
2nd Round Matches

The last couple of days have been interesting to the day the least. I'm between Arthur and his family settling back in living together, I had also be watching the matches for the Elves and Dwarves before the 2nd round of the human matches. Only the big names stood out as I didn't recognize any other participants from the 2 races, Alea Triscan and Aya Grephin for the Elves. Olfred Warend and Mica Earthborn for the Dwarves easily defeated their opponents, and the others they didn't fight didn't look much better.

Currently I was watching Bairon Wykes face Vanesy Glory, and it reminded me of the previous matches. Not close. Though she did force him to show his capabilities with lightning, he showed his displeasure by thoroughly beating her back until she couldn't fight back. It was an unfortunate matchup for the future professor at Xyrus academy.

Her fire wasn't strong enough to contend with his and her earth magic provided no help as he overwhelmed her with speed and brutal explosive force. She was the first knockout of the tournament and hand to be carried off the field. Bairon didn't stay on the field long before he made his way back to the stands as well to watch the next match.

"Varay Aurae versus Brald. Fighters are you ready?" Dawsid called over the speaker artifact. Brald gave a determined nod, while Varay's was barely noticeable. The match would be Fire versus ice as she has already shown her ice capabilities from the very first match.

"Fight!" His voice boomed and the fighters spurred into action. Brald's shield lit up in flames as well as his sword and he charges forward, I was surprised to see a wave come from Varay but it quickly froze but moved with the fluidity of water. Steam rose upon collision, but Brald lost the exchange as evidenced when he was sent rolling across the ground. Lifting himself up he has to slash a spear of ice flying at him, barely deflecting it before rolling to avoid another.

She is a conjurer mage, so it makes sense that she's keeping her distance, but I can imagine Brald's frustration. His frustration comes to a boil and a massive burst of flames roils around his sword and the next ice construct melts on impact. She tried the wave of ice again to be met by a slash of flames extending well past the end of the blade, dividing the wave in half. Brald seeing his chance charges forward, but it was a terrible mistake. The 2 separate waves were always being controlled by Varay, as he came between them they crashed down.

A cry of pain was heard and steam built up blocking everyone's vision, a blast of flames shot out towards Varay and she summoned an ice wall to block. Out of the waves of ice came Brald, bleeding and bruised, but shield and sword still raised and ready to fight. Varay formed an ice sword in her left hand and shot a volley of ice shards with her right, riding a wave of ice to increase her speed. Brald flared his fire mana on his shield to stop the ice shards while jumping with the help of fire mana infused to legs to meet her at the top of her wave.

Flaming sword met freezing and another bout of steam exploded, but ice was cowing flame. Brald focusing too much on the clash of sword didn't see the giant ice fist Varay made before it was too late catching him right in the guy and sending him flying away. His body skipped and then rolled to a stop, where the match was immediately called.

"Varay Aurae is the winner!" She calmly walked out of the arena and back to a seat in the stands, everyone watched her as they hadn't seen such control over ice before. Now it just leaves me and Bree, or rather me because no matter how confident she may be I don't see a world in where she defeats me. I drop down into the arena and see that she follows my lead much like Xavier did, forgoing the warmup period.

"I hope you haven't forgot our bet." She said with a cheeky grin, and I responded with a shake of my head.

"Don't worry I haven't, but can you back it up and win the bet you started?" Her smile never falters and gives an exaggerated nod.

"I know I can." I'm still not sure where she gets the confidence from, but so be it.

"Very well, come at me with all you got." I said and summoned out my staff, she frowned at me.

"Where's your sword? Do you think I'm not good enough for your best." Internally I'm thinking obviously, but i that probably wouldn't be the best response.

"Fine, have it your way." The staff disappears and my katana is brought out, and her frown replaces with a smile.

"That's more like it!" She draws her bow and nocks an arrow.

"Fighters ready? Fight!" Blaine calls.

Bree immediately fires a flaming arrow at me, but to her surprise the fire dissipates as it reaches me and a flame appears in my own hand. I shoot it towards her and she goes to shoot it down with her bow only for my flames to adjust its course slightly causing her to have to roll out of the way. She nocks 3 while in her roll and fires them all with tremendous accuracy, but the fires are extinguished and the arrows cut in half by my sword.

"Sorry Bree, but I'm a bad matchup for you." She grits her teeth and rushes in close which slightly surprises me. She fires arrow after arrow which i dodge or slash away until she reaches me, arrow drawn and fires a flame covered arrow form point blank. When I deflect she pushes the remaining distance and uses an arrow like a dagger trying to stab me with it, i grimace internally from the desperation of the attack.

She doesn't have anything to prove to me, I know her worth in a dungeon. There's no need to fight in a way so antithetical to what is your strength. With her next slash I slip by her guard and catch her arm with the hilt of my sword, she whimpers but charges the arrow with fire mana and slashes again. I block the slash and send a blast of wind mana at her, sending her flying back.

She slowly stands and nocks another arrow, and I frown deeply. She fires with no emotion behind it anymore and I just wave it away with wind magic. It's time to put an end to this if she's not going to fight seriously. I stomp my foot on the ground and a sonic boom echoes from the impact, the ground shaking unsteadied her and the resulting wave of wind knocked her off her feet. When she tried to roll back over I had already dashed forward with wind mana and knocked her out with a chop to the back of the neck.

