
Chapter 98: Doom vs Selene I

After I agreed to the duel and bet with Selene the smile on her face got even wider.

Meanwhile I couldn't help but put a smile on my own face.

Since I'm certain this will be the greatest challenge I've had in a long while.

Especially in regards to the magical aspect of it. For in that regard I'm not ashamed to admit Selene surpasses me. Given she's had centuries of time to fine and perfect her craft. While I've only been studying for a few years. Not even a blink of an eye to someone like her. Though that doesn't mean I can't to see how my magical abilities compare to her own.

Man this is getting me excited, or as Natsu from Fairy Tail would say; I'm all fired up!

"Oh my king Doom. To think that you would agreed to my proposal so easily. Not that I'm complaining of course. But you sure do know the quickest way to a woman's heart." Selene said.

"Why thank you." I replied. "But on that one there is one more thing we need to take care of in regards to the agreement we just made."

"And that is?" Selene asked.

"Both of us need to swear on our own magic we will honor the terms and outcomes. Whatever they may be." I said seriously.

Since I don't trust Selene as much as I can fuck her-No, wait I mean as much as I can throw her. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. I don't trust Selene as far as I can throw her.

That's why before we get too deep I need a way to make sure she doesn't try and fuck me over. Thus swearing on our magic is the solution I came up with. Because if we do this and either of us tries to break the deal, or any of the terms apart of it, we just discussed let's just say the results won't be pretty.

Best us if either of us breaks the deal it simply becomes null and void, worst case if either one of us breaks the deal we could lose our ability to use magic.


That's how serious swearing upon your personal magic is in cases like this.

But I'm willing to risk it. Since the stakes are just that high. Plus, what's life without a little risk?

Hearing me mention swearing on her magic Selene's facial expression didn't even change on little bit. Instead she simply licked her lips in a sensual manner. "Okay. I swear on my personal magic to honor this deal I just made with Victor Von Doom." She spoke.

When she did a blood red aura engulfed her entire body for a moment before disappearing. "Now then king, it's your turn." She said.

"I Victor Von Doom, swear upon my personal magic to honor the deal I just made with one Selene Gallio." I spoke.

Then after I did I felt a strange sensation in regards to my magic. An ominous one. But that only lasted for a second before it dissipated. Telling the oath I had just taken was in effect.


Since that means its in effect for Selene to.

"Alright with that done let us move onto the next step." I spoke. "Specifically in regards to the rules surrounding the duel itself. Like how are we going to determine the victor? Not to mention the weapons and tactics we will be allowed to use."

"In other duels I've had the rules I used were that either I or my opponent had to yield, we kept going until either of us killed the other three times, or until one of us ran out of energy and could no longer sustain a proper battle." Selene explained to me. "Let's apply all three of those rules to this duel. What do you say?"

"Sure." I replied. I then felt the same sensation from earlier affect my magic. "Now that the way to determine the victor of this duel has been set let's move onto rules and tactics."

"Obviously there will be no outside inference of any kind." Selene stated.

"Obviously." I replied. 

"But other than that I say anything else goes." Selene spoke.

"That I can agree to." I replied. The same sensation affecting my magic. "Alright we're almost done. Now we just need to pick a location."

"Why not right here?" Selene asked me.

"No." I immediately replied. "We will pick a location where there are no people around. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir, you are very much." Selene said in a sensual tone.

Telling me just how thirsty she is.

Yet strangely I am finding myself really into it.


Looks like after this duel is over I'm sticking my dick in crazy once again.

Oh well, it could be worse.

"Good." I said. I then used my magic to conjure forth a miniature globe of planet Earth in between Selene and I, having also made several red markers on it. "Now here is a map of Earth, marked with several locations I think would be perfect for our duel. Pick one." I told her.

"Right away." She said. Giving me a mock salute.

Selene then looked over each and every location I had marked on the conjured globe until she finally selected one.

This wilderness of the Yukon Territory of Canada.

When this happened I dispersed the globe. "The location has been set. Now, onto the date."

"How about tomorrow?" Selene asked me.

"That works for me." I replied. "Well, with that I think we've finished all our preparations."

"Not, quite." Selene said. "We still need arbitrator to oversee the duel." She said. "I mean I don't want anyone else there during our one or one time King Doom, but those are the rules. A way to make sure both of us are absolutely honoring the terms of the duel. Even if we've sworn on our magic." Selene explained to me.

Puffing her cheeks up like a kid who didn't get what they wanted after she finished.

Seriously, this woman is insane.

Which means sex with her likely falls into the same category. Man, I can't wait to find out.

But as always business first before pleasure.

"I see." I spoke. "Well then looks like we'll need to find an arbitrator." I said.

"I can handle that." A familiar voice said.

Then right after it did a portal opened up and the Ancient One/Yao walked through it.

"Holy shit!" Emma shouted. Her eyes wide in shock.

Sebastian's too.

The man having fallen on his ass about five minutes ago after realizing there was no way he was getting out of the forcefield bubble I created around him unless I allowed it.

"Master." I spoke to her.

"Oh, hello Yao." Selene spoke. Casually using the Ancient One's real name. "Good to see you again. What's it been? 150, no about 250 years ago. I think it was the American Revolutionary War."

"Yes, quite right." The Ancient One replied.

Trying to act casual.

But I could tell she was anything but. Her body looks ready to enter into a battle at any second. Not to mention she hasn't taken her eyes off Selene since she used her portal to enter the lobby.

Telling me I truly need to not let my guard down a single second around Selene. Given how even the Ancient One is one edge around her.

"Oh, no need to be so tense Yao. I'm not going to do anything. Not when I'm arranging to have quite the workout with your lovely student here." Selene said. Looking at me. "So relax."

Yet the Ancient One didn't in the slightest.

"So master, you will be the arbitrator for mine and Selene's duel?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"Thank you." I said. "Well with that it looks like everything is settled." I spoke.

"Quite right." Selene mused. She then stood up from her seat. "Well then my associates and I will not take our leave. See you tomorrow Doom." She said.

"You as well Selene." I replied.

I then dispersed the forcefield around Shaw.

But before he could say anything his eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out.

Me knowing it was courtesy of Selene who hit him with a powerful psionic blast.

After Shaw hit the ground Selene went over to him and then picked him up, throwing the man over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Then once she did her group took their leave.

"To think you would challenge Gallio of all people. I foresaw might happen several times but to think it would actually occur is beyond me." The Ancient One said to me.

"It's fine master. I know what that woman truly is, and what she's capable of. I won't underestimate her, and I will claim victory." I said.

"Let us hope you are right Victor." She replied.

"Yes." I said. "So, how long have you and Selene known each other?" I asked.

"Centuries." The Ancient One replied. "Now if you'll excuse me I must go and prepare for tomorrow. It has been quite a while since I've meditated a duel between such gifted sorcerers. I need to prepare." She said.

So with that the Ancient One opened up a portal and left.

Just as she did the traffic started resuming in the hotel lobby.

Susan coming in just after it did.

Multiple high-end shopping bags in her hands.

Walking over to me she gave me a quick kiss. "Hello dear, so anything interesting happen at the police station?" She asked.

"No, not at the police station." I replied. "Though something crazy just did occur." I revealed.

I then lead Susan back up to our suite where I began explaining to her I was going have a duel in the Canadian Wilderness tomorrow with a likely sociopathic, nympho, life force absorbing sorceress who obviously wanted to have her way with me. Which she might if I lost the bet I made with her.

Needless to say when I got done explaining Susan's mood had done a complete 180,

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