
Social Media Is A tool

Rudra had done his part in rattling the enemy and now it was his turn to sitback and enjoy the result of his schemes as the rest of the work was to be done by the elites sitting in the middle realm led by Amelia. 

Rudra had a long and detailed talk with Amelia regarding how to go about this marketting campaign and he asked for her explicit inputs about how to shrink male ego down to size. 

Amelia was a solid 8/10 in looks and although the elders in the guild never hit on her because they respected her enough not to , ( Not because of her overly dominant personality, *cough* ) in general she did receive a lot of male attention. 

However despite 100's of men trying to woo her and dozens of secret admirer societies within the elites guild , nobody was able to date Amelia ever. 

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