
Chapter 19 - Long walk and Knowing her past

Riven pov's on

That kiss was calm and gentle. It was the first time I had returned a kiss like that, the other times, it was always with an ulterior motive, a malice involved during the act. We walked away and I stared at him; he still had his eyes closed when we parted, slowly he opened his beautiful blue eyes that so enchanted me. He rested his forehead against mine and so we stayed for a short time.

I felt his breath close to me, it was soft and calm, just like everything that came from him. We stared at each other and I said.

-I'll give you the answer to your questions tonight. -I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

-I know, I'm anxious to know.

I gave a light laugh.

-But to know the answer, we'll need to get to the festival first. - I turned on my side and looked straight ahead, as if showing that we were supposed to go straight on that road.

He smirked and said.

-Then I think we'd better continue, isn't it? - He placed his hand on my waist and made me turn fully forward. I took his hand lightly, linked my pinky with his and started walking again.

The path was silent for a certain part, until Yasuo decided to break the silence.

-Well, can you tell me more about your past? I'm curious to know more about you. - He gave a smile and closed his eyes slightly, then he scratched the back of his neck. In a way, I think he was uncomfortable asking that.

-You don't need to be nervous asking me that. -I gave that typical dull laugh. - I don't like my past very much, but that doesn't mean I can't tell it. -I had that embarrassed smile on my face.

-I understand. So... Would you like to tell a little more about Riven that I still don't know?

-I would love! That way, I will know if you really love me. -I blinked at him.

-Idiot!-He said.

I punched him right in the stomach.

-Hey! -He exclaimed as he placed his hands on his stomach. -That hurts!

-I know. That's why I did it!

-You ruined the moment, baby! -He pouted.

-I got sick. -Laughs

-You have a little problem, it can't be possible!

-Did you notice just now handsome? -I raised an eyebrow and gave that mocking smile.

-I'm not that slow! -He complained.

-Perhaps. -I shrugged.

-Hey! -He slapped me on the arm.

-Did you hit me? THAT'S RIGHT? YOU HIT ME? - I made a false expression that I didn't like.

-I knocked, and if you complain, I knock again. -He laughed and gave me another slap on the arm.

-If you want to be beaten, right? -I closed my eyes.

-Show me what you're capable of, runt! He had placed his hands on his waist and bent over slightly to face me.

-But... -I positioned myself and went towards his neck.

He dodged and then said through a chuckle.



I ran towards him again and he was playing at dodging my blows.

-If you want to hit me, you'll have to run. NANICA! -He stuck out his tongue and started to run.


I fired after him, barely aware that we were changing locations again, but I was just concentrating on my hunt for that furry-haired, armed animal. He would run and give light glances back, followed by laughter and some teasing, I was already getting blood in my eyes from those little pranks, and I hated that they made jokes about my height.

After I stopped to look around, I saw that we were on a road that rose slightly, we must have been climbing to another mountain that led to the capital, the trees were huge, with thick thick stems, most of the trees seemed to be very old. , everything around us seemed to be almost the same color, a dark green that exuded life. The trees had large and full crowns, some with dark green leaves, others with a lighter tone, it was as if everything in Ionia was an eternal spring. There were bushes on the ground and to my right a small rise, to my left, due to the noise, there must have been a stream nearby.

I saw Yasuo stopping right at the end of the climb, he was looking at me with that beautiful smile of his.

-Find another beautiful landscape to observe? - He stuck his sword in the ground and leaned against it.

-Everything here in Ionia fascinates me man. EVERYTHING. -I opened my arms and screamed.

-You haven't even started to see the beautiful things here. He gave a teasing smile.

I was approaching it, so I saw that further down we would face another descent, to my right, the road along the mountainside, I had no idea how I had gotten there. Was I that distracted? So I wouldn't realize I was climbing a mountain?

I got in front of Yasuo and put one of my hands on my hip and the other on my forehead to make a shadow over my eyes.

-Wow! Despite being just bush and tree, everything is so alive and so beautiful! I would love for Noxus to have such an area. - I spoke while pouting.

-I think it's kind of difficult for that to happen.

-I think so too, but it doesn't hurt to dream, isn't it?

-Dream is good.

-That's why I dream of you every night. - I turned to him and made a heart.

-Oops! Why didn't you tell me this before? We could have solved this little problem some time ago, like, turn your dream into reality... - He pulled back from his sword and gave a naughty smile.

I returned the smile and approached him.

-Who knows tonight? - I winked at him.

-Oops! He put his hands together and rubbed them.

-Shall we go now?- I asked.

-Let's go. There's a village about three hours from here, if you want, we can eat something when we get there. -He said while removing his sword from the ground.

I stood at the end of the road waiting for him to finish getting ready. When he reached my side, I asked.



-So hit here! I raised my left fist and waited for him to hit it with his hand.

