
The bell test

[I'm referring to the MC as Naruto from now on]

After my date yesterday with my Hinata-chan, It is now time for the bell test

Kurama: "So...What are you gonna do today" Suddenly said Kyuubi while I was eating breakfast

Naruto: "Oh, Well were gonna have a survival test at 5:am," I said

Kurama: "But it's already 6:pm brat your late"

Naruto: "Well I am but no, Our sensei is always 3 hour's late so it'll be a waste of time to wait there for three hours instead I'll just prepare the best I can for the test," I said as the Kyuubi gave me a doubtful look but sarcastically believe it and I broke the connection between us

After it was 7:30 I started to go to the training ground, And after a while, I arrived with a hungry and angry Sakura and Sasuke

Sakura: "BAKA!, Your late where have you been!" Shouted Sakura at me as Sasuke eyed me as well and I just sweatdropped

Naruto: "Sorry but a black cat cross my path and I had to choose the long way and then I found a white cat and I fed it a little and then suddenly the black cat I saw earlier stole the food I gave to the poor white cat so I went back to the original path where I saw the black cat the first time and as I was nearing the training ground I got lost in the road of life and after that, I made it here," I said as Sakura and Sasuke were dumbfounded at my excuse for being late except for one person in the trees who I know was Kakashi

Kakashi:"Ara ara it seems Naruto is gonna be a great ninja in the future :D," Said Kakashi in the trees while watching the scene before him

After about 30 Minutes of Sakura and Sasuke bickering about sensei and me, Kakashi arrived exactly at 8

Sakura: "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Angrily shouted Sakura as Sasuke glared at him, Kakashi covered his ears and said

Kakashi: "Ma ma Sakura I just got lost in the road of life" as I smirked at him as Sakura just twitched in anger

Kakashi: "Alright let's start the test," Said Kakashi as he placed a timer on a stump and held two bells in his right arm, and said

Kakashi: "Here are two bells, Your goal is to get these bells by noon, By the end of this test if you don't get a bell you will be getting sent backed to the academy," Said Kakashi as Sakura and Sasuke stomachs growled whilst Naruto didn't 'So Sakura and Sasuke did fell for the bait but Naruto didn't, He is very perceptive' Thought Kakashi proudly at Naruto

Sakura: "But sensei there are only two balls," Said Sakura as Kakashi said

Kakashi: "Then one of you will be sent backed to the academy" As Sakura showed a worried expression and Sasuke from the look on his face was showing some seriousness

Kakashi: "You can use anything you want from kunai to shurikens or anything as long as you come at me with an intent to kill"

Sakura: "B-but sensei we might hurt you," Sakura said as I said

Naruto: "Sensei is an experienced full-fledged Jonin Sakura," I said as she thought about it and nodded at me as Kakashi suddenly said

Kakashi: "Alright let's start in 3, 2, 1 Go!" As soon as Kakashi said that both Sakura and Sasuke hid in the forest

Kakashi: "Well that's a start," Said Kakashi as they knew to at least hide but except for Naruto

Kakashi: "To compare you to the other two your a little bit...different"

Naruto: "Yes probably, But one question sensei is this test all about teamwork?" I said as Kakashi went wide-eyed 'How did he know already? He's perceptive I give him that but I didn't think he'd be this perceptive'

Naruto: "So it is then," I said as Kakashi snapped out of his thoughts

Kakashi: "You managed to see what this test is all about," Kakashi said as I immediately disappeared and immediately appeared in front of Kakashi who was shocked at my raw speed as I threw a kick at his chest but Kakashi just barely managed to dodge the kick with help of his Sharingan 'What? Not only perceptive but very fast, I guess I'm not going to enjoy reading my Icha Icha for now' as he put his book in his Ninja pouch as he got ready for a Taijutsu match with Naruto

After Kakashi dodged Naruto's attack Naruto immediately wasted no time and move in front of Kakashi again, He tried to punch Kakashi in the head but he blocked it and tried to grab Naruto but he sidesteps it and tried to kick him, Quickly reacting Kakashi jumped in the air and tried to kick Naruto out of the way so that he can have some space between them but that ultimately fail as Naruto kicked away Kakashi's kick and Naruto Managed to land a punch at Kakashi in the chest but it turned out to be a wooden log that he punched 'Substitution Jutsu, So it's jutsu time' thought Naruto as he sensed Kakashi and went to his direction.

