
[Chapter 2] - Rescue

There was a path alongside the riverbed but it wasn't an actual road, the grass was simply flattened over so many times to the point of revealing the earth beneath, indicating that a carriage was often pulled through this area.

Seeing not much choice, I began walking down the dirt road on foot.

I'm not too sure how much mana I've got in my body but I have been using [Dimensional Move] many, many times and yet I didn't feel any different. Perhaps Dragonkins just naturally have a high amount of mana pool.

While I was thinking about all the anatomical crap of Dragonkins and the land I'm in, I didn't realize that my stomach began rumbling slightly. Right, I didn't had anything to eat since I woke up... and I got nothing on hand to eat... goddamn it.

"There are the fishes..." I muttered, glancing at the river.

Well... I'm not bothered getting naked and trying to catch the slippery little bastards, I then looked into the forest next to me before glancing at the Kaenken Rekka.

"Hunting it is..." I stated before walking into the undergrowth.

As soon as I trudged into the forest, there was an almost immediate effect that took place, the sunlight that shone onto me seemingly dulled slightly before the rushing river was muffled. However, in turn, the forest ground bloomed out a varieties of flowers I've never seen before.

Even though I had the Kaenken Rekka clutched in my hand, I still feel the unfamiliarity and uneasiness of being in a place I've never been to before, especially a forest in another world.

Shaking my head, I disregarded the depressing thought of being alone by myself in another world that may or may not be technologically advanced or medieval. I continued walking across the dirt...

Until I stopped in front of an animal track.

"Hooves... small... could be a deer or boar, no... a wild boar's hooves are usually wider..." I murmured before looking forward, seeing the same tracks extending onwards.

Hah... it's like the God or Goddess of Hunting is smiling upon me... right?


After what appears to be 10 minutes of tracking through the forest, I can soon hear the distinct sound of snorting and grunting through the undergrowth. With that, I crouched down and began treading as silently as I could. It wasn't a minute later until I found my target.

A deer grazing at a patch of grass below a tree.

However, I didn't move in for the hunt, obviously because this is my first time killing an animal for food, most of the food I eat are simply bought from the supermarkets, processed and cleaned. This one, I'm gonna have to do the dirty work myself.

Me, using Kamen Rider Saber's power just to hunt an animal... wait, MAGIC!

Sheathing the Kaenken Rekka into the Seiken Swordriver, I summoned the Book before flipping through its pages for a specific spell. Not too messy like fire nor too unnecessarily bothersome like ice that could freeze the entire target.

What I need is a simple, quick lethal bullet-like spell... found it!

"[Stone Bullet]." I chanted as I aimed at the deer's head, I probably won't succeed at first try but who knows? I may get a beginner's luck.

Like a literal bullet, a small piece of hardened earth gathered in front of my outstretched finger before it shot towards the deer. With a burst of blood and a cry of pain, the bullet tore through the animal's abdomen like paper before the deer collapsed, twitching in pain continuously.

I should be feeling disgust or regret but I felt nothing while standing in front of a dying animal.

If I remember from the Book, Dragonkins are on the top of the food chain and the most dominant race of all races, because of this, they constantly look down on other species, be it animal or not. Guess this could be the reason why I'm not feeling anything. How sad...

"Sorry about the pain but... a man's got to do what he's got to do to survive." I said before raising my hand for another [Stone Bullet], but I then heard cracking.

Cracking..? It's quite close and it's not thunder and sounds more like wood snapping...

I looked at the tree in front of the deer, almost half of the trunk has been torn apart... from my miniscule and pathetic looking [Stone Bullet]?!

"Oh shi-" I cursed, jumping out of the way before the tree could crush me. However, it did fall down but only to crush the deer's head... stopping all movements from the animal.

Well... that was... anticlimactic? Awkward? Ridiculous? Comedic?

Whatever, time to... skin... how the hell do you skin a dead animal? Like peeling banana?

Oh, fuck it, I'll drain the blood first and cut open the carcass and bury the guts later.

Guts... rest in peace, Kentaro Miura. You will be missed.

Now then... how should I cook? I'm usually the one cooking my dinner back on Earth but never had I ever cooked in the wild with nothing... I'm not using the Kaenken Rekka as a spit roast.

Touma and the rest of the Sword of Logos would be so disappointed in me.










Screw it, I'll improvise on the way.


So... who knew roasted deer with nothing but a bit of forest herbs could be satisfying enough for a small lunch break? Well, to be honest, I've probably wasted a lot of spare parts of the carcass to the point dead chefs are rolling in their graves in another world. How do I know which herbs to use and how are they good for seasoning?

Trials and errors... my stomach was empty from the excessive vomiting.

Now then, the hunger problem is solved for now, the next thing to do is to go back on track and try and find civilization. Whether they are medieval based or I'm simply in the countryside of an area that's next to a highly advanced cityscape, I'll find out sooner or later.

I got up and began walking again.

When I got back onto the dirt tracks, the sun was well about to near the horizon and the all so familiar hue of orange was beginning to appear. If I don't find shelter or civilization soon then I'll be camping outside and next to the forest with who knows whatever's in there.

I continued walking and walking until I spotted a carriage in the distance, I sighed in relief at the sight of inhabitants in this world with me but something about the atmosphere was very off. To investigate, I used [Dimensional Move] to teleport near the area to observe...

Just in time to see a raggedly guy thrust his sword into a knight-like man.