"Winner by knockout, Rez!" Blaine's voice came as Bree's head hit the ground, I watched the medics come and carry her off the field. I shake the match from my head as it was such a weird fight, she didn't fight like herself at all.

With the final 3 of the human competitors decided, we will randomly select 2 from them to fight first and then the 3rd will face the loser to decide the 1st and 2nd place.

The first match will be between Bairon Wykes and Rez, loser will face Varay Aurae. However now we will immediately go into the Elves 2nd round matches. Rez is asked to come to the King's box." Dawsid finished and I saw King Blaine step back from the glass. I guess he noticed the sword, I had been trying to keep it under wraps and also hoped he wouldn't recognize it. Though I guess it's hard to forget a sword like this.

Making my way to the King's room all eyes followed me in intrigue as to why I would be personally called to the box. Arriving at the door I'm met by a crew of guards, who upon seeing me knock on the door and our walls King Blaine.

"Sound barrier if you wouldn't mind Rez." Seeing no reason to keep him waiting I conjure a sound barrier around the 2 of us and wait.

"What seems to be the problem your majesty?" I said with my hands behind my back, and Blaine just smirked at me.

"Trying to play clueless, Jaron? I would notice that sword anywhere." He finished with a point at my sword and I could only sigh.

"Haa, I had hoped you wouldn't recognize it, but I suppose there is no helping it. So what now?" I ask with a shrug. He chuckled lightly.

"I would ask how did you grow so strong so fast, but I imagine I wouldn't get a straight answer. No, I just wanted to ask why you would accept to participate in this tournament when you know what kind of position you'd be accepting if you won." I thought for a second on his words before responding.

"To be honest I planned to abdicate my spot as a Lance to the next strongest person. Rez goes down as winner of the human portion of the tournament and it serves to further fuel the human Lances to get stronger." Blaine rubs at his chin as he looks at the wall beside us.

"Then what do you plan to do if you're not going to accept the role of Lance?" He asked finally turning back towards me, now it was my turn to chuckle.

"Haha, I'm not even 9 yet your majesty. I was thinking of attending Xyrus when I reached an appropriate age. Will this effect things between me and your daughter?" He looked at me strangely and busted out laughing.

"If anything I should be trying to marry her off to you as fast as possible with your rate of growth and strength. No this will not effect your relationship with my daughter. I trust you'll protect her while at the academy when you both inevitably attend?" I nod my head at his question.

"Of course your majesty, I am planning on becoming student council president so I'll be sure to keep an eye on her." He nods back and motions his hand at the barrier.

"Then everything is decided, you'll drop out of the tournament and we'll pretend this conversation never happened." I froze for second before running the words back through my head.

"You want me to drop out of the tournament?" He briefly nods and turns back to face.

"While your idea of beating them and that causing them to want to strive to be stronger sounds right, it defeats the purpose of the Lances on a public scale. We want the Lances to be seen as indomitable figures on the same stage as legends. They shouldn't be seen as something that can be defeated, that's why you helping them would also hurt their image." He gazes at me trying to gauge my reaction, I did want to be annoyed or angry but honestly I could understand.

"Very well, your majesty. I withdraw from the tournament." A warm smile appears on his face and he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't fret young Jaron. After all what human Lance is not going to want to spar against one of the S rank adventurers? You'll get your shot to show them how much they have to improve, just on a more private level." I nod deeply and grasp the hand that he had outstretched towards me, he grips mine tightly and we shake hands.

I drop the barrier and we both walk our separate ways, me to change and join my family in their private booth and Blaine back in the King's box. It's not like I wanted to be a Lance anyways, but who wouldn't want to fight against some of the strongest people in this continent?


Author's Note

I've decided to not show any fights from the Elves and Dwarves as truthfully I don't feel there would be a point in it. I'm sure most knew that MC wouldn't become a Lance, but i decided to take the decision out of his hands just because.

Not sure what the next chapter will be, but I think it will be a time skip to Arthur's and MC's birthday before their adventuring trip. We'll get to see Jasmine's reaction to Jaron being Rez, and I'll add some missions that they go on.

Also try not to assume too much with this adventure with Arthur arc. I have a semi thought out plan, still trying to figure out how it will work. Also I'm slightly nervous about the Xyrus arc as there is a lot I want to do there, but a lot of it will be making it up myself. I know it's fanfic and everything, but I do want to try to stay true to the story.

It's probably getting redundant and maybe borderline annoying already, but these recent spikes in chapters on even my work days is due solely to how terrible its been. Writing truly is an escape and I'll continue writing and putting out chapters as long as it doesn't start to make me dread writing the next chapter.

Which is sadly easily possible, but I'll do my best to push through as I really have been enjoying writing this FF. This isn't a cry for power stones or anything, just me venting to people I don't know and that don't know me.

TLDR: work sucks, but writing helps.

Also I had been talking about starting another FF alongside this one, but I think I've decided on working on an original story. Probably won't be posted here, at least any time soon, as I want to really work hard on it. Fleshing out the world, the story plot, and characters. Maybe I'll give updates on it when I start it.

Thanks for reading.


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