-What am I going to hit your hand for? -He looked at me suspiciously.

-Just because! Hit here. -I showed the fist.

-I won't crash there. -He made the same face again

I spun my body and quickly hit him in the face with a right punch.

I hit him right in the nose, but luckily, the fist escaped and didn't break.

He put his hand to his nose and looked at me in surprise, I couldn't contain my laughter and then I spoke.

- IT'S WITH YOU! -I laughed and started to run.

-I WILL BREAK YOUR FACE RIVEN! -Yasuo yelled while holding his nose.

Quickly he steadied his hand on his sword and started running after me, I laughed in the middle of the run and didn't even bother to stop to tease him. The descent to change mountains was big, but nothing compared to the climb that awaited us.

-Some time later-

The descent and part of the ascent were in the same peak, race peak, teasing and laughter. I was delighted to see Yasuo crawling uphill.

-DON'T YOU DON'T GET TIRED? -Yasuo yelled from behind.

-I SAID MY ENDURANCE WAS HIGH! -I stopped and answered.

TAKE ME TO DO THIS TRAINING TOO. he yelled as he lifted one hand and used the other to lean against the rock wall beside him.



-WEAK! I put my hands over my mouth and screamed.

He kindly showed me the middle finger.

I smiled at him and went down to meet him. When I was getting close, I pulled my sword that was attached to the straps of the backpack and grabbed the water canteen that was there inside the backpack.

-Is there a water there? -I held out the water flask for him.

-It cost.

Yasuo took good gulps of water and then to cool off a bit, he turned some water into his mouth, which ran down his neck and lightly wet his tank top, thus making it lightly stick to his chest.

-What a man! I looked and admired the scene, twisting my mouth to the side.

-Don't pretend you don't like it. -He stared at me.

-But I didn't say anything. -I gave that mocking smile.


He handed me the canteen and I put it back in my backpack, then straightened my sword and was ready to continue the journey. I went back to Yasuo's side and stared at the wall beside me, then I felt a smack on my left buttock, which caused me to turn and look at Yasuo.

-But people... -I spoke to him and put my hand on my heart.

-Now we can continue!- He smiled and we walked back.

We would still have a good climb to explore, there was still at least a couple of kilometers of circular climbs, like any hill or mountain you climb, most would be like that. The beginning was always tiring, but as we were practically at the end, it was calmer.

Yasuo was distracted looking at the nature around us, until far away from us, I saw a mountain, completely without nature, just land, it seemed. As we were going up, I could see that right in front of me, aka my right, There was another set of mountains and mountain ranges, some apart and some connected, but to our left was that mountain I had mentioned. On the horizon, we could see a thick and well-enclosed forest, it was strange, it was as if the forest protected that place.

-Yasuo, is that place sacred by any chance? -I asked while raising an eyebrow.

-What place? -He looked to the right.

-No idiot. There, look! -I pointed to the mountain. -That mountain there in the woods.

- That one? -He pointed to the mountain.

-Are you retarded? Of course that's the one. Deficient.

Yasuo chuckled.

-Do you know all this forest? -He looked at me with a smile.

-I know, what about her?

-It's the heavenly forest of Ionia. -He smiled as he watched a light breeze passing by us carrying small leaves. -This is where the true magic of Ionia happens.

-So, as much as it is a very beautiful landscape and such, it's just bush for now, I'm not seeing anything "magical here". -I looked at the woods while I was saying that.

- You're not seeing anything now, because it's daytime, the true magic happens only at night, and the only magic that happened during the day, are hidden in the middle of this forest. -Yasuo smiled.

-Now it makes sense! - I put my hands on my hips. -And what is the mountain.

-Some say that it is the mountain of Bardo, where he meditates with his spirits and mypes. It is not certain, but many claim to have seen a chubby being full of sparkles around them, sitting on the top of the mountain. - He gave a light laugh. -People come here to meditate, camp, explore and even seek inner peace.

-Our! I would love to explore this forest at night! But wait, are you talking about the Spirit Wanderer?

-That one! We're not sure where he came from or where he's from, but we do know that he comes here sometimes.

-Now I would love to explore this forest at night. -I was excited about it.

-There's something else I'd like to explore at night. -He looked at me with a malicious look

-And what is it? I look back.

-The mountain, of course! -He smirked.

-Idiot. - I raised my right arm and quickly tried to hit him with a punch.

Yasuo held my punch with some difficulty.

-I think I already know your little grasshopper tricks. -Yasuo smiled as he spoke.

-First rule of the street. Either you know, or you speak.

I surreptitiously lifted my left foot and stepped on Yasuo's, when he went to complain, I pulled my right arm out of his hands and in a quick movement, I raised both my arms and pulled his neck, in sequence, I raised my left knee and made it he had his nose on him. Yasuo staggered, and to finish, I spun my body and pushed his head with my hand. Yasuo fell defeated to the ground.