Lying on the ground next to the guy are the bodies of five other guards, all dead. The person parallel to the fell to the ground, leaving only the six bandits and two girls alive. If this was a story book then it was obvious in which direction things were developing.

As I began to plan on how to diffuse this situation, the wagon as my cover jerked a bit. Seeing this, I peered into a crack of the fabric tarp of the carriage... only to see something that's utterly and vilely disgusting. Something I've never seen in my entire life.

A guy, dressed the same as the rest of the bandits... desecrating a young lady's corpse .

I don't need to think anymore, these people deserve death, nothing else.

As the man within the carriage continued to violate the corpse, I aimed the Kaenken Rekka through the fabric while aiming at him via the small hole. I'm not exactly sure if the sword is able to pierce through a person's entire skull or even cut them up but it's try or not try.

"First time I'm ever going to kill someone..." I muttered before thrusting the blade forward, it ripped through the fabric effortlessly before piercing the man's neck like butter.

That's my first kill in this world... and I'm not even disgusted or affected in any way.

I breathed calmly in order to remain focused, losing concentration could only mean possible death for me. As I ignored the bleeding corpse in the wagon, I snuck around the vehicle before peeking around the corner, just in time to see my target pull down his pants and exposing his dirty ass.

Wasting no time and using [Dimensional Move], I immediately teleported behind the group before slashing sideways, effortlessly decapitating the men's heads in a gruesomely satisfying way. However, I didn't expect my sneak attack to cause the trees in front of me to get cut down as well.

With four people rendered dead and incapable of action, the last one tried to run away. However, I had not a single intention of letting one bandit escape. Moreover, exposing your unguarded back towards an armed and highly dangerous predator is something one should never do.

Which is why I performed [Kaenken Juujizan] to deliver the final blow.

But, like before, I felt nothing as I watched the bandit's corpse burn up into ashes, perhaps this is the most noticeable trait of being a Dragonkin? The lack of empathy for other lives?

Disregarding my own anatomy, I looked at the two girls.

"Are you alright?" I asked them, speaking normally as if I just didn't murder six men.

If Kamen Rider Saber is someone who protects the innocents then I should at least try and sound calm or gentle despite my recent actions. I suppose my characteristic setting in this world as a warrior would be a wandering vagabond or even a mercenary.

Returning to the still-stunned girls, one of them looked barely over the age of 13 while another one was dressed in a heavily damaged maid outfit. They were trying to cover up their exposed skins with what's left of their clothing while also enduring the sickening blood splashed on them.

"Cleanse yourself in the river, the clean up duty will be taken care of by me." I stated calmly.

"Y-yes, thank you very much. I will move ojou-sama over there now." Said the maid, running to the carriage and bravely ignoring the corpses inside before wrapping up her master in a cloth.

As they both went to the riverbed, I began the clean up of the corpses and observed the scene which was reminiscent of that from tragic TV drama shows. Bodies of guards strewn across the ground along with the headless bandits, there were also 8 horses. 6 of them must have belonged to the bandits while the other two were attached to the carriage.

If this world still uses horse-drawn carriages then I can expect the animals to be quite valuable in the economy, they should be equivalent to a modern car of his land. If I can make a good bargain deal out of the bandits' horses then it may be enough to buy clothing and rent a room in an inn.

The weapons and the scraggily-made leather armor doesn't seem to worth that much unless the iron swords, axes and daggers can be melted and reused by blacksmiths. Besides, taking loots off from dead bandits isn't really unethical, they tried to violate two girls and killed other people.

Sometimes, I wish I had the ability to quickly loot bodies while stopping time like in the Elder Scrolls because as I searched through the corpses, I managed to find small pouches contain copper to silver coins. 26 coppers, 9 silvers and 1 gold in total, doesn't sound much but it will do for now.

There were 4 swords, 2 axes and 5 daggers, I guess the only use for them is to be sold off. Looking back at the corpses, I aligned the guards' bodies together while literally throwing away the bandits' bodies into one pile to the side before using the basic spell of [Ignite] to burn them.

If they were complete scumbags and useless in life, the only use they have in death would be to have their corpses and ashes become fertilizers for the plants and trees. A large column of dark and foul odorous smoke rose into the air as I watched the bodies burn, still apathetic.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the young ojou-sama and her maid return from the riverbed, having washed off all the grim and blood with improved complexions. The maid then pulled out a leather bag from the back of the carriage before bringing out some spare clothes for both of them.

"With the bodies of the bandits disposed of, what of your guardsmen?' I asked them while the maid thought for a second.

"The bodies will be claimed later on by other soldiers, only the weapons and horses will be brought back. Thank you for preparing them." Replied the maid, bowing politely.

"I see." I nodded as I gathered the guards' weapons and placing in the rear of the carriage before tying the bandits' horses to the carriage.

I slowly got on the carriage and took up the reins of the drawing horses and then looked back to check on the maid and her young master, both of them are now wearing new clothes.

"For your timely assistance and rescue from a dangerous situation, we are truly grateful for the help." The maid stated, bowing again.

"I was merely resting nearby, accompany me to the next town and we will be even." I replied before beckoning the horses to move forward.

"Thank you very much!" The maid said, thanking me again before sitting next to her master.

As the carriage moves quietly across the dirt road, the horses tied behind the carriage also followed along, now all that is left is to ride onto the next location.



This fanfic is heavily inspired by:

- Skeleton Knight in Another World

- Tondemo Skill De Isekai Hourou Meshi

- Eminence in the Shadows

- And many more

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