
Chapter 224: Hunters, Part 7


Elizabeth shows no sign of resting or of trying to sleep. She’s in no condition to be interviewed so I need to talk to Will, to tell him what she has told me. But I can’t leave her alone like this.

I sit by her, holding her hand, stroking the fingers, waiting for her eyes to close. As her lids droop, I hover for a couple of minutes then stand to make my call. Her eyes snap open, full of panic.

“Don’t leave me. Please….”

“My Love, I’m not going anywhere. I just need to make a phone call.”

Her hands clutch at me, pulling me close. “Master, please...” There’s pleading in her eyes. “I want you.”

Surely not…?

“You want to make love? I thought.…”

“Please, Master. I want you inside me. They…. they made me feel dirty….” Her words have a desperate edge. Her eyes are clouded, imploring.

My Love.... What have they done to you?

Elizabeth has been abducted before, but it was only a matter of hours before I reclaimed her. This time they have had her for days….

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