
Cap 1188: There is no border in dreams

Later that day, after hours of waiting for the Hero to finally start the meeting, most of the meeting was about sharing information about the big picture of what's going on. 

When I finally heard it all I was astonished at how much nonsense I was hearing. 

Alan started to explain that the people to be rescued are individuals from 7 to 25 years old who were kidnapped from Worlds dominated by the Church of Light, there must also be people who were kidnapped in worlds like ours where the Church of Light is only present as more a religion in the world. 

It seems that this is not something done recently, the Church of Light has been using these flat types for decades, it seems that the battles they fought to conquer the worlds where under their leadership, and now in this last battle where they lost on several fronts, it cost more than just soldiers, it cost the greatest talent within its ranks as well as the loss of many individuals of great power. 

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