
Cultivation Rank 4!

Cao Tai POV

As I slipped out of consciousness so that my final requirement could complete (the Level 2 Training Space) I barely heard the System say I gained some Magical Essence from killing the Archaenid's.

And for once, there are no dreams, no creepy stalkers, no training, just a black waiting room with a red analogue clock counting down how much time until I can wake up.

Two hours left…

I wonder how they acted when I practically layed on the ground and fell asleep, can I even wake up from this sleep?


Hey System?

Nothing again…

Darn, I guess it's busy upgrading my Training Space or something, or maybe simply ignoring me, that's also another likely explanation, but I guess I should just sulk for another 1 Hour 58 Minutes... or 7080 seconds... or 7080000 milliseconds…


13 seconds... 12 seconds... 11 seconds...

Wow, I never thought that sitting for so long would be so difficult, thank goodness I'm almost there.

<Ding! Your Training Space has been upgraded! Thank you for waiting. You may now wake up or travel to your Training Space, which would you like to do?>

I would like to leave this prison... NOW!!!!

Suddenly a door opens and light seeps into the dark room.

<Then please walk, or in your case, run thro->

I was already out of this godforsaken place before it could finish its sentence.


"Good Evening, Sasha, since I've been avoiding this question for so long, how are we faring on Benzaiten?" I ask, suddenly sitting up, and for some reason, I wasn't groggy like I feel after taking a nap or sleeping, maybe since I didn't really go into deep sleep or something…

Sasha smirks and snaps her fingers, and suddenly a shard of ice falls in front of me, quickly growing and I can soon see who's inside, "What that... FUCK!!??!" I practically yell and turn around, concerned on how in the world an icicle of Benzaiten just appeared.

A hand grabs me by the scruff of my shirt, and I turn to see Sasha still wearing that smirk, "Let me gooooo!!!" I keep pulling, hoping her grip gives, or my shirt.

Now my Sponsor may be wondering why I'm running away from a rapidly melting icicle, and I would tell him, 'Well I used low tactics to knock her out, I really don't know if she could sneeze and I would simply disappear'

<The Sponsor agrees with your assessment that she could delete a weakling like you from existence>

Too late, the ice has thawed, and out walks a neutral faced Benzaiten, before bowing to me, "Hello, Cao Tai. Or would you like to call you Master?" She asks, her voice almost robotic, holding no emotions.

"Well, at least SOMEONE here will call me by my name!!!" I yell, before clearing my throat, "Cao Tai will do just fine," I finish, she nods in affirmation.

"Now do you have anything to ask me?" She asks, assuming that I didn't keep her in Leech for no apparent reason, and she was correct.

"Yes, I would like to know how you aren't mad at me," I say, crossing my arms, now knowing that I don't need to grab my bow since if she wanted to attack me already, she would've.

"I see you differently since your wives showed me how much of a good man you are, so I have entrusted myself with the major task of protecting you and serving you in any way you require, do you require my services?" She asks.

I wanted to test her dedication so I decided that I would like to use her services, "While I sleep I would like you to freeze anything that goes within 3 feet away from me, unless I give it permission to do so," I order a bodyguard's duty for a bodyguard.

"As you wish, Cao Tai," Benzaiten bows.

"Now, my second question, why are you blonde, and how do you have sway over the ice element? Does this affect your affinity to regular Foxen abilities, such as illusions?" I ask.

She winces slightly from my 'regular' Foxen abilities question, but I'm still curious, and she hasn't been the nicest to me in turn.

"I'm special, what I mean by that, Cao Tai is that I can do both ice and illusion magic, but there is one thing that you forgot to mention, since Ice is an extension of water, I can also control water to a limited degree," Benzaiten pauses before continuing, "I am blonde due to this unique characteristic, and clearly, you aren't the only one who thinks that I am 'different', I do hope however that you don't treat me as an Alien as the Foxen did because of my hair and my Ice affinity," She says, her jaw twitching, like she was muffling a sob, and her eyes were misty like spring mornings.

She may have been a stubborn Fox, but she doesn't deserve to cry, at least over the topic of what happened in the past, "Come here... Benzaiten, there is no reason to cry over people disliking your hair, in my opinion, its unique, but in a good away," I say, trying to comfort her.

Wrapping my arms around her and she just cries on my shoulder, she doesn't even remember when I snuck up to her and put her into Leech, 'Stop thinking about that!!! I always was bad at comforting people...' I internally lamented.

<Are you going to progress to Cultivation Rank 4 yet?!>

Go away, you don't hug a girl and then just walk away when she's pouring her heart out, I may have bad charm, but at least I have a SOUL!

<Go away...>

OK, I know I said that he'd reach Cultivation Rank 4 this chapter but... since on of the level up rewards is a new Familiar, I can't decide what species they will be like, all I know is how she's gonna look (HINT! The cover pic)

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