-First part of my past, I've lived on the street since I was eight years old. -I got down beside him and spoke into his ear.

-I hate when you do that. -Yasuo spoke while he was still with his face on the ground.

-Between slaps and kisses my love! - He laughed and patted his head. - You're with you now.

Yasuo let out a defeated sigh.

-One, Two -He started to count.

My smile went from ear to ear.

I got ready and started running, I shot towards the top of the mountain. I think the race to the village would be a lot of fun.

Break of time - 3h later - Noon

-Brother, I'm very hungry, holy shit! - He said as he rubbed his hands over his stomach.

-You have a monster in there, it's not possible! It's been half an hour since you ate our fruit. - Yasuo complained.

-Relax Yasuo, lunch is on me.

- With what money, young lady? He raised an eyebrow.

-With tournament money! -I smiled and patted the pocket of my shorts to make the noise of coins.

-When did you get that money?

-I had caught him in the tournament, I left the bag in the bathroom mixed in the clothes. Syndra will bring more later.

-How did you get that money in the tournament? Stole him in the middle of the muvuca?

-But of course! Are you thinking I'm a muggle?

-I am more and more surprised by your furtive gifts.

-You haven't seen anything yet.

We laughed and talked some more nonsense along the way, Yasuo asked where I had learned to steal and I explained that I was on the street, stealing so that I could eat and survive in the gutter.

After another short while of walking, Yasuo gave a relieved sigh and said.

-We're finally arriving in the village.

-YOU! I'm starving.

-Let's do this curve here. -He pointed to the turn we're starting to make. -And we'll get to the bridge. We will only stay in this part of the village, as the other part has more commerce and people. So almost no one sees us and we can rest a little longer.

-OK. Let's go fast then.

I took Yasuo's hand and started to drag him to the bridge.

The bridge was small and curved, below us a small river passed, the water was clean and crystal clear and you could see some small fish passing by.

-What's the name of the restaurant?

-It has no name, but it has a price tag. You'll see.

I went back to dragging Yasuo.

Quickly we arrived at that restaurant, I almost threw myself into the door and sat at the first table I saw. I sat in one that was in the corner, beside the wall. I picked up the menu and started to choose what I wanted while Yasuo was still settling down at the table.

-Have you chosen?

-Two portions of fries, one of steaks and two servings of draft beer. I won't eat much now.

-Our. - He widened his eyes. -How little!

I laughed.

-A soup and a serve? -I asked.

-That's right. -He smiled. -Just look! We can get married now, you even know my favorite dish! He smiled and closed his eyes.

-Huh? Who knows? I laughed and held the menu up to my face.

Still hidden behind the menu, I raised my hand and called out to a woman behind the counter.

She arrived at our table and asked what we wanted, I answered and then she headed to the kitchen to make the meals.

I thought a lot on the way here, and decided to tell most of my past to Yasuo, I would tell until I got to the army part. I decided that when we got back to the cabin I would reveal that I led the Noxian army in the invasion of Ionia and everything. I finally accepted that I was madly in love with Yasuo and I would change for him, I would do anything to be able to be with him, including stop swearing and be less aggressive if necessary. I think that would be a great step forward.

And for starters, he needs to know where I came from, what I've done, and who I am. I needed to know if he would be able to forgive me for attacking his nation.

Yasuo was distracted, so I took advantage and started talking.

-I used to live in an orphanage in Noxus.

He was slightly startled and looked at me.

-Like? He put his chin on his hand and asked.

-I used to live in an orphanage in Noxus. Since I know myself for people, I was there in that place. I'm not sure who my parents are or my last name, but I know my name is Riven. They left me at the orphanage along with my sword. -I took my sword and showed it to him.

Yasuo took the sword and saw that it had some scriptures on it, he analyzed it and asked.

-Do you know what it means?

-No. I think she was some heirloom of my family or-

-Something they wanted you to protect. - Completed Yasuo.

-Can also be. -I laughed while playing with my fingers. - The owners of the orphanage tried to sell it several times, but when the buyer tried to take it away, it burned their hands or weighed to the point that no one else could lift it. They said she was cursed and all that, but in reality, she was my friend, that's all. At the orphanage I played more with boys than girls, but I confess that I loved painting my face and playing with dolls. It was a nice place, but... -I took a deep breath. I once got into a fight with a roommate, I hit her in the face with a rock and left the girl passed out and bloodied in the courtyard of the house. Afraid of the old ladies' punishments and all that, I gathered up my few little things and my sword and ran away.

-Wow, were you always quarrelsome then? Yasuo asked.

- More or less that. -I was kind of embarrassed to tell this to Yasuo, the only man who knew about my past was Talon, adding to it, only Vi, Syndra and Katarina knew about my past.

-You've been strong since you were little.

