
This Is Just The Beginning

Days went by, and my training was coming along very well. I've mastered the Gentle Fist Style and incorporated it into my Muay Thai style. Jiraiya's shadow clones were not ready for the brutality of my Taijutsu

I have also started taking my Fuinjutsu seriously. Surprisingly, Jiraiya was willing to help me improve my Fuinjutsu skills with his knowledge. Making my learning experience with Fuinjutsu easier to understand with the help of someone experienced

My Bojutsu also had improvements. Jiraiya managed to find a few scrolls at the Hokage mansion that Hiruzen used to practice his Bojutsu on when the old man was still in his youth. I quickly devoured those as my Bojutsu was taken to another level

I also took the time to continue training with Kurama. I'm getting really comfortable with his chakra and being able to control it with ease. And do not get me started on how much Kurama's tails I can use. It's quite insane

My Adamantine Chains are going well. Pretty much mastered this, and I can activate it passively and create as many as I want, while also being able to choose how strong each chain can be

My Sage Body training is going well. With the help of Jugo's bloodline, I can spread nature chakra into my entire body. Making my chakra reserves larger and making my chakra more potent than ever. It also feels so nice and relaxing. With the help of Kurama's chakra also flowing in my system, this process makes it even faster. I've recently managed to make this process work passively as well

This was a lot of progress in just about a week. I guess that's what Shadow Clones can do with your training, and yet my chakra seems to never deplete, ever. Though there's still my Ninjutsu and my Byakusharingan left to work on, as well as my sensory. I'll do those things next

Jiraiya: "My god kid. You've been only training for a week, yet the results look like it took a whole goddamn year, maybe even more!" Jiraiya said to me as I just smirked. I was currently in a meditative position, watching as my clones were training in my Taijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Bojutsu, Kurama's Chakra, and the Adamantine Chains

Naruto: "What can you say, I'm making the most out of these 3 years we have before I go back to Konoha."

Jiraiya: "And yet we still have a couple more weeks before we leave the Land of Waves! I didn't expect this at all, " Jiraiya said as he decided to go back to doing his own thing. Progress is just starting, and we haven't even been a month here in our journey.'I wonder how Hinata is doing' I thought.


Kurenai: "Very good, Hinata," Kurenai said as an exhausted Hinata sat on the ground. Sweat covered her body as she managed to complete another heavy course of training from her sensei. While also taking account on Tsunade's teachings later on, with Shizune involved, too

Kurenai: "That's enough for today, Hinata. You've done well with Genjutsu, "

Hinata: "T-thank you, Kurenai-sama. Though it sure drained my chakra, "

Kurenai: "If used right, Genjutsu could be second nature to you. That's why I put you through rigorous chakra control training. You've improved since the last time you tried this, and I am very pleased with the results, " Kurenai said, praising Hinata and his determination every day to keep training

Kurenai: "Oh, that's right, you have your training with Tsunade-sama later. Come on, I'll treat you with some cinnamon rolls. " Hinata's expression changed when she heard cinnamon rolls as she happily agreed to Kurenai's offer

[In The Bakery]

Hinata: "How are Kiba-kun and Shino-kun doing, Kurenai-sensei?" Hinata asked her teacher as she took a bite of her cinnamon roll

Kurenai: "They're doing quite well. Each of them is training more within their clan. I'm surprised you're not training with yours as well, Hinata-chan. "

Hinata: "I still do train in my clan's ways. But I decided to branch out some other things besides that"

Kurenai: "I see, so you've come to me for better chakra control and Genjutsu potential, I assume. Why did you seek Tsunade-sama?"

Hinata: "Well, I was planning on learning Medical Ninjutsu, but I didn't know that Tsunade-sama does physical routines as well. I was sore every time after her training"

Kurenai: "I see, and you have your Taijutsu and Byakugan with your clan. It seems you're going to be quite a versatile ninja Hinata with all of these you're working on. And I've also heard about your stuttering issue" Hinata blushed hearing Kurenai say that. Kurenai noticed this as she smiled

Kurenai: "Shizune informed me about this. Is it because of Naruto-kun?" Hinata blushed even more at the mention of her lover as she couldn't help but nod to her sensei's question. Kurenai finds this to be expected as her smile at Hinata didn't fade.'She's a good girl, that's for sure. And now learning that Hinata is now with Naruto, I can't help but be happy that they are both together. It feels appropriate in a way' Kurenai thought

Kurenai: "Heh, I can see what Shizune was talking about... " And Kurenai rambled with Hinata about her stuttering for a bit before they separated. It was going to be quite a journey that Hinata made for herself, but that would not stop her. She is determined to complete her plan, and hopefully, the outcome would be as she wanted it to be 'Naruto-kun...'.

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