
Druidic Magic part 2

Ignoring the thought of my father's boasting in the mead hall which I'm not allowed in by the way. I'm only allowed into the hall for special events. Due to my intelligence, my parents saw fit to bar me from all alcoholic events until I'm five. What a bore. I may be tiny but I want to drink too.

[It's also because you tried sneaking some mead away from the mead hall when no one was looking only to be caught by Hilda]

But it was so good. If I remember correctly, mead is made with honey and grain, but somehow the alchemical procedures in this world have brought brewing to a new frontier.

[You are your father's kid]

I will not be compared to that child torturer.

Anyway now that we're on the subject of alchemy, let's discuss how it works.

You grab a material like a plant. Use nature's language to connect to it. Then use an alchemical spell like separate to remove out a substance from said plant leaving only the material with what property you want. Do the same thing with other materials. Then combine them together and presto, you've created something.

[Thats a gross over simplification]

Well because it is very simple. Alchemical spells are basically your tools in a lab. Separate, combine, heat, freeze, and Disinfect are all lab processes and these are only the simpler spells. The most powerful alchemist are said to be able to change lead into gold which I believe should be possible if you take nature's wrath and alchemical processes to the extreme.

What I'm more interested in right now are the materials. This world has a lot of compound materials not typically found in my original world. I've done some personal studies using the Diagnostic tool on some mana rich material. I've come to the conclusions that this worlds periodic table should be the same but that there are compounds and or isotopes of elements that exist in this world due to mana interacting with normal matter. Until I know exactly what kind of wave-particle mana is I won't be able to determine exactly what's causing these magic compounds.

For now I've taken to making a list of their effects and trying to separate out the specific magic material. Some effects I've seen so far on plants have been

-Resistant to magic fire

-Can conduct electricity

-Gives off a freezing aura

As you can see they are not normal physiological adaptations you'd see in any plants. This personal study of mine has resulted in two tangible results on accident. I made a resist fire potion and a freezing potion by combining plants with similar attributes.

My mother has also taught me the basics of alchemy and given me examples on how to make medical gauze, poultices, and a minor medical potion.

The medical potion is a miracle by the way. It's also one of the harder things to make. It's basically synthetic life force. Conveniently, you can make it from anything. You gather a plant or a piece of plant and synthesize the life force from it into a type of rejuvenating liquid. You do so by using nature's language, or making a connection using mana, to your victim and transfer their life force into a bottle of water to make liquid life. Then use an alchemical spell developed for this process called convert to make it human compatible. I use victim because it would kill whatever you used it on. Not to worry because using it on people has been strictly outlawed and everyone listens to the law.

Now Goddess I know you've likely already expected it, but I'm gonna do what I did in the last entry except with life force.

[I expected it]

Okay good so I'll be please to tell you my research has returned little to no results.

[Oh really, you don't say. It's not like I can't go back and read those logs.]

You see Goddess that's the point, I have finally cracked it. I can temporarily force the log to stop logging. I have conquered you!

[..... conquered me?]

Ehem... sorry bad English, anyway. Yes I have not reached any conclusion on life force. The diagnostic tool can't separate it out. It is also a completely different substance than mana. I can confirm this because I don't see life force turning into different elements right now.

The only thing I know is that every creature connected to the neuro network has life force. Which is also the reason why the life school is very useful without the use of elements.

I currently cannot use any of its spells besides alchemy, life sense, and mend due to my lack of soul growth until I'm five rule. I am however familiarizing myself with my own life force.

I have not attempted to alter it since I'm sure it'll likely be suicide but I've started to recognize differences between my life force and others.

Mine is like an interconnected web of layers. My bones life force is different from my skins for instance. It's very organized if I must say.

A plants life force is basically a bunch of bricks stacked on top of each other. While animals are a little bit more complicated than humans. They have.. wait.


If plants are shaped like bricks.


And humans and animals are similar but have different shapes based on their structures

[Come on you got it]

That means the shape of life force are in the shape of cells.

[FINALLY, you got it!]

Was it really that obvious.

[No it actually wasn't. To be honest, earth is a magical place for it to have studied cellular biology. You also have a lot on your plate so even though you were a pharmacist, this one likely went right over your head]

Well it looks like I can be a pharmacist in this world. If the life school can teach me how to manipulate cells, the sky is the limit. I can likely cure cancer faster in this world.

[Actually cancer is pretty treatable on this planet if you find a strong enough healer]

Well that's good to know. But that makes sense why the Life School is so powerful. I can attack someone on a cellular level. Changing and adding new organs on a whim to accomplish a task or outright breaking someone's neuronetwork in their body. That's pretty gruesome.

[I don't think anyone can come up with that application or as many applications as you can. I might have to handicap you soon before you break something important]

Okay okay scouts honor I won't break the world.

[You aren't a scout though]

Ignoring her I finally look at the book in front of me. Currently I'm sitting in my study in a high chair Alfred has lovingly dropped me in.

"Let's talk about the School of Nature's Servants next" I said aloud while smirking.

The book I'm currently looking it is the Bestiary of the Lost Wood.

"Nature's Servants more like my servants ha ha!" I said while clenching my fist.

The School of Nature's Servants is arguably the most simple yet hardest school to master because of its reliance on others.

There are only three spells. Only one of which I can use currently. There's so few spells because the school relies more on the art of communication than anything else.

The first spell is contract. Depending on the strength of a Druid, he can have one or more contracted beasts. This relationship is one way and if the servant dies the master will live on while if the master dies the servant will die with him. It's said you can have one contract beast per rank until rank 5. Which means I currently have space for one contract. And going by the rate of my growth, two in a few short years.

That's why I'm staring at the bestiary. I'm currently trying to see which beast should I get.

The other two I can't perform yet, but are extremely overpowered. The second spell which I can perform at rank 3 is called Bind. I would bind my life force to another beast. If it dies I die, and if I die it dies. That seems like a shitty spell if you don't take into account the fact that you both share abilities. Let's say I bind with a dragon. I would gain super strength, constitution and other stats, a breath weapon, and some sort of defensive magic. Now that doesn't sound that bad. That would likely be the most powerful spell in my opinion if not for the last spell Nature's Grace.

It's a spell that allows for simultaneous communication to all life in a certain radius. Using this spell, I can put a temporary contract in place to order all life to attack my target. Imagine an entire forest trying to kill you. As over powered as this is, it requires one to be rank 5 and further more, have an intense adoration from nature. Good communication skills would be useful as well.

"So whose going to be my first slave", I said grinning from ear. This made the tree in the corner shiver.

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