
Chapter 91

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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(40+ chapters in advance)


Chapter 91


"So has the World Government finally found its chance to kill me?" I asked, slowly a smirk crept on my face.

"You know, for a Marine, you are unnecessarily smart." Doflamingo mused. His pink robe fluttered about and he kept walking towards me. "Though maybe not that smart. Because if you had any trace of intellect, showing up in this war has sealed your fate. You won't be walking out of here alive."

Though I was confident in beating Doflamingo. The confidence he showed was unnatural, he wasn't dumb either, my fight with Big Mom wasn't a secret. So it's obvious there was some secret he is withholding from me.

The Pacifista surrounded me, obscuring anyone's view of what was happening here. There were around thirteen of them, while the rest continued fighting against pirates. 

"Bear D. Max will die off in the war, he fought bravely in a battle where he lost his life. Doesn't that sound good?" Doflamingo tried to get a rise out of me. His large smile adorned his face like always and was quite annoying to look at.

But getting a rise out of me had about a 0% chance of happening. 

Though to me, all of this sounded like he was being used too. The man had let his hatred of me blind him. Let's see how good he is. "You know that I fought against Big Mom right?"

He stopped his mocking postures and hazed at me with a heavy look. 

"Yet they still sent you to fight against me. So it seems like I am not the only one they needed to get rid of." I clarified, trying to get him to see the picture I was painting. Smart people in high positions were always paranoid.

He stopped for a split second, his large smile turned into a frown. Doflamingo didn't say anything, but I knew he was smart enough to see what was happening. 

"At the end of the day, we could always work together." I offered him. He hadn't said anything or expressed any emotion, but to me, he was like an open book. Doflamingo was a problem to the World Government and he knew that.

There was some kind of secret plan or weapon that gave him confidence in defeating me. So I won't let pride cloud my eyes because I have become strong. I still was far from unbeatable. "We could stage my death later on. But right now I need to be in the middle of the battlefield. How about it? Do you accept?"

At first, I thought he wasn't going to accept it as he frowned and his teeth grind against each other in anger. "Make it seem like you had a hard time escaping."

That was enough of a confirmation for me to blitz in front of a couple of Pacifista and backhand them. My attacks were simple, but each of my strikes burst the heads of Pacifista like they were watermelons. Robotic parts splattered on the ground, and some red liquid too.

With that, I jumped up and looked at Doflamingo one last time. While he let me go right now, we weren't allies, and he was probably thinking of what he should do. Should he take my side? Or the Government's side?

The answer was obvious. Even I knew what he would most likely choose. But Doflamingo was currently confused, and it will take him a couple of minutes to come up with a plan. After all, the World Government sent him to take down someone confirmed to have fought against Big Mom on almost equal grounds.

Also, the World Government wasn't dumb enough to reveal their secret plan or weapon to someone as dangerous as Doflamingo. Yeah, that painted a bad picture for dear Doffy.

If solving problems with words was easier than doing so with violence. Why take the risk?


I saw Smoker propelling himself around the battlefield by turning his lower body into smoke. He smashed and bashed people with his seastone encrusted weapon. Devil Fruit users were especially taken down by him and Hina used her Cage-Cage Fruit to entrap the people Smoker downed.

Mihawk still hadn't made a move, but Boa Hancocks was already killing both Marines and Pirates. Though there was something strange about her, she didn't seem to be working with Luffy.

Maybe they didn't even meet this time? After all, there was no involvement of Kuma in Sabaody to teleport them away. It was just Kizaru being held back by Rayleigh while the Strawhats ran away. That was the report I got.

Speaking of Kizaru, he was still battling against Marco. While the Admiral kept inflicting injuries on him, the Phoenix Man kept on regenerating.

Whitebeard was clashing against Akainu and Aokiji and losing. Already there were some burns on the old man's forearms, showing that he had difficulty against both of them. Also one slip up, and that mustached face would turn into a magma stump.

No, Whitebeard mustn't lose so fast. Aokiji needed to be taken out of the picture. But how? 

My eyes scanned the battlefield for any way to get involved in this fight. While at the same time being unseen. In the end, I only looked at Mihawk, and for a split second, our eyes met. He blinked once and jumped down, I entered my hybrid form, the fusion between bear and man. My nails grew into dark claws and my body buffed up, becoming bigger and more muscular. 