-I've always been calm, but quarrelsome, but I ended up getting pretty agitated since I joined the army. They're the ones who left me like this. -I laughed along with Yasuo.

-I can't imagine you being very calm.

-I know, with time I think I'll slow down.

-After you ran away, where did you go?-He seemed to be enjoying the story.

-Noxus suburb, a slum where soldiers go to have fun, drink and eat some prostitutes, is right on the docks in the city. Unfortunately for me, I ran away in the winter, and it was pretty complicated from there. Luckily I had an old and abandoned house hidden in an alley, I entered it and from there I made it my home. It was a two-story wooden house, it was at the end of a very abandoned and lifeless alley. I stayed there for a long time, it was a very comfortable place, there were several things the owners had abandoned, and I made the party with all those things. Every day I stole some bread from a market that was nearby, some fruit and everything that gave me, from time to time I even stole a coin. From there I had my savings and my routine, and when I turned ten, I went to steal a piece of meat to make soup, and well, this was the first robbery that had gone wrong. I had gone to another side of the favela, where there was a meat market, I sneaked up to the last stall at the fair to rob the butcher, but a child of about four saw me and reported me to the butcher, to my bad luck, he had his cleaver in his hand. He went to pull me by the hair and I dodged it, but in a way I don't know what, he slammed the cleaver into my stomach. -I gave a smile. -That's when I met my best friend. but in a way that I don't know which one, he slammed the cleaver into my stomach. -I gave a smile. -That's when I met my best friend. but in a way that I don't know which one, he slammed the cleaver into my stomach. -I gave a smile. -That's when I met my best friend.

-Wow, what a great way to meet your friend.

-It is not? -I gave a smile. -Now continuing! I thought, I'm fucked now. I was hungry, far from my house, with a fucking wound in my stomach. I was squeezing that wound with all the strength I had, I ran like a convict to the first alley I saw, and when I found one, by a lucky break, he had some boxes piled up and thrown on the floor, I hid behind one of them and tore some parts of my dress to tie up the wound and stanch the wound a bit. I was very nervous, I was shaking a lot and whether I wanted it or not, I started to cry. I repeated it at least a million times to myself. "What an idiot you were Riven!" "Great, end of the line!" "Sucker!" and a few more motivational phrases from that level.

-How optimistic you were! -He laughed.

-Fucking optimist. -We laugh.

-Go on, I love hearing your stories! -Yasuo said happily.

-OK! -I gave a wide smile and was very happy to know he was enjoying it. -I was seeing that I had no option, you know? I was happy to almost die to a rusty cleaver instead of being raped and killed, turned into a prostitute, a slave somewhere, beaten to death and other things like that that always happened in Noxus. There was every man for himself my son! -Laughs. - I remember that I had blurred vision because of crying, and my eyes were already getting heavy. Probably I would pass out and stuff, my breathing was already heavy and I could almost taste the blood in my mouth, I took one last sniff and mumbled some things. I was getting ready to see the light there and stuff and when all of a sudden, I hear a voice.

Flashback on - Riven

-That's a pretty ugly runt bruise! - I heard that voice and quickly looked for its origin.

-Shut up. -I grumbled to the voice that I hadn't found the owner. Even the words seemed to hurt.

-Your mouth is pretty dirty for someone your size, huh? - I had finally found the origin of the voice.

There was a boy in a hood on the wall where some boxes were stacked.

-I don't have money- -I felt a pang of pain in the wound and put my hand on it while making a pained expression.

-Calm down, I'll give you a hand.

-DO NOT TOUCH ME! -I screamed with all the strength I had left and grabbed my sword that was attached to my back by a belt.

The boy remained standing on the fence while I dug the sword into the ground and used it for support.

-It's a nice weapon. -He said.

-If you want her, come get it. -I growled.

-I don't want the gun, I don't want money and much less your body. -He said while laughing.

-Fuck you!

I put my hand on the wound and held it, I was finally able to get up. My body was extremely heavy and I felt weaker and weaker, I felt my blood dripping onto the floor. I felt my life being sucked away.

I raised the sword and pointed at it, but to no avail, again I staggered and used the sword to support myself on the ground, nailed it again and held it on the hilt with both hands, little by little, I felt uncontrollable sleep, I fell from I dropped to the ground and hugged my sword.

-What the hell! -I mumbled.

Then darkness.

Flashback of -Riven

-That would make a good book! -Yasuo said.

-That I didn't even tell all the stories about the gutter!

We laughed.

-Now continue! -Yasuo looked like a happy child.

-Is my past that interesting?

-Course is! I'm loving knowing your story.

-Okay then! -Laughs. -But I'll tell you the rest after lunch. -I put my hands together and rubbed them while licking my lips.

The woman was almost at our table when Yasuo looked back. She placed the food on the table and I threw myself on top to eat. And I swear, those were the best potatoes I've ever eaten in my life.

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