After Kakashi used Substitution Jutsu he thought 'He's fast, He made me use my Sharingan, His Taijutsu is good as well, I don't know how he got so fast but I got to be careful of him' thought Kakashi as his instincts were going haywire as he jumped out of the tree that he was in and was back in the training ground as Naruto just barely missed Kakashi with his kick as he went back to the training ground with Kakashi

Naruto: "Your very fast Kakashi-sensei," Naruto said as he readied his stance

Kakashi: "Your not that bad as well, Now that we finished Taijutsu how about ninjutsu, Fire Release: Fireball!" Shouted Kakashi as he made a huge Fireball heading towards Naruto

Naruto: "Wind Release: Wind Release Stream," Naruto said as he breathes out a massive stream of wind that collided with the Fireball

While all of that was happening Sasuke and Sakura who was watching the fight on the sideline between Naruto and Kakashi they were stupified

Sasuke: "How is that dobe so strong that he can go toe to toe with a Jonin!, I need power like him, I will not be weaker than him!" Sasuke muttered angrily

Sakura: "Is Naruto this strong? I guess he is pretty

strong but Sasuke-Kun is stronger" Said Sakura

as he still has doubts about Naruto.

Back on Naruto and Kakashi, When Naruto's jutsu collided with Kakashi's Naruto made 3 Shadow Clones and they moved into the forest to put some explosive tags on the forest so that if Kakashi escapes with Substitution Jutsu he'll be fucked, And as the two jutsu subdued he notices that Kakashi was gone 'Heh, Your underground aren't you hahaha so glad I watch the show' i thought as I jumped in the air and made a Shadow clone as it turned into a kunai as Kakashi finally showed himself, Seeing Kakashi not underground anymore I quickly throw the Shadow clone Kunai at him as he catches it.

Kakashi: "I guess this is it Naruto," Said Kakashi as he was ready to finish this fight but suddenly the kunai that he was holding turned into a Shadow clone of Naruto and managed to get the two bells from Kakashi as the Shadow clone quickly replace it with the two pebbles he got when the Original Naruto was making his way toward's the training ground, When the Kunai transformed into a clone, Naruto immediately made his move to distract Kakashi from getting the clone.

Naruto: "Fire Release: Crimson Earth Spider," I said as he spews fire around Kakashi as the Shadow Clone made his way to me and gave the bells, At the same time the fire that surrounded Kakashi became spiders

Kakashi: "You have 2 affinities?" Kakashi said not noticing that the shadow clone got the bells from him

Naruto: "Yes my primary is wind, And my secondary is fire," I lied about having fire affinity as I throw a kunai with an explosive tag on it, But right on time Kakashi used Substitution Jutsu to escape

Kakashi: "That was a close one," Kakashi said as he was observing his situation as something in his mind tells him to get out of the forest

Naruto: "Art is an Explosion, KAI!" I said as suddenly a huge explosion was heard in the forest next to Kakashi 'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!' thought Kakashi as he was caught by the explosion as he rolled in the middle of the training with some burns in his clothes

Naruto: "Did I do good Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto said as suddenly Kakashi turned into a poof of smoke as it was a Shadow clone as he felt a kunai in his neck

Kakashi: "You caught me Naruto, Very impressive but not enough," Kakashi said as Naruto started laughing

Kakashi: "What's so funny?" Said Kakashi as Naruto also turned into a Shadow Clone and he felt a cold metal in his neck

Kakashi was shocked as he got outplayed by a genin, A freshly graduated genin

Kakashi: "W-when?" Kakashi said as Naruto explained how he did it

Naruto: "When the kunai you caught turned to a Clone, After I cast my Jutsu I waited for you to be distracted, After you were distracted I switched positions with my clone and hid in the forest and after you substituted I activated the explosive tags and the rest is in the history books," I said as he was dumbfounded

Naruto: "Well there is still those two you'd better check on," I said as I removed the kunai from his neck and sat down next to the stump wherein the original Naruto was tied onto

Kakashi: "I guess I should check upon them," Kakashi said as he went to check up on Sakura and Sasuke.

[Well I am not that good at writing fights I hope this was at least ok bye bye].

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