
Chapter 198: Guardians, Part 3, Nine Years Ago, The Farm

Brett is pleasant company. He doesn’t seem the need to talk much, simply strolling around pointing out various sheds and barns as they go. “That’s the roots shed. The potatoes and swedes go in there when we lift them. Over there’s the tack room…. Morning, Tom. This here’s Jennifer.”

‘Tom’ smiles, holding out his hand. “Hi, Jennifer. Nice to meet you.”

“Tom was one of Mrs Collier’s fosters too,” says Brett. “But he stayed on after. He does our odd jobs now.”

“Gotta go,” says Tom. “I need to get the roof repairs done on the barn before the rain moves in.” He strides away.

Brett raises a brow. “He’ll usually talk all day. He must be keen…. Anyway, in here, we have the cattle sheds….” He waves Jennifer through a door, then all but falls over her as she stops in her tracks, gawping.

“Don’t worry about old Hero there,” drawls Brett. “He’s just a big softie.”

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