
New Room, Old Broom

*Hermione POV Sunday 1 September 1991*

After the welcoming feast was over and Dumbledore had warned the children that they can die in the school, we were led to our dorm rooms.

Penelope Clearwater took us to the Ravenclaw tower, explaining the stairs and corridors along the way. It will take some time to get used to the magical fuckery, but I guess the layers of deeper meanings of the phenomenon of the stairs alone can teach one of the inner workings of magic. A sudden shift when lease expected can lead you somewhere unintended. Seemingly straightforward processes can have hidden pitfalls for the unwary. With preparation, patience and knowledge, getting the desired result is inevitable. There is probably a hidden message in the way the stairs shift. I'll look into that over the coming weeks, after I get settled in.

If I'm being honest, I'm apprehensive of being away from my parents for the next four months. I will go back during Yule/Christmas holidays, but I'm already missing home. I have my boy Murphy with me, but mom and dad are kind of alone, I shall adopt a dog or two. That should help them with the loneliness. Or I might be getting a younger sibling. Who knows?

We eventually made it to the entrance to the Ravenclaw Tower. Penelope explained how the raven head knocker worked. Seriously? A riddle? There are children who've put more thought into hiding sweets than this! Honestly just buy books of riddles and memorize it. There will be a cycle of riddles that it must go through.

Look into the ward scheme for the door. More importantly, key myself into it. The rest of the school I'll map out as well. I need to get a look at the Marauder Map as well. More than likely it's keyed into the school wards.

Anyway, while I was planning, someone answered "oil" and the door opened. Inside was basically a library community centre. There were signs for practice rooms, a pool, balcony and subjects in the library and the dormitories. The library I realized, is the common room.

Inside we met Professor Flitwick. He's an enthusiastic and passionate fellow, but he's also a half goblin. He didn't give the happy family and second home speech that McGonagall did. It was very straightforward and to the point.

"Good evening children, welcome to Hogwarts and house Ravenclaw. You will spend the next seven years here. Your inherent desire for knowledge has placed you in this house. Knowledge, wit and wisdom are not the same thing. As much as excellence is not the same as good rankings and good grades. Most of you will forget that within the first month as you compete amongst yourselves, but the few who do remember and heed my words will go on to do a great many things.

Moving on, the house library is open for your use. It has the same books as the school library and more besides. You can only sign out one book at a time. Read as many as you want while inside the library, but you can only take one to your dorm. Also if you damage any book or scroll, you will be copying 10 of them. The members of House Ravenclaw have used their own funds and resources to build up the library over the centuries.

Do. Not. Abuse. It.

There are notes, diaries, manuscripts, journals of students and professors ranging in a variety of topics. Some eager students that wish to read ahead of the curriculum, must demonstrate competence in the current years material for that subject and read the Book of Warnings for that specific subject. You will be thoroughly tested. You can of course go to the school library and get the material from there. But there is no place for idiocy here. You blow yourself up, do it in one of the many abandoned classrooms. I am not doing pointless paperwork due to your stupidity. If you do decide to practice magic, use one of the practice rooms in the tower or find an abandoned classroom. Do not practice magic in the common room. If you do, pray that you are well enough to fill out your own paperwork after I'm through with you.

I am not here to discourage your drive and passion for knowledge. My aim is to make sure you can safely continue to strive forward. While also ensuring a safe and productive environment for your peers. Violators will most likely be handled in house, by your seniors.

That being said, I do not condone bullying. If you at anytime feel as though you are uncomfortable inside the Tower, you will come to me, and tell me, to the best of your ability, what is, or seems to be the problem.

Other houses, deal with them as you see fit. Don't get caught doing it. In Ravenclaw house, you come to me. Understood?" He finished his speech.

Well that was unexpected. Has more of a top secret research facility in a bond movie vibe than what I'd initially imagined. Interacting with the older students at the feast and seeing the professor being merry at the high table, I did not expect this.

His entire speech boiled down to, 'Don't be an idiot. If you must be an idiot, do it somewhere I can't see.'

Well time for bed, Penelope directed us to head to our rooms. No one moved for a while until she explained that you head to your respective side and year floor. The dorms will have our names on them.

How very convenient.

*Thursday 5 September 1991*

Today is our first broom riding lesson. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, as is the case most times. It's a nice day, a few clouds, bright blue sky and warm sun. Very unusual for Scotland.

The past few days have been a little hectic. Getting used to a new environment and such. Also establishing myself without showing off.

Honestly, why do these morons find this simple magic so hard? The morons in question, the half-bloods and purebloods who have wizards in the family. For the love of God, did their parents teach them nothing? Yes I have a bit of an advantage due to my maturity and the help from Harry, but it's only been 3 years. I've had to keep up with normal school and extra-curricular activities. They've had until age 4 to figure this shit out. Then they have the audacity to act like they're better than me because they DON'T figure things out quickly.

I'm simply moving ahead wherever possible. Potions and Transfiguration are the only subjects where I don't practice the actual process outside of class. But reading ahead is not a crime. It doesn't take that long either.

Which brings me to now, the broom riding instructor Madam Hooch, is giving instructions as to how to accomplish getting a broom to your hand, rising a few feet of the ground, then coming back down. The ones with previous experience aren't even paying attention.

Honestly it now makes sense why Harry/Damian runs a criminal syndicate. The ability to apply extreme violence to solve your problems is very appealing right about now.

Maybe I can get one of the pompous little shits to fall off their broom?

Also what does the school do with the money it receives? Eat it? Two dark wizards reduced the wizard population to the point where each year an average of 47 first year students enter Hogwarts. The ones with money pay for their own supplies and stationary. The cost of food is not particularly high. So where the fuck does the money go? Why am I using a broom I wouldn't use to sweep the floor for my first flying lesson?

When I come to power I will re-establish the finances of the school. Meanwhile, I am going to get Harry to pull a few strings to get the school audited, by the Americans. Ha! The shame of having a subpar institution, Magical Britain won't be able to live it down. So what if I'm a part of it? To improve you first have recognize your shortcomings. Magical Britain has been complacent and incompetent for far too long. They were undone by a nose-less cunt.

"When I blow this whistle, I want you to try calling the broom to your hand." The voice of Madam Hooch brings me out of my thoughts. Honestly everything is so boring. Nothing like I expected. I'm going into the room of requirement during the weekend. Well, Harry, Murphy and I will be going.


I command my broom to come to my hand. What Harry said as to the root of magic, 'Will and Intent', proved itself again. The old broom rose up and snapped into my outstretched left hand.

Now I wait until Madam Hooch has made a pass amongst the students, before mounting it and rising a few feet off the ground.

I've learnt that normally brooms have cushioning, comfort, and wind defection charms. I have no hope for the broom in my hand right now, but maybe down the line I can enchant my own. Or use a completely different method. I find brooms to be too inefficient for long range travel. There is so much to learn and get done in these 7 years, I don't know how I'm going to manage it, but I will.

Just then, some schmuck launches themselves into the air. They are headed into the Forbidden Forest. As Harry has made me plainly aware, it's always on days like these.

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