
Chapter 7: Job Offer

Upon hearing me agree to fund his expedition project into space Reed put a smile on his face.

He then came over and shook my hand. "Thank you Victor. Thank you so much." He spoke.

"Think nothing of it Reed." I replied. Ending our handshake as soon as I could. "After all, what are friends for?"

"Right you are." Reed replied.

He then began talking about mission specifics.

But when he did I raised up my right hand to silence him. "Let me stop you there Reed. For before we continue there are some things that need to be addressed." I spoke. "First, you must create a clear and concise plan for this little expedition of yours. Second, you will on a budget. Third, any results this experiment of yours produces will be shared and accredited to all major participants in this endeavor. And finally, Susan is to accompany you on the mission. If she is willing to that is."

"Oh I am. And I gladly will." Susan spoke up.

"Right. Well I have no objections to any of those proposals." Reed said.

"Good." I replied. "Well then I'll leave you two to start working on a plan for the expedition."

"You're not staying?" Susan asked me.

"No." I replied. "Of course I would, but I have another meeting scheduled for today that I simply cannot miss. Thus, goodday."

I then walked away from Susan and Reed and made my way out of the Baxter Building.

Mentally making sure everything was in order for my second meeting of the day.

Which is definitely the far more important of the two meetings in my opinion.

Since this one might net me my first human ally.

Meaning I need to make a good impression.

And Doom is certainly not one to make bad impressions.


(3rd Person: POV)

Finding herself standing outside the address she had been sent Lucia Von Bardas knocked on the door in front of her.

[Insert Image of Lucia Von Bardas Here]

Still wondering how she ended up where she is right at this moment.

Since her life was sure and steady.

Until two weeks ago when she got an e-mail requesting an in-person interview for a job in New York City.

Which made Lucia extremely anxious.

Since she had never applied for any sort of job in New York City.

She was perfectly happy and content at her current job. Which was a professor at her alma mater, the University of North Carolina.

So why was Lucia getting ready to enter an interview for a job she never even applied for you might ask.

Well it's because the sender of the mysterious e-mail she received mentioned her home country of Latveria and her past there.

This set Lucia even more on edge.

That's why she is where she is today.

To learn and understand what the fuck is going on.

A few moments after Lucia knocked the door opened and she found herself staring at a man.

Who was quite handsome in her opinion.

But Lucia wouldn't let that distract her from the important matters at hand.

"Hello there." The man said. "My name is Victor Von Doom. So glad you could make it here today Ms. Bardas." Victor spoke. "Please, come in."

Victor then stepped back and Lucia entered the apartment after him.

Then as soon as both of them were inside Victor closed the door.

He then turned to face Lucia.

Who immediately began pointing a GLOCK 17 at Victor's face when he did.

"Okay. Here's how this is going to go. You answer my questions and maybe I don't kill you. Understand?" Lucia spoke in a cold tone.

Yet Victor didn't even flinch from her words.

Nor the situation he has found himself in.

Instead he maintained a calm expression on his face while looking Lucia in the eyes.

"Hey, didn't you hear me?" Lucia asked after a few seconds had gone by.

But Victor still remained silent.

"Alright. Death it is then." Lucia said.

However before she could pull the trigger s figure rushed her from behind and easily restrained her. Removing the GLOCK 17 from her grasp.

The figure in question being one of Victor's fully operational Doombots.

"Fuck, let me go!" Lucia shouted. Struggling to break free from the grasp of the Doombot. But her efforts produced no results.

"You need to stop struggling, since it's pointless." Victor spoke.

Earning Lucia gaze on him.

Pending down he picked up the GLOCK and instantly dislodged the magazine clip, while also making sure to get rid of the bullet in the chamber by cocking it.

"You're never going to be able to break free of my Doombot's grasp. Also, don't brother calling for help. For the moment you entered this apartment signal jammers and white noise generation machines have been active." Victor explained.

"I see." Lucia replied. "Well in that case then just ahead and get it over with already. Put me out of my misery."

"Now why would I do that when I'm looking to hire you Ms. Bardas?" Victor asked her.

Making Lucia gained a confused expression on her face.

"You really want to hire me?" Lucia asked.

Victor nodded his head. "I do. Your record is quite impeccable. Lucia Von Bardas. Currently 28 years old. Born in Latveria, and came to the United States on a student visa at only 16. Graduated top of your class from the University of North Carolina with a Ph.D in political science in only three years. You had offers not only to work for the United Nations, but also the US state department. Yet you turned them all down to teach at your college. Admiral. But we both know that's not the full story." He said. "Your parents were political activists working to change Latveria from within. However the current regime didn't like that one bit, so your parents were killed. Shortly after your thirteenth birthday I might add. Once this happened you joined the underground Latverian resistance. Learning combat skills and weaponry management. Then you had the idea to come to the US, but only to further the cause of the Latverian resistance. Since you use your connections to send supplies such as weapons, food, and medicine to your comrades fighting in the homeland."

(A/N: Since the offical Marvel wiki doesn't have much in regards to Lucia's background I made one up for her for the purposes of this story)

Hearing Victor speak Lucia couldn't help but get a shocked expression on her face.

She also felt incredibly scared.

For the man before her was speaking of her entire life like it was nothing at all.

As Victor finished speaking Lucia then decided to speak once more.

"Who...who are you?" Lucia shakily asked.

"As I said earlier my name is Victor Von Doom. But my full name is Victor Werner Von Doom. Like you I am from Latveria, and like you and the resistance I want to see our country free from its tyrannical and incompetent regime." Victor explained. "And I would like you to work with me to see that happen Lucia. Amongst other things. But those can be discussed at a later date. After our homeland is safe and secure." He spoke.

"And you think you can do that?" Lucia questioned. Snorting afterwards. "You are but one man. What could you possibly accomplish that no other single man can?"

To Lucia's question Victor didn't respond. Instead he put a grin on his face.

He then waved his left hand and suddenly a giant swirling portal appeared right in front of Lucia's eyes.

Making them go wide in shock.

"What...No. This is impossible." Lucia spoke.

"Oh I'm afraid that is where you are wrong Mrs. Bardas. What you are seeing is very real and quite possible." Victor said.

He then stepped through the portal.

The Doombot holding Lucia stepping through right after.

This put Lucia in a large warehouse.

Where she was once again shocked as she saw rows and rows of robots like the one currently restraining her.

"You asked what I could accomplish that no other single man could. Well here is your answer Ms. Bardas." Victor spoke. "Gaze upon the work of Doom." He said.

This in turn caused Lucia to turn her head and look at Victor.

Who now looked totally different in her eyes.

From the way he stood, to the way he spoke.

Lucia found herself not only looking at a man. But a leader, no a ruler.

Yet she has to be sure.

"Victor, what do you plan to do after removing the current regime in Latveria?" Lucia asked.

Victor smirked at her in response. "Why, I would have thought that obvious Ms. Bardas. Doom shall lead." He spoke with authority.

Finally cementing Lucia's thoughts in regards to Victor.

"I see." Lucia replied. "In that case, is your job offer still on the table?" She asked.

"It's the reason I called you here in the first place. So yes." Victor replied.

"Good. Then I accept." Lucia spoke.

"Excellent." Victor said.

He then raised his left hand and the Doombot restraining Lucia let her go.

Once this happened she extended her left hand in Victor direction and he took it with own.

Shaking it.

"You have made a wise choice today, and I promise it will not be one you regret." Victor spoke.

Delighted he had just made his first human ally.

The first of many he hoped.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever

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