
Bk 3: Ch– 119 Awake(pt-1)

There are things you want answers for; then there are moments you wish you did not know. For Darce Burassca, the answers he has been searching for put him in a dilemma. Unconsciously, he hated the princess for returning when his brother did not. However, he never wished for her to suffer. He felt like a selfish man for his thoughts. Darce watched as the princess cried on his shoulders.

His shirt was wet from all the tears. He kept on patting her head like a child. This reminded him of the night Sloan would get up crying from nightmares. His tiny hands would clutch his shirt, crying out loud. Darce smiled, thinking of the memory. How easily a grown-up can become a child. His other hand patted her shoulder as she sniffled. She was no longer crying out loud. He kept on rocking her, hoping she would fall asleep.

'She would not see a nightmare, would she?' Suddenly, the anger, the restless feeling, disappeared from his head.

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