly, in order to make sure your side doesn't step out of line again and to let you see that my side won't hunt your men down for any further form of vengeance, I suggest we form a pact of some sort. Chara, myself, and even Spike could probably use some formal training in fighting with Dracokin abilities (Spike mostly being self taught in combat and going on instincts). So, we would like to request that you teach us whenever you get the chance."

Ember smiled a bit at that. She looked down at Spike who was smiling to. When they were growing up, they were like siblings since their fathers both didn't want them involved in the gang activity when they were so young and Ember would spend time with Spike and his mom whenever her dad was out on jobs. Now they had a chance to reconnect.

"That seems more than satisfactory," Ember said. She looked at the broken warriors of the Fangs. "I am surprised you didn't want anything done about them."

"They were following orders of the one they thought would be their leader. As much as I hate what they did, I think their injuries from today are punishment enough."

"Very well. Now…" She turned her scepter toward Garble. "Time to say goodbye!"

Before Garble could scream, a beam of light shot from the scepter and slammed into him. The light enveloped him until finally, it shrunk down into a red heart gem. Using Observe, Neon smiled.

Dragon Heart Gem


A gemstone containing the spirit and power of the Dracokin Garble. Grants the user the ability to shift into a Dracokin form.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I need to attend to what remains of my men."

She left to gather up her injured members while Neon floated to the ground. Upon landing She stowed the gem in her Inventory and shifted back into her normal female form. Turning, she saw Scootaloo gaping at her.

"Scooty!" Micro ran up to her girlfriend and hugged her tightly. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner! I hope you aren't too upset with me! I-"

"Micro!" Scootaloo shouted to stop rush of apologies. "I'm ok. You came just in time."

Micro had tears of joy in her eyes and pulled Scootaloo into a kiss. At first Scoots was shocked, still not over the fact her boyfriend could transform into a girl (who was more well endowed than her she thought in frustration) but now she was making out with her in front of her idol, His/her best friend, and two girls who may or may not help form a harem.

'Oh what the fuck,' she thought as she returned the kiss. After about a minute, they heard Rainbow clear her throat.

"Not that I want to interrupt your moment," she said. "But can someone explain: a. How you can transform? b. Where the hell those weapons came from? And finally, c. Why you now look just like the girl Spitfire said she saw in the locker room right before my panties went missing?!"

Micro went wide eyed at that last question. She was about to try and come up with an answer when Chara spoke up.

"In order: an ability called Modification, a site called the Chaos Auction, and because she is the one who Spitfire saw and took the panties."

Micro glared at Chara for a moment who just smiled back. Then…

Danger Sense!

Two yards away!

Turning, she saw Rainbow cracking her knuckles. Scootaloo seemed confused so Micro sped into an attempt to salvage this.

"Would it help if I said I only did it because it gives me boosted stats?"

Scootaloo seemed to understand, though he knew they would probably be discussing why he didn't say anything sooner. Rainbow on the other hand shook her head.

"Oh...crap baskets."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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