Mihawk wasn't surprised by such a transformation and only appeared in front of me. We were standing in the middle of the battlefield, behind me were Whitebeard and the two Admirals fighting. 

"I noticed your eyes, you want to challenge me?" He asked, and his tone sounded almost bored.

I smirked at him. "No, I don't care about challenging you. I just want to use you."

"Is that so?" He seemed amused by my words and swung his sword.


In an instant, a giant green slash came towards me. Its color was brilliant like that of a bright green gem. That was an attack sharper than I had ever seen before, it could cut this island in half if it wasn't stopped.

I could easily dodge, but instead, I imbued my fist with Armament Haki, turning it dark. Sidestepping Mihawk's attack, I punched the slash at the side.


This changed the attack's trajectory slightly and it went exactly where Aokiji appeared not even two seconds later. This surprised the Admiral, not expecting an attack out of nowhere.

It pushed the Admiral away and gave Whitebeard some alone time with Akainu. Now this way, things would be a little fairer and Whitebeard can kill some more marines and hopefully kill Akainu too. That guy was a pain to deal with. 

"You…" Mihawk on the other hand looked at me with a livid gaze. The anger in his form wasn't hidden.

"So? I did say that I was going to use you. Why are you so surprised now?" I questioned him with a knowing smirk. "What's your next move? The first attack could be seen as an accident, but if you attack me in front of all these marines… you will be hunted down like a dog. Your Shichibukai Title would also be lost."

Mihawk didn't say anything and just charged at me. He was surprisingly fast and appeared within arm's length in an instant.

{100 Blood Slash}

His sword moved like an afterimage despite its size. Even I couldn't keep up with it as hundreds of slashes with the potential to cut this island in half appeared. Our distance was close so I couldn't dodge all of them, even though I could see in the future where they would land.

I gathered my Haki all around my body, spreading it evenly all around as the attacks weren't concentrated in one part. But this wasn't enough as most of the slashes were able to get through and cut me.

The ground around me became a scarred place as if the earth itself was cut by God. Hundreds of Marines and Pirates were killed in this one attack. The slashes I had dodged went and killed quite a lot of people.

Mihawk didn't care as he still wasn't done and raised his sword in a decapitating motion. 

"Dumbass," I mocked him. "Did you really get your feelings hurt?"

"Yes," he answered simply, with a small confident smirk. "I do not like people weaker than me acting all mighty."

"Pfft!* I couldn't hold in my chuckle. "Xahahaha!" I kept on laughing even while jumping back.

Mihawk's eyes widened in shock. Because behind me, Akainu had been hit by all of the attacks I had dogged, and the Admiral was bloody furious now.

By using <Life Release> my fur became like strings and stitched all of my wounds together. None of the attacks had been able to get past my muscles, even though they were able to pierce the skin. So within a couple of minutes, they will heal back up.

I looked at Whitebeard and saw the old man looking back at me. Unlike Akainu, he had probably seen the attack and where they came from. 

Crunching down on a Rumble Ball, me and Akainu changed opponents, I entered my Awakening while the magma-using Admiral went to get a piece of Mihawk.

"I knew you pirates were all the same kind of scum!" Yelled out Akainu, generating a giant fist of lava and shooting it at Mihawk.

Even I who was quite the distance away from the Best Swordsman in the World had to jump back. The area of attack was just too large.

Now it was time to move to the big meal. Whitebeard was the perfect target and test, I will let the world see why they shouldn't mess with me.

<Awakening: Emperor Form>


A/N: Doflamingo had become a Shichibukai by holding the Heavenly Tribute (the wealth the countries pay to the World Government). He threatened them to become a Shichibukai, this isn't public knowledge in the One Piece (though it's canon). So these two entities, the World Government and Doflamingo, are allies, but don't trust each other at all and will eliminate the other if they get the chance.

P.S: In the Manga, Magellan protected Doffy by putting him in a cell so deep that even the WG assassins could reach him. They wanted to eliminate Doflamingo as soon as they got the chance. Max knows all this and took advantage of the lack of trust to create confusion.

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